Hunting High School

Chapter 42 Early Start Lessons

This time, the husband did not stand, but sat on an ochre-colored wooden bench, holding a book with a black cover in his hand, and was flipping through it patiently.

Because of the distance, Zheng Qing couldn't read the contents of the black book clearly.

But that bench, he could see clearly.

It was the kind of bench whose seat surface and back were made of wide wooden strips, with black metal armrests on both sides, and the patent leather on the armrests was mottled, giving it a worn-out appearance.

Under the bench, it was not a white mist, but a small piece of red mosaic floor tiles. A dozen weeds poked their heads out from the cracks of the bricks, steadfastly welcoming their own sunshine and rain.

A second ago, Zheng Qing was standing dozens of steps away, tentatively asking about the identity of the wizard on the bench.

The next moment, his eyes blurred, the person was already sitting on the bench, holding a wooden box in his hands—as if he had been sitting here with these things in his hands since the very beginning.


Zheng Qing was speechless repeating the words he had chanted a second ago. There were countless things in his heart that he wanted to vomit, but he didn't know which one to start at the moment—whether it was from the sudden attack of Mr. This unchanging meeting environment, or this wooden box in hand, or the recent too frequent meetings.

The frequency with which the husband has seen him recently is even more than before coming to First University. In high school, my husband was not in the store most of the time, and Zheng Qing practiced talismans and took care of the bookstore all by herself. After entering the university for more than half a year, my husband only appeared once, and I didn't even see him when I went home during the winter vacation.

Instead, he came back from the winter vacation, and the husband dragged him to meet every three days.

Having said that, it would be wrong to say that Zheng Qing is tired of meeting Mr. On the contrary, Zheng Qing is very happy to chat with Mr. After all, Mr. is a very powerful wizard, chatting with him, this young wizard has a sense of solemnity to participate in some important events.

And no matter how familiar you are with First University, this is not the world where Zheng Qing has lived for nearly two decades.

Zheng Qing always has a slight barrier to this world.

The appearance of Mr. has relieved his mentality very well. After all, since he was eight years old, Mr. has been living in his world. Compared with the first university, Mr.'s existence is more real.

There is a saying that goes, 'One day is like three autumns'.

It was only a week since Zheng Qing met her husband last time, but he felt like he hadn't seen each other for a long time, and he felt like he had something to say to his husband.

So, before the husband opened his mouth, the boy started rambling on.

All kinds of things in the past week, such as Poseidon moulting, the blue markings on his body are getting lighter; the cat is really a kind of liquid; the hedgehog cat and the snake are real creatures.

And then to the hard work of senior sister Colma, the vicious sacrifice of magic by the wizards in the North District; the old murloc Professor Garcia invited him to participate in the "Quan Ke Lai" fair; Xin Fatty, the blue titan, actually avenged his personal revenge in the practical class.

It was so big that the First University Professors' Joint Conference had a new rotating chairman, another round of conflict broke out between Jiuyou University and Alpha, there were rumors that Lei Zhe and Augustus would be dismissed from get out of class, and so on.

Of course, the most important thing is the big black sheep that Lin Guo lost—Xiao Xiao tried all kinds of methods but failed to find the whereabouts of the black sheep. They have already planned to publish the sheep-hunting revelation in the school newspaper and bulletin board, and at the same time offer a reward of a jade coin in the wandering bar.

The husband listened to him patiently, without interrupting from beginning to end.

It was just that when Zheng Qing mentioned the missing black goat, his brows were slightly frowned.

After talking for almost half an hour, Zheng Qing finally took a breath, feeling that a stone in his heart had been removed, and he felt a little relieved.

"...Where do you think the black goat is hiding? Is it still alive?" He sneaked a look at the expression of the gentleman, and asked tentatively: "Or, where do you think we should start looking?"

The gentleman closed the book with a black cover in his hand, tapped the cover with his fingertips, and pondered for a moment.

"This matter, you can figure it out." He finally shook his head: "After all, it's just a trivial matter, and it won't take too much effort..."

A speck of dust on a great wizard is like a mountain if it falls on an ordinary wizard—not to mention you who are far beyond legendary wizards and even ancient wizards!

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

The little things in your mouth may mean a lot to us!

The boy complained a few words in his heart, but in the end he didn't continue to bother the husband with this matter.

"Then what do you want from me today?" Zheng Qing complained half-complainingly: "If you have something to do, you can just fly a paper crane... My heart can't stand the sudden attacks like this. You know, my heart Newly installed, still in the running-in period."

This poor talker did not succeed.

Because there is no smile on the gentleman's face, he is as serious as ever.

"I have something to do on Sunday, and the agreed make-up class has been brought forward to today." The gentleman put away the black-covered book, raised his arm, and put his hand on the shoulder of the young wizard: "...Anyway, you are sleeping now, and there is nothing wrong."

This makes sense, but Zheng Qing doesn't know how to answer.

"In the wizarding world, is everyone used to doing things in dreams?" Zheng Qing thought of the wizarding college entrance examination he had taken.

"Convenience." The gentleman's answer was concise and to the point.

Before the words fell, Zheng Qing felt a sense of dizziness rushing towards him. The strong sense of weightlessness mixed with the powerlessness of groping in the dark filled Zheng Qing's senses, making him a little suffocated.

This feeling came quickly, but dissipated quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the suffocation dissipated, and Zheng Qing regained control of her body.

He opened his eyes, surrounded by an empty world, and above his head was a brilliant starry sky. Mr. was standing not far in front of him. The two of them seemed to stand in emptiness.

But this is not the focus of boys' attention.

After recovering from the dizziness, Zheng Qing's first words had nothing to do with the bad journey just now.

"Are't write your...memoir...?" The boy panted, concentrated, trying to get rid of the crazy dizziness in his brain, and at the same time continued the record of the previous chat, and asked: "I remember, you said, Friday is scheduled to write memoirs."

Mr. Wu sighed: "Time is never enough, memoirs, I will write slowly in the future... Today's course is case analysis. First, I will take you to understand two independent cases."

As he spoke, he stood with his hands down, just lowered his head slightly, and glanced at his feet.

Zheng Qing followed her husband's gaze and looked down, gradually opening her eyes wide.

Although the world under his feet is a little strange, the boy can judge the identity of this world based on certain familiar signs.

This is Phuket Island, First University, outside Alpha Fort, Beta Town.

To be precise, Zheng Qing is now in the sky above Beta Town!

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