Hunting High School

Chapter 51 Xiao Xiao's Goat Milk Report

"Not surprisingly, Sir Friedman will live by watching his old opponent for the next year."

"That's horrible."

"It's no wonder Heavenly Horse's complexion hasn't looked good these days."

"They're all surnamed Karen. Jazz is unlucky, and neither is Matthew."

"I remember that Soprano is still a lower first-level than Sir Friedman... Jazz is in the third year this year, and Soprano is still in the second year."

"It can be seen that age and ability are not directly proportional."

"Maybe Jazz will choose to graduate early... he should also be a registered wizard?"

"Is there any of those bigwigs who is not a registered wizard? And with the example of senior sister Kerma... I wouldn't be surprised if any of them suddenly became a great wizard."

The air in the original dormitory was filled with pity and gloating. Everyone was talking about the possible situations between the two student leaders of the Alpha Academy, as if they were discussing an interesting drama that had just been baked.

But Zheng Qing's last words made the atmosphere in the dormitory suddenly cool down.

In Jiuyou College where grades determine everything, it is beneficial to talk about "poetry and distant hills" appropriately, which can cheer everyone up and sprint towards the small goal of own.

It's just that after changing the "small hills in the distance" into "Himalayas", this kind of chatting is very painful. Especially when the hearts of the audience are relatively high.

It was a kind of "looking at the mountain and running to a dead horse", a heartache that was out of reach.

This slightly depressed atmosphere lasted for a few seconds, and finally someone returned to the original topic:

"Speaking of which... the school's punishment of the two big bosses is really scary."

Dylan's head drooped on the edge of the black coffin, still looking a bit depressed, with two small fangs exposed, leaving two deep marks on his lower lip: "If this conclusion is put in Starry Sky Academy, everyone There will definitely be a 'strike' in protest."

Strike, as the name suggests, is to stop fighting. The word Dylan used finally got everyone laughing again. But no one laughed too much. After all, student Dylan's expression is very serious now.

No wonder he was brooding over the result of this punishment.

Because the students of the Starry Sky Academy would stage such a similar 'Full Martial Arts' every now and then, and I have never seen any head of the student union get their brains blown off.

According to Mr. Vampire Werewolf's simple and innocent point of view, when the school deals with similar accidents, theoretically, it should be a bowl of water.

"It's really scary." Thinking of the two seniors who had their titles stripped off, and the whole street he almost destroyed, Zheng Qing couldn't help but shudder, and muttered with lingering fear: "I don't have 'Lei Zhe' Or the title of 'Augustus' to the school..."

"What did you say?" Dr. Xiao squinted at the public fee student.

He didn't know that Zheng Qing had destroyed an entire street in the northern part of Beta Town—it was impossible for Zheng Qing to brag about such a thing in front of his companions. Not only because the cause and effect of the matter are very sensitive, but also because he and Jiang Yu were shopping in the North District at night, and it makes people feel tricky to say such things.

Someone hates trouble the most.

Hearing the doctor's question, Zheng Qing laughed dryly: "I mean... If any of us accidentally destroys half of the street, there is no title of Lei Zhe or Augustus to protect ourselves."

Dylan nodded vigorously, and his hard jaw knocked on the coffin board.

It's like having a woodpecker in the dorm.

"Extremely, extremely!" He strongly supported the captain's point of view: "This kind of punishment is far beyond the range that ordinary students can bear... Is the school planning to cause riots in the Star Academy? That messy thing about the Human Tribe hasn't been settled yet!"

"Don't confuse the 'battles' of the blue robes with the 'fights' of other colleges." Xin, who had been trying to dominate the topic, finally found a suitable entry point: "You have a contract from the Star Academy to protect your actions, and other colleges can There is no such good thing... Brother Qing, don't you have several titles?"

"Me?" Zheng Qing was still pasting refreshing charms on the walls of the elves' paper houses. Hearing this, he bent his thumb and pointed at the tip of his nose: "Are you talking about me?"

Because the movement was a little too big, the paste left on his fingertips was accidentally wiped on the tip of his nose by him.

Another bad thing.

"Of course." Fatty leaned back, revealing a round and tight belly - Fatty Cat Tuantuan saw the opportunity and jumped up, landed on Fatty's belly, with waves of flesh, Fatty let out a moan sigh:

"Hmm...Jiuyou Academy's public student, winner of the Merlin Medal, 'world' of the magic wand... These titles are all honors. If you destroy half of the street, the school will definitely take you back according to certain regulations. These honors... just like Lei Zhe and Augustus this time."

Lei Zhe and Augustus were stripped of their titles, and the school also deprived them of their 2008-2009 school year public-funded student status. This is a loss of real money, which means that they need to pay a whole year of tuition fees, school facility usage fees and many other expenses.

Zheng Qing stared at the paste on the tip of his nose, and sighed heavily.

"Did the school return your rune gun?" Xiao Xiao asked Zheng Qing abruptly.

The young fee student looked at the doctor with a hellish look - he was so shocked that he forgot to wipe off the paste on the tip of his nose - he had never talked about it in the dormitory, and the day before yesterday Mr. Wan just stuffed the bronze box into his head, and the doctor will know today?

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Is there a problem?" Xiao Xiao touched Own's face, adjusted his glasses, and narrowed his eyes: "Or, the school has returned?"

"Why did you ask this question suddenly." Zheng Qing licked his dry lips and asked in a low voice.

"That means you're back, right." Xiao Xiao nodded with a clear smile, and raised the notebook in his hand: "Just a casual question... this semester is coming to an end soon, and the hunting committee has asked each hunting team to The team submits the training plan for next year. The forgiveness points are enough to be promoted to the official hunting team, and you can apply for consumable subsidies. If the school returns your shotgun, then I will add some bullets to my application form. "

Zheng Qing silently breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his eyelids, and said vaguely: "It's not exactly returning...but it's really returning. This situation is a bit complicated..."

Then he finally noticed a small, drying white stain on the tip of his nose.

He rubbed the back of his hand, and finally gave up explaining the current situation of the two talisman guns, and instead became curious about what Xiao Xiao was doing: "Does the hunting team need to submit the annual training plan now? It's too early... "

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately regretted it.

Sure enough, after the corner of Dr. Xiao Da's mouth twitched, he gritted his teeth and shouted at him: "So... what use is it for us to have you as the captain of the hunting team?! In other hunting teams, the captain is responsible for such matters !"

Zheng Qing quietly tilted his head back, avoided the doctor's questioning eyes, and whistled at the elf's paper house:

"Those who can do more work... Isn't our hunting team a two-headed system... Zhang Da Elder is also considered one of the captains of the hunting team... Plus there are so many things going on recently..."

He was ambiguous, making random excuses, and at the end, he backed it up:

"If your divination skills are higher and you find out the whereabouts of Linguo's black sheep, I will definitely be able to spare enough time to help you complete those reports... Dealing with the wizards of the North District every day will waste a lot of my time."

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