Hunting High School

Chapter Fifty-Three Regular Meeting Of The Twelfth Week

The duration of the twelfth week's regular meeting is short.

Professor Yao heard that he had some urgent business to do, so he just sent a projector to the classroom. After a brief summary and arrangement, the projection disappeared, leaving the classroom full of students staring.

Liu Feifei was the first to recover.

After Professor Yao's projection dissipated, within a few seconds, she jumped up from her seat and ran out of the classroom with books and review materials in her arms. There was a burst of good-natured laughter from behind her. Everyone knew that she went to Nicholas to review her lessons.

Nicholas has not been in the classroom of Astronomy Class 08-1 for a week since the accident by Linzhong Lake. All his homework is tutored by Liu Feifei, and all homework is also handed in through Liu Feifei.

Downton stood up right after Liu Feifei.

He yelled loudly, asking students who hadn't handed in their homework to hand in their homework quickly, and at the same time repeated a sentence that all professors have been talking about recently, "There are still four weeks until the final exam. This exam determines whether everyone can do it." You can't be promoted to the second grade, so you must hurry up and do the real exams a few more times!... Has anyone applied to go to the library or study room together to occupy a seat?"

Immediately, several students raised their hands, responding to the squad leader's call.

As the end of the term approaches, the space in both the library and the self-study room is very tight, so many students start forming groups to help occupy seats. Often, a person holding seven or eight books can occupy a whole large desk. Although the appearance of eating is a bit ugly, but at a critical moment, no one cares about that much.

Besides Downton, there are a few more active guys in the class.

For example Xiao Xiao who is still looking for autographs, Li Meng who dances with the elves, and Zhang Jixin.

Zhang Jixin was clutching a stack of thick leaflets, handing them out all over the classroom, and slipping one in every person, with a big smile, like those preachers in Atlas College who preached the 'Glory of the Lord'. It's just that his leaflet didn't mention any name of god or holy spirit, but Zhang Shuzhi's achievements.

Zheng Qing also has such a card in his hand.

On the dark red cardboard, half of the space is the honest image of Zhang Shuzhi waving and grinning, and the other half is filled with the achievements of this student who is trying to challenge the title of "Lei Zhe" - such as receiving public funding for three consecutive years Student status, vice-captain of the No. 1 school hunting team, vice president of Sacred will, best hunter of No. 1 school hunting competition in 2007-2008, average grade point of 47 or more for three consecutive years, "Magic Wand" Minor Arcana Scepter Sequence one, and so on.

The amount of achievements is astounding.

If it wasn't for Zhang Shuzhi's red face similar to Zhang Jixin's, Zheng Qing would never believe that Zhang Jixin had a big brother with such outstanding achievements—he doubted that the spirituality of Zhang Jixin's ancestor Yu Yin was too much occupied by Zhang Jixin's big brothers. So much so that Zhang Da Elder only had muscles left in his mind.

"I think Elder will let you be an officer in his big brother's support club... or a consultant, or something like that. After all, you are a celebrity even your size." Xin Fatty hugged the notebook, his chubby face was full of sobs : "I'm different... You know, Elder just asked me to write a soft article praising him as a big brother, for which he is willing to buy me breakfast for a week."

"It's a good deal." Zheng Qing commented perfunctorily, but his eyes fell on the seat where Elena usually sat.

The table was empty and seemed to have been covered with dust.

In the past week, Zheng Qing made several requests to her husband, hoping to visit the gypsy witch, but was rejected by her husband. He also tried to pry open the window of the Sanyou bookstore next to d&k, and slipped in to find his way home. But apart from eating a mouth full of dust, only a few cat hairs were found.

The yellow raccoon also disappeared.

According to the "ear brothers" who work in the d&k store, that cat has been looking for traces of its ancestors recently.

"That cat has bad intentions!" Ding Dong's sharp voice still echoed in the wizard's ears.

When he recovered, Xin Fatty was still rambling about what happened just now:

"...Writing soft articles is against my professional ethics!"

Fatty tried to force a serious look on his face. It's just because his sense of justice is usually not strong enough, forcing him to squeeze now can only make that fat face more ridiculous.

"Moral? Hey, this is really a new word." Zheng Qing glanced at Fatty mockingly: "Didn't the school newspaper publish soft articles by Zhao Qiao and Hoffman in the past two days? The monk wrote it, but you can't." ?”

Fatty raised his eyebrows, and just about to say something, Zhang Jixin's voice came next to him when he was handing out a leaflet: "Please support Zhang Shuzhi to become the new 'Lei Zhe', he will never back down when dealing with Alpha! Absolutely We will maintain the pride of Jiuyou Academy!"

The two 'absolutes' made Fatty, who wanted to justify something, shut up.

"Hey, Brother Qing, you haven't left yet? That's great!" Zhang Jixin walked to Zheng Qing's desk with a stack of brochures in his arms, and heaved a sigh of relief: "...I wanted to chat with you before the regular meeting Chat, but I haven't found a chance. Well, do you have time in the evening? I remember you are free on Sunday night... My brother wants to meet you for tea, it's on the pedestrian street, very close..."

Fatty stood behind Zhang Jixin, with a look of gloating on his face.

Zheng Qing showed an embarrassed smile.

"I have other things to do at night... I have already made an appointment." He replied very confidently.

"Already made an appointment?" Zhang Jixin glanced at him suspiciously: "Don't fool me...don't you usually go to the library to do your homework on Sundays?"

"He is going to accompany me to the North District of Beta Town today, to visit Senior Sister Kerma and talk about Nicholas." A flat voice suddenly came from behind Zhang Jixin.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Even Sim Fatty was taken aback.

Squad leader Jiang was holding a few books and standing behind several boys. When she saw the wizards turning their heads, she blinked and showed a playful smile: "First come, first served... We have to follow the rules."

Li Meng stood beside Jiang Yu, glaring at Zheng Qing viciously, a few elves in gray uniforms lay on her shoulders. Zheng Qing felt that his earlobe was a little hot.

He cleared his throat softly.

"Rules... rules?" After hearing Jiang Yu's words, Zhang Jixin was obviously a little caught off guard, and he was stunned for a few seconds before he realized: "Didn't you guys talk to senior sister Korma about this before?"

Zheng Qing's visit to the Kini hut last weekend was already reported at the Excuse Hunting Team meeting. Because of the possible risks of black wizards, he needs to make his companions in the hunting team more vigilant.

"Well, last week we talked about sending Nicholas there, this week we talked about bringing Nicholas back." The witch curled her lips, looking a little impatient: "Or, are you willing to take charge of this matter?"

"No, no, no," Zhang Jixin waved his hands again and again, lest Squad Leader Jiang would throw the pot on his head: "I'm just curious... I was just curious just now."

"Then Zheng Qing..."

"He is yours," Zhang Da Elder grabbed Zheng Qing's shoulders, as if pinching the neck of a chick, and pushed him in front of the witch: "There is no doubt...he is yours!"

During the whole process, the young public finance student had no power to fight back, and had no place to comment.

He could only keep that awkward but polite smile on his face all the time.

Sim Fatty hid his head in the table hole, his shoulders shrugged violently, like a hamster eating popcorn. Zheng Qing could vaguely hear his painful groaning while laughing.

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