Hunting High School

Chapter 62: Three-Pronged Sword Inquiries

"what is this?"

"Two dark wizards."

"I know...I mean, why did you catch two dark wizards?"

"They robbed me."

"Robbing you? Where? First University?"

"Outside the school... I said, why do you have so many questions, wouldn't it be enough to handcuff the two of them directly to the black prison?" Zheng Qing asked impatiently - the previous battle had consumed a lot of his energy, and now he Needing a break very much - the little white cat in his arms stretched out its paw and patted the wizard's arm, beckoning him to calm down.

Zheng Qing sighed deeply.

This is the office of the Trident Sword in Beta Town.

After the short but fierce battle before, the drug on Zheng Qing's body inexplicably failed - the wizard attributed it to the poor quality of the medicine - and the little white cat hadn't recovered.

Facing the two bound and unconscious black wizards, Zheng Qing only hesitated for a few seconds before deciding to hand them over to the three-pronged sword instead of the school.

But he obviously underestimated the prudence and complexity of the process of the "regular law enforcement agency" when facing this kind of thing. After handing over the two black wizards to the Trident Sword, he was brought into this office and began to answer various boring questions.

It's been going on for half an hour.

This made the boy's little patience gradually disappear. He originally thought it was a very simple matter—catch the bad guys, hand them over to the police station, explain the situation and leave—but the existence of magic simplifies many things, and at the same time makes many things more complicated.

For example, the staff of the Three-pronged Sword needs to use some gentle means to ensure that the boy is not lying, and needs to check whether the spells used by the boy in battle have violated the rules, and also need to use divination to determine the identity of the two black wizards and send corresponding investigations The staff went to the scene to cross-check.

It all takes time.

The investigator of the Three-pronged Sword sitting behind the desk glanced at the little white cat in the arms of the wizard, then reached out and pushed the teacup towards the wizard: "Drink tea, drink tea...Young man, don't be so impatient. These are all rules. .And just two ordinary dark wizards are not qualified to enter the black prison."

What a bloody rule.

Zheng Qing muttered inwardly, picked up the small white porcelain teacup, took a breath, and took a sip of the clear tea, then patiently continued to answer various boring questions on the opposite questionnaire.

"...You mentioned earlier that you are a student of the First University, why are you wearing a gray robe?"

"That's more low-key in the North District."

"You said you were a first-year student?"

"Jiuyou College Astronomy Class 08-1, Zheng Qing, Guan Erzheng, Qing of the Sanqing Tianzun."

"Hmm... A first-year student can defeat two dark wizards? That's amazing..."

"I'm a public-funded student, and I've also won the Medal of Merlin." Zheng Qing replied dryly, unexpectedly finding that he no longer had the anxiety and embarrassment he used to say when he said such boastful words.

"It's amazing, it's amazing...I remember you said earlier that you defeated these two black wizards with a rune gun. Do you have a license to hold a gun?"

Rune gun also need a gun license? Zheng Qing has never heard of it.

When he was thinking about how to answer this question, the office door was pushed open with a 'squeak'. A round-faced witch walked in holding a large cardboard box, and she also had the symbol of a three-pronged sword hanging on her chest.

"This is the loot found in the interspatial bags of the on-site investigator and those two dark wizards. You sign, and I will stuff them into the curry." The witch dropped the big cardboard box on the questioning place with a 'bang'. in front of the

Zheng Qing noticed a familiar gray robe for women on the top of the carton.

"Aren't those things returned to the victim?" He couldn't help asking.

"According to the regulations, we have to confiscate these stolen goods." The round-faced witch turned her head and replied patiently: "...If a victim applies, it can be returned to the original owner after confirmation."

"Wait, those are not stolen goods, those are my things!" Zheng Zheng, who was looking at the three-pronged sword, was about to take away all Jiang Yu's amulets, robes, dharma books, etc., and immediately reminded him.

"Your stuff?" The investigator glanced at the robe, then turned to look at the wizard next to him, with a somewhat uncertain tone: "Women's clothing? Well, it's really...disrespectful."

I'm sorry! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Zheng Qing almost dropped the teacup in his hand on the investigator's round, fat face.

"It's not a big deal... You're young, you can understand." The investigator patted the shoulder of the young public finance student with the tone of someone who has experienced it: "It's the age that loves to play."

"It's not mine, it's hers!" Zheng Qing squeezed out a slightly distorted smile, and raised the little white cat in his hand: "I went to the street with her..."

The investigator of the Three-pronged Sword took a quick look at the little white cat's tail.

The little white cat glared at him fiercely, and let out a threatening whine from its throat.

"Hmm... A witch who uses Transfiguration? Have you registered with the Wizards Union?" The investigator quickly returned to his previous serious appearance, picked up the quill and continued to ask.

"Young people nowadays are really good at playing." Zheng Qing faintly heard someone whispering something in another corner of the office.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

He felt the smile on his face stiffen more and more.


The office door was violently pushed open again.

The investigator behind the desk was displeased and looked up at the visitor.

"You can go." A familiar voice sounded in Zheng Qing's ear. He turned his head, and it was Andrew who had dealt with him a few times before, the chunky wizard Andrew with the three-pronged sword.

"They haven't finished the transcript of the interview." The investigator behind the desk protested loudly.

"There are eyewitnesses who have provided effective testimony to prove their confession." Andrew, who had just entered the door, threw a file on the desk without any nonsense.

The investigator took the file, glanced at it, and then looked up at Zheng Qing in surprise.

"In this case," the unhappiness on his fat face quickly dissipated, and he squeezed out a bright smile smoothly: "Then you can go back to school first... If you think of any other details, you can tell us at any time."

As he said that, he motioned to the round-faced witch: "Sort up this classmate's belongings and return them... We can't let the hero who defeated the black wizard shed blood, sweat and tears, right... Hahaha."

While talking, he enthusiastically ran out of the desk, flipped through every confiscated item in the box, and asked Zheng Qing and the little white cat to analyze each item—never mentioning the gun license and illegal transformation— At the end, he gave Zheng Qing a few distress symbols, claiming that he could get the help of the three-pronged sword at any time in case of danger, which is the treatment every wizard can get.

Zheng Qing took a lot of things suspiciously, and left the office of Trident Sword in a daze.

behind him.

It's still that office.

The round-faced witch glanced at the dossier that Andrew had given to the investigator before, and shouted in a fussy tone: "It turned out to be a proof document issued by a great wizard...Are all public-funded students so famous nowadays?"

"It's not one, it's two." The investigator pointed to a string of slender signatures and a cat's paw at the end of the file. Thinking of the casualness of the previous chat, he couldn't hide his uneasiness: " said, would he Sue us?"

"It's hard to say. After all, you love talking nonsense so much."

"Maybe we can give him a pennant to commend the contribution of 'an enthusiastic citizen in maintaining social harmony'?" The investigator wringed his fingers and walked around behind the desk: "He won't say bad things about us after receiving the pennant Bar."

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