Hunting High School

Chapter 64 Things To Do Before Class

A week later, Nicholas appeared again in the classroom of Astronomy Class 08-1.

As expected by everyone, his face was pale and his expression was a little sluggish. This is the common state of all those recovering from a serious illness. But what was beyond everyone's expectation was the fluctuation of magic power that surrounded this old man.

The students looked at the black seal on Nicholas' forehead and whispered. Many people have heard about the wizards of the North Zone, and also heard that after Nicholas pulled out the werewolf blood, the magic talent declined greatly, but most of them knew for the first time that he chose to enter the Kini Cabin and became a wizard in the North Zone.

For the proud First University student, such a choice would be tantamount to social suicide.

But as far as Nicholas was concerned, he had been killed by gossiping blunt knives in school for more than two years, and not long ago he committed suicide once in a "magical sense" by Linzhong Lake, so he didn't care about being "killed" again.

Just like what the great sage of Kerma told him, this world was originally a world of killing and killing. You kill me, I kill him, the cycle repeats without end.

Others 'kill' him, and he also needs to kill 'others'.

Like frogs.

Nicholas tightened the net bag in his hand, and there were a dozen alive and kicking frogs in the bag. This is his daily consumption today.

Zheng Qing did not pay attention to Nicholas, but focused on the reactions of the students in the class—this was a job assigned to him by Jiang Yu yesterday. The reaction of the magicians in the district made preparations for the school's large-scale divination.

After observing for a long time, Zheng Qing was inexplicably relieved.

After all, this is Jiuyou College, and the talents of wizards are not so important. Most of the students looked at Nicholas with pity mixed with curiosity, and their eyes were very restrained, as if they were afraid that they would make him feel uncomfortable if they looked more often.

And just like that, Nicholas walked to his place in the corner of the classroom amidst the silence and silence.

Liu Feifei did not sit in the front row today, but chose to sit in the empty seat next to Nicholas. No one laughed at her because of this. On the contrary, many wizards and witches showed a trace of envy and longing in their eyes.

The class bell rang suddenly.

It was particularly harsh in the silence.

Professor Yao's figure suddenly appeared on the podium.

With handouts in his arms, a pipe in his hand, and a mischievous look in his eyes, he seemed to want to catch everyone off guard with this surprise attack—but the quiet and orderly environment in the class obviously caught him off guard.

The professor put down his lecture notes and rubbed his hands together, like a big fly preparing to eat.

But this action also made his figure a little bit out of frame.

Zheng Qing is not alone in noticing this.

Soon, the eyes of many people in the classroom shifted from Nicholas to the professor. Everyone is very concerned about why the professor chose to use a 'projection' to teach today.

This is not in line with the teacher's code of ethics stipulated by the school.

Like the students, Professor Yao is also very concerned about the abnormality in today's class:

"Why is the order in the class so good today? I was shocked."

He didn't hide his surprise at all.

Immediately, he noticed that many students looked at the back row of the classroom, and then saw the figure of the wizard with the black curse mark on his forehead.

The professor suddenly realized.

He cleared his throat and switched the pipe from his left hand to his right.

"Before class, let me say a few things." Professor Yao tapped the desk with his pipe—even though it was just a projection, the sound of the pipe hitting the desk made a bang, startling the eyes of a group of young wizards.

Lao Yao showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"First of all, as you can see... Recently, I may be busy, and there is a high probability that I will use projections in class. But this will not affect the normal teaching arrangement."

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"This is something that was reported at the professor's joint meeting. If there are students who plan to give a small report, you can save your ink."

Hearing this slightly playful sarcasm, there were finally some laughter in the classroom, and the atmosphere became more lively.

Professor Yao nodded with a smile, paused, and then continued:

"...In fact, the teaching of spells for this school year is basically over. In the remaining four weeks before the final exam, we will focus on learning all kinds of knowledge and key points related to spells that we have learned throughout the school year. , and at the same time strengthen the combing and learning of some theoretical knowledge."

"For example, let you think about the spell 'Guardian of Yuanchen' for a whole year."

Mentioning "Guardian of Yuanchen", the last student in the class who was a bit distracted finally cheered up and focused his attention on the professor's class.

In the first spell class when he entered the school, Professor Yao wrote the four words "Guardian of Yuanchen", but throughout the whole year, he did not explain too much about these four words.

Including senior students, other professors, and even parents outside the school, these four words are kept secret, and no one can give an accurate and clear statement. The books related to relevant content in the library are all stored in the deepest part of the library. If you want to borrow them, you need a note issued by the dean of the college.

Almost every month, someone raises a related topic, but no one answers it.

Now, nearly a year of confusion is about to be answered.

Everyone cheers up.

Professor Yao twitched the corners of his mouth, and the wrinkles on his face deepened with a smile:

"The second thing is related to safety. I received a notice from the school in the morning. Because of some special threats, the school decided to implement a curfew for a period of time. The time is from sunset in the evening to sunrise the next day. During this period, any unauthorized activities are prohibited. Out of school behavior."

"Of course, after applying, everyone can still go to the library and study room."

"Oh, and, from now on, the school will no longer supply goat milk. Students who need it can submit a written application to the school... Well, the notice clearly states that Professor Li Qihuang and the school hospital are jointly responsible for the review of relevant applications. "

Hearing the second notification, the members of the Forgiveness Hunt team sitting in the back row of the classroom looked at each other in unison, with surprise, excitement, and anxiety in their eyes.

The surprise and excitement is that their proposal to the school is clearly being taken seriously.

The uneasiness lies in the fact that judging from the school's reaction, this is obviously not a trivial matter-especially the candidates in charge of the review, anyone with a brain can smell the danger signal from it.

"Professor, where are the murlocs in Linzhong Lake? Do they have a curfew?" A student in the hall yelled loudly, interrupting everyone's attention to the goat milk, which also caused everyone to burst into laughter.

Recently, the murlocs in Linzhong Lake have been making noise every now and then, which has already aroused many people's impatience.

"Very valuable question." Regarding this question, Professor Yao did not laugh, but was a little serious: "If the murlocs of the Linzhong Lake tribe think they are obliged to obey the management of the school, then they should also enforce the curfew. If the murlocs think They are independent of the school, so they can try to challenge the school's ban."

This answer made many people think.

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