Hunting High School

Chapter 56 Divination Needs To Be Cautious

The stone countertops on both sides of the lobby on the first floor are made of high-quality Crystal Moyu.

The texture of this kind of marble is black, like flowing fat; the color is clear, like glass; the touch is like jade, warm and delicate; the knock is like a jade chime, crisp and melodious.

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Wine bottles, wine glasses, fruit plates, knives and forks, and various tableware for different purposes collided with the bar counter, making a tinkling sound, like a cheerful symphony.

Matching this movement are all kinds of figures in front of the bar.

Some people held wine glasses and leaned against the bar counter, looking at the men and women in the center of the hall with laziness and patience, trying to express their uniqueness and extraordinaryness to everyone;

Some people put their elbows on the table, facing the wine cabinet, with a dejected expression, pouring their own sorrows one after another, which has the charm of the whole world being turbid and me alone;

What's more, even if you just sit there quietly, it is still a beautiful scenery, attracting countless mad bees and butterflies.

Just like Elena.

This beautiful gypsy witch has put down the wine glass in her hand, is holding the twisted silver handle of the cigarette holder, and exhales wisps of milky white smoke into the air alone.

She rested her chin and sat quietly on the high chair, her legs naturally stacked and drooped.

The red high-waisted skirt was drawn into a seductive arc by her sitting posture, revealing a fair shadow.

This pose perfectly shows off her slender figure, which is enough to make every opposite sex fall in love with her.

The most direct evidence is that every minute, a young wizard with a good image and extraordinary temperament, holding a wine glass and showing six standard teeth, stepped forward to strike up a conversation with her.

But obviously, they were all brutally rejected.

Zheng Qing stood not far away, hesitating whether to go forward.

Compared with those wizards who have the courage to strike up a conversation, he is slightly inferior in height, appearance and even manners.

No, it is too far away.

Those outstanding wizards who are single are stimulated by hormones and try their best to display their charms:

Pulling out a bouquet of roses from my bosom is just a trifle;

There are several wizards who emerge from under the handkerchief a large group of singing and dancing flower sperm;

There was even a wizard who forcibly turned himself into a little white rabbit in order to win the favor of a gypsy witch—this was the only contestant who had intimate contact with a witch.

Of course, the intimacy here refers to two fingers.

The elegant witch pinched the fat rabbit's ears with two fingers, and threw it to a group of little girls with shining eyes not far away.

Seeing this, Zheng Qing couldn't help laughing out loud.

Yi Lianna looked up and saw Zheng Qing not far away.

A big smile appeared on her face.

"Handsome guy! Here!" She waved to Zheng Qing.

Before Zheng Qing could react, a group of boys with bloodshot brains rushed over excitedly.

"She called me!"

"She called me!"

"Don't beep, you guys! She's calling handsome guy! It must be me!"

Zheng Qing watched the tall, short, chubby young people rushing to the bar with their own characteristics, and was shocked by their inner self-confidence.

Then he looked around, looking for the handsome guy the witch was talking about.

He is very self-aware about his appearance.

"Zheng Qing!" Elena's slightly hoarse voice sounded again, and this time she directly called out Zheng Qing's name: "I'm calling you! Come here!"

Zheng Qing swallowed her saliva, twisting her neck a little stiffly.

The gypsy witch ignored the handsome guys around who offered to recommend themselves, and stretched out her hands vigorously, beckoning to Zheng Qing.

"She's looking for Zheng Qing?"

"Who is Zheng Qing!"

"Come out, Zheng Qing! I promise not to kill you!"

The young wizards were depressed for a few seconds, and seemed to have found an outlet, and once again made a fuss.

With a distorted smile on Zheng Qing's face, he walked towards the bar with stiff steps.

He noticed that at the side and rear, several handsome men with fair appearance were sitting back in their booths with their heads downcast.

Not far away, a group of wizards who gave up treatment were staring at him.

"What a coincidence, Irina." He walked up to the witch with a bunch of murderous gazes, and said hello dryly: "Have you not returned yet?"

"Her name is Elena!" a boy shouted anxiously.

"I heard it! I heard it! Keep your voice down!" Several wizards beside him rushed over to cover his mouth almost simultaneously.

"This name is so beautiful, it looks like a Lotus flower, graceful and graceful. It's so beautiful!" A gay wizard next to him raised his orchid fingers, winked at the gypsy witch, and made Zheng Qinglei's body tender.

"You didn't go back either." Yi Lianna replied with a smile.

Then she frowned.

Obviously, the chaotic atmosphere around her affected her mood.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise from Jing Moyu's marble bar, startling everyone around.

The scene fell silent for a while.

A servant of the Dobby tribe.

He took a big glass of butter beer and slammed it heavily on the bar counter. The hops were splashed high, but not a drop was spilled.

"If you want to drink, order it; if you don't drink, go back to your seat! Don't make noise here, like a group of wild ducks whose feathers have been plucked!" A sense of sharpness.

"This gentleman is a gold card guest of the homeless bar." The multi-armed waiter stretched out an arm under his ribs and made a polite gesture to Zheng Qing: "If he is not happy, the boss will be very angry."

Elena looked at Zheng Qing in surprise.

Zheng Qing was stunned by this sentence.

And those noisy young people blushed as if they were being strangled by the neck.

But it is clear that wandering wizards have a strong deterrent effect on these young wizards.

Soon, the bar counter fell silent.

"I'm very sorry. We apologize for the inappropriate behavior of some guests just now." The multi-armed waiter stopped his work, put his hands together, and apologized to Zheng Qing: "I hope it won't affect your mood."

Zheng Qing was a little stunned by his previous words.

He didn't react until he was pulled by Elena.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" He waved his hands to the multi-armed waiter in a panic: "It's just a small matter, it doesn't matter."

"If you need anything, please tell me." The multi-armed waiter obviously winked, and didn't bother him and Irina too much. After saluting, he quietly walked aside.

Zheng Qing looked at Elena, speechless for a while.

"Are you a gold card customer of this store?" After a moment of silence, Yi Lianna finally brought up the topic: "It sounds very powerful."

"Just did it." Zheng Qing waved his hand awkwardly, unable to tell whether he was proud of it or something else: "I don't know that these waiters already know about it... I thought it would only take effect next time I come." .”

"In the world of wizards, nothing is impossible." The gypsy witch smiled mysteriously, brought the slender cigarette held by the silver handle to her red lips, and took a light puff.

"I noticed it just now." Zheng Qing looked curiously at the smoke swirling in front of the witch's eyes, and asked in an affirmative tone, "Aren't you smoking?"

"Very sharp." The gypsy witch cast a glance at him, "This is the gypsy's secret method... I just want to find some clear feeling from the smoke... In modern terms, it's divination."

"I remember that on the title page of "Essentials and Easy Learning, First Grade University", it says 'Divination needs to be cautious'." Zheng Qing looked at Yi Lianna nervously: "Is it okay for you to do divination in private?"

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