Hunting High School

Chapter 75 Nymph And Professor Garcia

After expressing a little kindness, Soprano left with his entourage.

Just as his front foot disappeared at the corner of the street, Xiao Xiao quietly appeared next to Zheng Qing on his back foot, scaring the young public fee student.

"Why are you so fast?" Zheng Qing looked at the "Book of Law" in Xiao Xiao's arms, and said in surprise, "I thought you would stay in that store for a while."

"Buying books is not about picking a wife, so why be so careful?" Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and replied slowly: "Entering a bookstore, seeing a book, taking it away, paying for not a very complicated thing in the first place. It's not that I'm short, it's that you and Soprano have been talking for a long time. I never knew you two had so much to talk about."

Zheng Qing sighed heavily.

Then he briefly repeated Soprano's previous words to the doctor, and finally concluded: "What do you think he wants to do? Want to send someone to ambush me on the east side of the lake, and push me into the mud pond to eat two mouthfuls of yellow mud?"

He is not afraid to speculate on the other party with the greatest malice.

Different from him, Xiao Xiao's view is more objective and fair.

"Perhaps he is really showing kindness." The doctor pushed the book in his arms up, and said thoughtfully: "Excluding the conflict between Jiuyou and Alpha, you two have no fundamental conflict of interest. ...Combined with the current curfew at the school and the re-election of the Hemophilia, objectively speaking, one less trouble would be beneficial to everyone."

"Then what do you mean, we can check around the mud pond?"

"Why don't you go? It's the heart of the school, and you have a whole hunting team at your disposal. Even if Soprano wants to play tricks, it's not so easy."

While talking, the two of them had already turned two corners along the small street of Quanke Laiwei Market.

Then Zheng Qing saw a familiar figure not far away.

It was his professor in the murloc language class, Mr. Garcia.

Thinking that the invitation letter he came from as a visitor to the spring was given by this old man, Zheng Qing felt that he had to go up to say hello, so he dragged Xiao Xiao to go forward.

Xiao Xiao rolled his eyes, and finally stopped analyzing Soprano's topic.

Professor Garcia is haggling with a nymph for some dried seahorses.

Nymphs are elves in the water. Life is in the far north. They have a beauty no less than that of a mermaid, and a voice no less than that of a siren. In addition, they have a pair of transparent wings that look like dragonflies.

It is said that in the sun, their wings will shine with colorful light.

It's just that it's underwater now, and besides the glowing pearls and octopus, there are only the green eyes of werewolves around. Zheng Qing regrets not being able to see the beautiful wings of the nymphs.

During the school hunting party last year, the school invited some nymph dancers. But because the distance was too far, Zheng Qing couldn't see more details except for a group of figures dancing in mid-air.

The nymph in front of Professor Garcia has a pair of beautiful big eyes, long eyelashes, and shiny white skin, almost transparent. The whole body is covered in a layer of spun gauze, the magic pattern on it is compact, and the magic halo flows, making people dizzy.

"Welcome...welcome guests." She greeted the two young wizards with a hoarse and pleasant voice: "What do you need? Here are pearl powder from the North Sea, dried seahorses, stone cassia from Penglai, cuttlefish bones and sea octopuses." , and fresh oysters.”

A string of words came out of her mouth like singing, elegant and not vulgar.

From the corner of Zheng Qing's eyes, he saw that the doctor had pulled out his notebook and quill at some point, and seemed to be planning to record the 'score' that this nymph used to greet the guests just now.

But he didn't have time to remind the Doctor of his manners.

Because Professor Garcia has noticed the young public-funded students.

"Student Zheng Qing?!" The old murloc waved his hand happily and said, "I was just wondering where you would be in the market."

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Zheng Qing immediately understood what the professor meant.

"No hurry, no hurry." The old murloc waved his hand, skipping the topic: "We'll talk about this later...Let me finish the deal in front of me first...Five silver dimes and three coppers a piece How about the piece? I bought it not for my own use, but for the younger generation.”

The last sentence seems a bit deliberate.

Zheng Qing recalled the efficacy of dried hippocampus, silently lowered her eyelids, pretending not to notice it. The owner of the Nymph shop smiled and agreed to the old murloc's request. Professor Garcia seemed to be encouraged, and began to talk endlessly:

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

" generation is worse than one generation,'s a sad reality indeed."

"If you told me a hundred years ago that the little murlocs in Linzhong Lake liked to put fishhooks on their fins and oil the scales on their faces, I would have laughed at you for adding too much sugar to the soup you drank at noon. Kava roots, or too many daturas in the garden."

"Young nymphs also have their trends." The shopkeeper replied gently: "We live in our time, and they live in their time. This world is big enough for many different times to coexist."

"Having said that, isn't that where the contradictions come from?" Professor Garcia sighed heavily: "It's like someone once said that once people meet, they no longer call each other 'Mr.' or 'Ms.' in a friendly manner. , bad things will follow one after another... And now, the little boys in the lake see the old man, and they no longer have the respect they used to have."

Professors can always discuss a very small matter to a very advanced level.

Zheng Qing originally had a slightly teasing attitude, but during the chat between Professor Garcia and the owner of Nymph, he gradually became more serious, thinking carefully about every word they said.

There can be a generation gap between different eras, as well as between different cultures. It's just that one is a longitudinal observation, and the other is a horizontal comparison. Therefore, the conflict between the young and the old is essentially the same as the conflict between Jiuyou and Alpha.

Until I leave that small shop.

Professor Garcia turned the topic to what he wanted to say when he greeted Zheng Qing.

"Last week, you asked me to help you find out if you have seen a black goat in the lake recently?" The old murloc spoke calmly as always, making people anxious: "I went back and asked."

It didn't mention this matter, Zheng Qing almost forgot.

What happened last week was no less than last week, the upheaval of the club association, the teacher's lecture, and the two black wizards who sold magicians encountered last weekend, everything was so bad.

So much so that it wasn't until the professor of Murloc Common Language mentioned the black goat that Zheng Qing immediately realized that he hadn't communicated with Ling Guo about finding the goat in the past two days. This filled his heart with guilt, and he just wanted to leave the market early and chat with Linguo.

He didn't really expect to get any useful clues from the old murloc - in the past week, the Forgiving Knights have exhausted all kinds of methods, including the Kini Cabin, the Qingqiu Hall, and even the Student Union, Tianwen Class 08-1. , patrols and other channels, but no trace of the big black sheep was found.

Zheng Qing has given up hope.

But reality always likes to give hope to a person when he is in despair, just like the line chart, when it smashes all the moving averages and falls all the way to the lowest point, it will always bounce back, as if only by finding a support point can life continue look.

"... A longevity turtle by the lake said that some time ago, it saw a cat fighting with a black goat. At that time, there were many people making noise by the lake. It was annoying, so it didn't pay attention to where the black goat went... ..."

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