Hunting High School

Chapter 62 Questioning And Explanation

A dazzling golden firework rose on the shore, and at the same time made a crisp and melodious 'ding ding' sound.

After receiving the signal, the boats shuttled on the lake retreated back to the small pier on the shore in an orderly manner.

At the same time, the swarm of lantern bugs hovering in mid-air also turned into streams of light, and were collected by several gray-robed janitors on the shore into the bug basket at their feet.

The insect light dissipated, and the cold moonlight once again occupied the lake, becoming the only light source in this world.

The tree spirits felt the night, their brains were occupied by sleepy bugs again, and one by one they lazily crawled back to the own tree hole along the twigs of the weeping willow.

Only those few kappa, still staring at the yellow-green eyes the size of light bulbs, rummaged through the grass on the shore for fat flesh worms, to replenish energy for the sound sleep during the day.

After the janitor in gray robe and the teaching assistant in black robe packed up, they quietly left the lakeside.

Beside the white rockery, only the old man Verne and the two silent professors remained.

The wrinkled old dog named May, sniffling, was slowly chasing a three-legged toad along the river bank.

Under the threat of life, the toad erupted with amazing mobility and quickly crawled deep into the grass.

The old dog stuck out his tongue with a wheeze, and chased into the grass persistently.

"A few red-chained snakes have come to the grass recently, be careful not to get entangled by them." Old Man Verne warned behind his pet.

The old dog wagged its tail feebly to show that it knew.

"Master May is still so full of energy." Professor Yi said with some emotion: "When I was a student, it looked like this."

"Don't you just want to say that it is an immortal thing?" Elder Verne gave him a sidelong glance.

Professor Yi smiled wryly and did not continue speaking.

After a long silence, the old man spoke again and asked in a very cold tone: "Why did the surprise inspection of the Wandering Bar suddenly stop tonight?"

"This is an urgent resolution of the joint meeting of professors." Professor Montelia replied briefly.

"Hehe." The old man Verne looked at the sparkling water and sneered endlessly: "If it weren't for the urgent resolution of the joint meeting, hundreds of patrol members would have rushed into the wandering!... We have received definite news, tonight There will be an auction of dragon eggs... It took three months to wait until that wandering wizard left the bar. I don’t know when the old guy will leave the bar next time! Moreover, this time, I believe it will be very difficult to catch him in the future. ...shouldn't the joint meeting give the school working committee a reasonable explanation?"

"Is it the school working committee that needs to explain, or the vice-principal Ruoyu?" Professor Monteria pointed out sharply.

"Is there a difference?" The old man Verne paused the staff in his hand, staring at the two professors: "Like this termination of action, is it the intention of all the members of the joint meeting, or the opinion of Vice President Shi Hui?"

Both sides of the conversation emphasized the identity of the 'vice principal' very interestingly.

The two professors looked at the lake in silence.

a long time.

Professor Yi spoke again, his tone was still very gentle: "There was an accident in the wandering bar."

"The little spirit witch from the Li family accidentally touched the sacrifice, which triggered the risk of a spirit descending. According to the relevant regulations of the Great Wizard Conference, we have temporarily suspended all actions that may cause 'irreversible damage'."

"Why didn't you temporarily control the scene under the pretext of stopping the 'spiritual descent'?" Elder Verne frowned and asked, "I believe those dragon eggs were somewhere in the bar at that time."

"Actually, that girl didn't really descend upon the spirit...Moreover, someone used a talisman to prevent the situation from getting worse—it wasn't a wanderer, but a freshman this year. In a few days, he should come to your patrol team to report —in fact, the wandering wizard returned to the scene less than a minute after the incident at the bar."

"The members of the joint meeting think that it is almost impossible for the patrol to search for any valid evidence under the eyes of the wandering wizard." Professor Montelia added: "So the operation was finally stopped."

"Only these?" Elder Verne rolled his cloudy eyeballs, and his tone was very sure: "That girl Shi Hui can't give up this operation just because of such an unfounded possibility!... Her dislike for black wizards is incredible. It is inferior to the group of life under the moon."

"Vice Principal Shi Hui!" Professor Monteria corrected bluntly.

The old man Verne gave him a sideways look, his eyes full of disdain.

"You are still as perceptive as ever." Professor Yi stopped Professor Monteria's urge to speak with his eyes, and explained in a gentle tone: "In recent decades, it has been rumored that a dark council has emerged in the wizarding world. Members not only include wizards, creatures under the moon, and even some demons."

"According to our investigation, that wandering wizard most likely belongs to this dark council."

"So, the opinion of the professors' joint meeting is to put the long-term for the time being."

Professor Yi's explanation is very simple, but the information revealed is extremely rich.

But the old man with the staff was clearly prepared for the news, and there was no overly surprised expression on his face.

"Huh, that girl's ambition is still the same as before... arrogant and conceited." The old man Verne snorted disdainfully, and said mockingly: "The result of setting a long line is usually the result of the fish running away and the bait being lost. Isn't this kind of lesson enough? ?...Since the old man left, there have been more and more things going on in the joint meeting."

"If the school working committee has any opinion on the resolution of the joint meeting of professors, it can send a formal question by letter." Professor Montelia glanced at the old school worker expressionlessly, and added: "The joint meeting does not accept private inquiries."

Old Man Verne let out a short, sharp laugh.

The grass by the lake made a rattling sound.

The several big figures in the conversation immediately stopped talking and turned their gazes to the grass.


The wrinkled old dog bit a kappa's neck, came out of the grass in three steps, and threw the panting spoils at the feet of old man Verne.

"Master Wuyue is really old and strong." Professor Yi complimented: "It is almost the same as before."

"Hmph, Dying Lake is where it has been living for many years. It would be strange if there is any little thing here who dares to provoke May." The old man Verne looked at the two professors meaningfully: "Just Like Beta Town... here is the first university! Why do we need an excuse to check a dark wizard's bar!"

"Because this is the No. 1 University, we must strictly abide by the order." Professor Yi looked at the old man gently, and his tone was very firm: "If we don't follow the order we established, how can we expect others to follow it? "

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"The truth cannot be explained to you young people." The old man Verne finally turned and left angrily: "But you must remember that all order is to maintain this university... and that bar grows on the university. a sore of the

Wuyue walked on four stubby legs, followed behind the old man, and disappeared into the jungle by the lake.

There were only two professors left, standing on the windy shore, looking at each other silently.

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