Hunting High School

Chapter 64: Anonymous Letter

Zheng Qing went to the playground for morning exercises with dark circles under her eyes.

In this regard, he has no dissatisfaction.

Because he also gave Xiao Xiao two dark circles.

For this reason, Xiguatou refused to go to the playground with him for morning exercises and insisted on meditating in the dormitory.

But when Zheng Qing finished his morning exercise, grabbed fried dough sticks and soy milk, and returned to the dormitory humming a ditty, he was shocked to find that Xiao Xiao's dark circles had disappeared.

"You cheated!" While accusing the watermelon head of being shameless angrily, he looked at the full-length mirror in the dormitory and carefully examined the scars on his eye sockets.

Unfortunately, those dark hematomas were still clearly visible on the circles of his eyes.

"I am a qualified wizard." Xiao Xiao slowly applied the ointment on his eye circles, and said clearly: "A qualified wizard can make the right ointment for himself."

"Split it to me...I want to see Jiang Yu later." Zheng Qing lowered his head a little discouraged, and said in a muffled voice, "You still have a lot in the bottle."

"You weren't so polite when you beat me up." Xiao Xiao gritted his teeth and looked at him with a dark face.

"I brought you breakfast." Zheng Qing shook the paper bag in his hand, and the aroma of the food overflowed into the whole dormitory with the sound of clattering: "And I gave you a gift last night..."

Before Xiao Xiao could speak, Xin Fatty's bed exploded.

With a muffled sound of 'dong', the desk shook uncomfortably.

Fat Cat squatted on Xiao Xiao's notebook, staring dazedly, sniffing his nose, and wagging his tail obediently at Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing stared blankly at Sha Mao's silly flat face, twitched the corners of his mouth, and looked at Xiao Xiao again.

"Breakfast for a week." Xiao Xiao put forward the own condition without the slightest hesitation: "I am a poor person...the cost of these medicines is quite expensive."

"You're crazy!" Zheng Qing shouted at the top of his voice, "I'm also a poor man! Yesterday a wandering wizard robbed me of five hundred standard talismans. In charge of running errands."

"Five days of breakfast, no less." Xiao Xiao pushed his own black-rimmed glasses, his eyes sharp: "As an additional benefit, I can run errands to buy you breakfast."

"Two days, don't want your benefits, I'll run errands for you." Zheng Qing looked at him angrily: "This is the bottom line, if you don't agree, I'll go to Nicholas...he knows many excellent pharmacists in school. "

"Three days, I'll run errands." Xiao Xiao immediately compromised very unscrupulously: "Nicholas is a repeater, and there must be a little gap with those senior students... And you will go out soon, and my ointment can be used immediately."

"Meow!" Tuantuan had long been a little impatient with the dispute between the two newcomers in front of him. Hearing this, he immediately raised his paw and slapped it hard.

Zheng Qing glanced at the fat cat wagging its tail, and finally nodded in agreement.

However, when the ointment arrived, Zheng Qing regretted it a bit.

The recipe for the bowl of hangover medicine that morning resurfaced in his mind.

"What medicinal ingredients do you use in this ointment?" Zheng Qing looked at the yellow-green sticky ointment in his hand, and tried his best to ask in a calm tone: "It doesn't doesn't look very good."

"There are a lot of things to use..." Xiao Xiao just opened his mouth, but Zheng Qing immediately stopped him from speaking.

"Anyway, you have used it, so you don't need to tell me the formula." He looked at the watermelon head sincerely: "If you say any inappropriate medicinal materials, this ointment probably won't be enough for the two of us."

Xiao Xiao snorted mockingly, but he didn't argue, and really closed his mouth.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and began to carefully paint his blue eye sockets in front of the tall full-length mirror.

"Do you know why Dylan went?" Zheng Qing frowned, muttering as he applied the medicine, "I haven't given him the Mount Tai stone yet... If he doesn't return all night, will something happen?" .”

"Summer insects are incredible, you and him are not the same species, so don't make random guesses." Xiao Xiao tore open the breakfast package, divided soybean milk, deep-fried dough sticks, side dishes, eggs, etc. into thirds, placed them on a blue and white porcelain plate, Shaking his head, he taught a lesson: "For his kind of creature under the moon, the whole night you understand may be his daytime."

Zheng Qing twitched his lips, thinking it made sense, so he didn't fight back.

"By the way, there is a letter from you on the desk." When picking up the fried dough sticks, Xiao Xiao seemed to think of something, tapped on the desk with his fingers, and reminded: "It's under the vase, take some time to look. "

Zheng Qing glanced over the pile of books on the desk, paused on the cardboard box covered with towels, and finally landed on the vase with a bunch of dried daisies in it.

"A group of slobs, when will you throw away this bunch of daisies and replace them with fresh ones." He moved the vase, looked at the letter, and muttered, "I can't even read it anymore."

Fat Huamao was chewing fried dough sticks and licking soy milk. Hearing this, he raised his paw and meowed in agreement.

Xiao Xiao snorted.

"Who brought it?" Zheng Qing bit the fried dough stick and asked vaguely, "I didn't have it when I left."

Although he had dark circles under his eyes when he left the dormitory, Zheng Qing remembered very clearly whether there was an envelope under the vase.

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Because when he was beating the watermelon head violently, he thought about whether to hit the watermelon head with a vase.

"It flew in from the window by itself." After washing his hands, Xiao Xiao picked up a deep-fried dough stick and frowned, "Don't buy such a greasy breakfast next time...eating too much fat will not be good for the wizard's mind. "

"There's so much shit." Zheng Qing rolled his eyes and picked up the letter from under the vase.

This is a white envelope.

There is no name and address of the sender, no name and address of the recipient, no postmark, no zip code on the cover, and the letter is not even sealed.

"How do you know this is for me?" Zheng Qing shook the bare envelope with a puzzled face.

"It flew directly in front of your six-poster bed. I pulled it with my belt for a while before it lay obediently on the ground." Xiao Xiao took a sip of soy milk, chewed the fried dough sticks in small bites, and said unhurriedly: "If If you didn't put down the tent before you left, I guess this letter should be lying on your pillow now."

Zheng Qing shrugged and refused to comment on this purely wizarding point of view.

Because the envelope was not sealed, Zheng Qing shook a corner of the envelope, and a white card fell out of the envelope.

"Don't move!" Xiao Xiao yelled, stopping Zheng Qing's attempt to pick up the card.

Zheng Qing glanced at him inexplicably.

Xiao Xiao didn't explain, just took out a pair of tweezers from the toolbox, picked up the card, pushed his glasses, and looked carefully.

"This is the school..." Zheng Qing muttered, "You must be too careful."

"Don't touch things of unknown origin, this is common sense in the wizarding world! Because they are likely to belong to the Black Devil magic items." Xiao Xiao gave him a warning look, moved his face closer to the card, and immediately showed disgust : "Someone sends you this kind of thing at school, you are so disgusting."

"What?" Zheng Qing leaned over with a straight face, ignoring Watermelon Head's sarcasm.

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