Hunting High School

Chapter 70 Abnormal Life Research Institute

The doctor Jiang Yu introduced to Zheng Qing is a doctor who is doing private research outside the school and lives in the pedestrian street of Beta Town.

Because they stayed by the lake for a long time, it was almost noon when the two arrived at the pedestrian street.

The sun is still hiding behind thick clouds.

Compared with the cold campus, the pedestrian street is more popular at this time.

Young people in pairs strolled among them, adding some warmth to the somewhat gloomy weather.

The two didn't stay on the street too much.

Jiang Yu quickly led Zheng Qing away from the crowd and turned into a narrow alley next to the pedestrian street.

The alley is very narrow and deep, with a tall brick wall on one side and dilapidated three-story buildings on the other.

The dark alleyway twists and turns, spreading deeper and deeper, seemingly without end.

The wet corner of the wall was covered with moss, and several mouse women hurriedly crawled over it with their short tentacles trembling. From the cracks in the bluestone road under your feet, there are occasional long and long sonos.

The hustle and bustle of the pedestrian street seems to be swallowed up in the alley, appearing distant and ethereal.

Zheng Qing felt as if he had come to another world in an instant.

"Ahem." He couldn't help coughing lightly, trying to find something to talk to Jiang Yu, so that she wouldn't be immersed in sadness: "This alley looks like it's been a while."

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Jiang Yu looked back at him.

Zheng Qing swallowed quietly.

The quiet environment makes the atmosphere in the alley somewhat depressing.

Maybe Zheng Qing managed to divert the attention of the female squad leader. After a moment of silence, Jiang Yu began to explain the general situation of this residential area to him:

"Beta Town is built around Alpha Fort, with a relatively simple layout. It is artificially divided into four administrative districts, bounded by the central axis of the castle's four gates."

"The North District is home to the largest group of magicians in the wizarding world. Because they are basically unable to use spells, it is also called the Dumb Zone; unless they have to, very few students or regular wizards enter that silent place."

"The southern district is adjacent to the Silent River and has several piers. It is an area where some small traders and low-level wizards gather to make a living. According to some noble wizards, the wizards there are too vulgar and philistine, which is a shame to regular wizards. But I Don't think so - because the South End is the only place in the wizarding world that officially employs jugglers."

"In the west area, there are several wizard towers of off-campus great wizards, as well as embassies and consulates of some alien races, and the private residences of some professors of the school are also located there. There are not many residents and the environment is clean, but it is difficult for ordinary people to walk around in it at will. .”

"The gate of the castle corresponding to the east district is open all year round, and there are many students coming and going, and the pedestrian street is also here, so the headquarters of many wizarding businesses are set up here, which is relatively more lively."

"These four districts are simply summed up by the school students as 'rich in the east, expensive in the west, poor in the south, and cheap in the north'"

"The residential area in front of us belongs to the east area of ​​Beta Town, and it is also one of the oldest settlements in Beta Town. Many old school workers have bought properties here."

"There are still some down-and-out aristocrats here, relying on the few remaining connections in the First University, they have found a place to live here. They can't enter the West District, and they despise the South District and the North District, so they can only find a little psychological comfort in the East District .”

"On the whole, the people living in this old area are some people who are not high enough or low enough."

After speaking, Jiang Yu's mood no longer seemed so dull.

While talking, the two had come to an iron gate deep in the alley.

The green and black walls on the left and right of the iron gate are covered with creepers, and from time to time, one or two grass sperm will lift up the wide leaves of the creepers, staring at the small dark eyes, quietly looking at the long-lost guests.

The iron gate is a bit worn out. Perhaps because no one has wiped it for a long time, there are stains of rust on the door, and there are many stains of unknown status.

The door talisman plate hanging on the left and right sides of the door frame was empty, and the god Tu Yulei that was supposed to reside in it had long since disappeared, leaving only two blank wooden boards that had been weathered by the wind and rain, and a bunch of small holes that had been eaten by moths.

The only color at the door is a slender white number plate hanging on the door frame.

The sign reads 'Institute of Abnormal Life' in eight large gilt characters.

It's just that due to lack of maintenance, the gold leaf on the large characters has been mutilated, and it looks like a patient suffering from vitiligo.

"There are relatively few people here." Jiang Yu smiled at Zheng Qing apologetically, and she could see that she was also a little embarrassed: "Dr. Du Zemu is very talented, but he is usually a little rough."

Zheng Qing nodded again and again, indicating that it's okay.

But it was obvious that he had lost a lot of confidence in this strange doctor.

Unsurprisingly, the bell on the iron gate has become a decoration.

Zheng Qing just tugged lightly, and the colorless door rope was pulled off from the bell by him, and a pile of dust fell down along the way.

"Do people really live here?" Zheng Qing avoided the dust, and finally couldn't help complaining: "If you mean that there is a vampire living in seclusion here for eight hundred years, then I can understand."

Two red clouds floated quietly on Jiang Yu's cheeks.

It was obvious that she was very embarrassed.

"I haven't been here either." She bit her lip. "I just heard that my family mentioned this doctor, saying that he has outstanding attainments in abnormal life."

"No, no, no, I don't mean to blame you at all." Zheng Qing waved his hands repeatedly, and at the same time he raised his fist and slammed on the iron door, shouting loudly while smashing: "I'm just curious, inside, inside, yes, no , Yes, people?"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The sound of heavy knocking echoed in the alley.

Ji Zhi, who was singing a little song under the bluestone slab, closed his mouth at the same time, and the sneaky grass sperm under the ivy quickly hid deeper in the grass vines.

The iron door, which seemed to fall down when pushed, was stronger than expected.

Although a little shaken, it was firmly closed.

"Yes, man?" Zheng Qing yelled again, raising his fist and preparing to slam the door again.

"Is there something wrong?" The iron door opened quietly, revealing an old face with gray hair and many wrinkles.

The two young men at the door were startled, and they froze there at the same time.

"Is there something wrong?" The old man who opened the door shook his arms impatiently, looking critically at the two guests.

Zheng Qing quickly put away his raised fist and looked back at Jiang Yu.

The female squad leader seemed to have just reacted, and hurriedly took out a post from the Kun bag hanging on her arm, cleared her throat, and handed the post to the old man:

"Zhong Shan Jiang, come to visit Dr. Du Zemu."

The old man at the door widened his eyes, took the post, and looked at it carefully.

"Hold on."

After finishing speaking, the old man closed the iron door again and disappeared from the sight of the two guests.

Zheng Qing blinked and looked at Jiang Yu suspiciously.

Jiang Yu wrinkled her face and also looked confused.

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