Hunting High School

Chapter 15 Dharma Book

Zheng Qing lowered his head in frustration, but quickly raised his head again, his eyes flickering, and said: "Then can I exchange the money from outside for the money here?"

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"Of course." Thomas blushed slightly: "There is a special chapter on currency exchange in the admission guide, you can pay attention to it later. But it is not worthwhile to buy wizard things with Bai Ding's money, just like that A bat."

He pointed to a black mass hanging from the top edge of the window, and said, "That crow bat has no special abilities, and it's not a high-end pet, but its price is about ten yuan in foreign currency. If you come to ten thousand, you need to charge a handling fee of 10."

Zheng Qing immediately turned his head away and gave up his previous thoughts.

"Don't you have a pet?" Thomas looked at him suspiciously: "You can have only one pet, they are all very spiritual. If you keep several different pets, conflicts between them will easily occur."

"I have a pet?" Zheng Qing was very surprised.

There are indeed two small animals in the house.

A hamster, a puppy.

The hamster came to his house at some point, and built a small nest on the balcony with sawdust and cotton wool. This little guy is quite spiritual, he will clean up the feces, residues and other dirty things by himself, and then throw the dirty things out when the balcony window is open. After Professor Zheng discovered these, he was very surprised. The old man always has such particular concerns and worries, under his strict order, the hamster lived on the balcony in a stately manner, and occasionally enjoyed some sacrificial food from the Zheng family.

The puppy was a cub born to a pregnant bitch that Zheng Qing picked up on the side of the road some time ago. The bitch disappeared without a trace after giving birth to her pups. Zheng Qing was worried that it would be used to stew fragrant meat, but after several days of searching, there was no result.

Although there were two little ones at home, Zheng Qing didn't think of them when Thomas mentioned pets.

Just like some people like to start a business, they don’t really like the burnt-out and heavy pressure, they just like the financial freedom brought about by the success of starting a business.

My husband once said that what is for the belly is not for the eyes.

The pet in Zheng Qing's heart is the wizard's pet.

As a strange world that he only came into contact with after he became an adult, there is always a slight alienation between Zheng Qing, Thomas, and Sijifang.

Even though he was walking between robes and cloaks, he was still the fresh out of high school.

He didn't need a pet, but the sense of reality that this pet brought him, the real touch to the wizarding world.

"Your little fox." Thomas said casually, looking around the shops on his own, looking down at the mobile phone in his hand from time to time, "Although it's not a powerful spirit beast, but as a The demon fox family is still a very good pet... This is here, Shangyuan Shusi, the franchise dealer designated by the Wizards Union."

"You mean Poseidon? Isn't that a puppy?"

"Poseidon? It's a very powerful name. Of course, I'm sure it's a demon fox. Although I don't know how you got it, it's obvious that it has become your pet." Thomas pointed at a quaint and stately family in front of him. shop, said to Zheng Qing: "Now, you go to buy your own spell book. As the most important spell-casting tool for wizards, you need to decide which one to buy. The only advice I can give you is 'intuition'. "

"Do you want to use the book?" Zheng Qing raised his head to look at the wood carving of the open hard-shell book on the sign at the door, feeling a little nervous.

"Yes, yes," Thomas suddenly showed some impatience on his face, which made his originally stern temperament show a trace of heavy pressure: "I should have thought that you would ask this question, yes, always believe in yourself The power of pinching formulas is just like those ninjas in Japan who only believe in the speed of their own seals. Can't you imagine a way of casting spells that is both powerful and fast? Why do you always doubt authority?"

"I'm just a little curious." Zheng Qing felt that Thomas' excitement was a bit inexplicable.

"Go in, I'll wait for you outside." Thomas' voice was a little low.

The law book is the wizard book in the list.

According to Thomas' explanation, spell books are the main means for wizards to cast spells.

In their daily study and experiments, wizards analyze and transcribe the spells in the Dharma books. Only when they are activated by chanting or other means, can the spells truly show their own power.

Commonly understood, a wizard without a book is like a tiger without teeth.

The gate of Shangyuan Shusi is simple and solemn. The blue-black steps and the floor are engraved with complicated runes, but the heavy dark red wooden door is extremely simple, with only a plaque with the word "Shangyuan" hanging on the lintel.

There is a large cabinet behind the bar counter at the entrance, which is full of various certificates.

"Special License for the Production and Sale of Wizarding Union Law Books"

"Parliament under the Moon - Designated Distributor of Bologna Law"

"Luofu - Designated Distributor of Song Edition Books"

"Partner of the First University Fashu Research Institute"


Rows of honor and franchise certificates hang there, showing the confidence of the store.

"Good afternoon!" The bookstore clerk was tall and thin, wearing a blue robe, with small round eyes, and greeted Zheng Qing with a smile on his face: "I am the business manager of Shangyuan Bookstore, you can call me Xiao Yuan. Are you a freshman in the fall? What kind of books do you need?"

Zheng Qing didn't rush to answer.

There are many wooden cabinets in the bookstore, covered with thick transparent glass. Through the glass window, one can see that Dharma books are neatly placed on the shelves.

"I want to take a look first to find out." Zheng Qing said vaguely.

Thomas repeatedly emphasized that the magic book is very important to the wizard, and said that the selection of the magic book needs to rely on the wizard's intuition.

What is intuition?

Zheng Qing was a little puzzled.

He walked around several cabinets twice, staring at the gorgeously formatted books for a long time, without any whim or feeling of understanding.

"This is a Western-style hardcover." Xiaoyuan, the business manager next to him, saw Zheng Qing standing in front of the cabinet to watch, and quickly stepped forward to introduce: "If you want to take a closer look, we can take it out for you."

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Xiao Yuan took out a pair of white soft leather gloves, took out the heavy Dharma book from the cupboard, and turned it carefully.

"This is a bound book from Venice in the seventeenth century. The style continues the usual splendor of Venice. Baden-Württemberg's fetal calf leather, inlaid with silver rune; gold-rolled mouth, with the calligraphy of 'Meditation and Concentration' on it, Of course, if you need it, you can also find a Venetian bound book with the title of "The Kiss of the Bridge of Sighs" in the store - young people like this style. You see, the corner of this book is covered with silver. There is also the 'Five Aggregate Exorcism Curse' drawn by the master, even if you don't record the spell, you can smash a few evil spirits with just this book."

"How much?"

"Chenghui eighteen jade coins." The shop clerk nodded with a smile and handed Zheng Qing a pair of gloves.

"It's a bit heavy." Zheng Qing put on his gloves, weighed the book, and shook his head.

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