Hunting High School

Chapter 245 Bad Good News

Nikita did not choose to clash with the Temple of Uzzah in the city of Uzzah, much to the relief of everyone present.

Regardless of the three Elders, or the old cat.

The three black flood dragons have turned into a black bracelet and hung back on Nikita's wrist. However, compared with before, the interface of the bracelet was slightly damaged, and the luster of the bracelet body was much duller than before.

Even though it was a black flood dragon whose rank was infinitely approaching the great wizard, and the power of that rune bullet had already been cut off by Nikita, but carrying the blood rune bullet head-on still caused a huge damage to the black flood dragon. s damage.

Zhu Zhu followed the banshee and walked out of the tavern, peeking at the black bracelet on her wrist, secretly thinking that it was a pity. If the bracelet belonged to it, it would definitely not be in such a danger—if it could decide, it would never enter this magic town alone and leave its own 'army' outside the city.

But in front of Nikita, she would not say that.

"We shouldn't talk so much nonsense to them," the little banshee was half complaining, half relieved, and whispered: "...if we release Xiao Hei to kill them as soon as we meet, they will definitely not be able to escape."

Nikita walked in front of Zhu Zhu, lowered his head, glanced at his translucent palm, and sighed slightly.

Excessive consumption of magic power has weakened her sense of existence in the dreamland. She didn't dare to imagine the result of being hit by the blood rune bullet in the front.

But the frustration after the confrontation made her more interested in capturing Zheng Qing.

"When the fruit is ripe, picking and eating it immediately is the best way to ensure the freshness of the ingredients." The banshee pushed open the butterfly door, walked out of the Menis Tavern, and came to the deserted street, her voice echoed on the bluestone boards and wooden window edges. Jian Shushu: "...But if you want to make food taste more mellow, you need seasoning, cellaring, and fermentation... Language and thought are the best seasonings in this process. And cellaring or fermentation takes time."

"But the timing for those temple priests to come is too coincidental!" Zhu Zhucha said, looking at Nikita's face while fighting for her injustice, and said angrily, "If you don't come early or late, it's because of those little guys It's time to run away..."

In the tavern behind him, there was the ugly cough of the old cat.

Zhu Zhuke didn't mean to shy away from it at all.

On the contrary, Nikita didn't feel dissatisfied with this, and she didn't look annoyed or depressed at all. She just raised her head, looked at the sky flowing in the dreamland with a delicate expression, and replied softly: "There are no coincidences under fate. , In other words, they are lucky, or the Uzzah Temple is a coincidence, because fate has already arranged for this..."

Zhu Zhu never knew that his companion's fatalism could be so serious.

"That bitch Fate is too strict." The little banshee complained.

"Order and chaos, there is no clear boundary." Nikita simply thought of the essence of wizards and demons? Then he had some understanding: "So when fate interferes with one part? The other part will be affected accordingly. disturbance, we should have known this...Where do you think they will flee to?"

Standing on the street, Zhu Zhu looked at the increasingly blurred silhouette of Uzzah in the twilight. The red light in his eyes moved slightly.

"Any direction is possible." The little banshee carefully looked in every direction, and finally came to a depressing conclusion: "Unless you ask that big Elder from Uzzah Temple to give you some hints? It is impossible to find those little guys in the dreamland."

Looking at the orange sun in the sky with red eyes, Nikita suddenly smiled slightly.

"At the end of August last year, I met Zheng Qing for the first time," she recalled to the little banshee. "I was very impressed by his clumsiness and sweetness. Today is the second time I have met him face to face. Maybe it's because the sweet smell disappeared, so I have a deeper understanding of his clumsiness."

"Clumsy... clumsy?" Zhu Zhu blinked, obviously not understanding the deep meaning of the word.

"Right? Clumsy." Nikita smiled slightly: "Maybe we don't know the direction they are fleeing to, but according to that clumsy little guy's thinking, we can guess where he wants to go."

The little banshee blinked? Suddenly showing a hint of bewilderment, she raised a finger and pointed at herself.

"He's going to find me!"

Nikita touched the little banshee's head: "To be precise, he wants to find the owner of your face, and also wants to capture your real body without this face."

"This is really bad news." Zhu Zhu spat on the ground: "So, shall we go back to the Enchanted Forest? If the little girl is still alive."

"She will be alive." Nikita turned around and walked towards the outside of Ursa City, her voice seemed a little indifferent in the twilight: "She has struggled for so long, even willing to drink poison to live, she will not die so easily .Just like everything I have experienced with you..."

in the streets of Uzzah.

The slanting sunlight became softer and softer, and also made the figures of the two banshees longer and longer.

The sky is full of dreamy colors, and the city reflects the sky, making it a little more magnificent.

The color of the Shiraishi plastered stone walls gradually changes from pink to mysterious purple in the sunlight. Orange lights began to appear one by one behind the wooden latticed windows, and there were figures of figures reflected in the windows.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

The melodious bells sounded from the direction of the Temple of Uzzah, washing away the streets that had been bustling all day.

In this piece of peace.

A few streets away from the two banshees.

The young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Squad were fleeing in a direction away from Uzzah.

Below them, there is a swirling white cloud. This is the slippery cloud talisman that blurs their legs and feet. Using this talisman can minimize the chance of being tracked.

Their bodies are covered with talismans of various colors, shining slightly in the afterglow of the setting sun. The wisps of green smoke from the consumption of the talismans intertwined with the white clouds below them, making the figures of these young hunters more and more blurred.

Just as Nikita was wary of Zheng Qing's blood rune bullets and failed to prevent the forgiveness hunting team from leaving, these young wizards from First University also felt the tremendous pressure from Nikita and the three-headed black dragon , failed to deal with the Faceless Demon.

"However, thanks to the intervention of the Temple of Uzzah, we have the opportunity to reorganize everything." Xin Fatty fiddled with the watch on his wrist, the blue color on his skin still hadn't fully recovered, revealing a trace of gray: "...Maybe we should Thanks to Elder Atal."

"If he is really willing to help, he should slap those two goblins to death!" Zhang Jixin shook the reins, turned his head, and replied irritably, "Not pretending to be a peacemaker!"

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