Hunting High School

Chapter 248: Three Flowers Bloom

"Why are you crying?"

"Where does it hurt? What's your name? Where is home?"

"Are you here to see your parents too?"

"do not Cry!"

"It's shameful that such a big person still cries! I've known since I was three years old that I can't cry in front of others!...Don't cry, I'll show you something good!"

The little witch's chattering voice kept echoing in Zheng Qing's ears. The young public finance student raised his arms and covered his eyes for a long time. Tears no longer flowed between his fingers, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Why did you suddenly laugh again?" Zhu Si's uneasy voice sounded again: "...crying and laughing suddenly, it really looks like the legendary psychopath."

Zheng Qing put down his hands covering his eyes, revealing reddish eye circles.

"You don't know who I am?" He tried to sit up and asked in a hoarse voice.

"How strange!" The little witch looked at him vigilantly, and the leaves of the arborescens on her wrist rattled and rattled: "You met a stranger in the woods who passed out on the ground, do you know who he is? ?”

Stranger, Zheng Qing felt sour again when he heard this word.

"My name is Zheng Qing." He stroked the red string on his wrist and replied softly, "I'm a student from First University. I came here to find a friend and take her home. She is lost in this world It has been a long time."

"It's really easy to get lost in this forest." The little witch sighed, and sat on the grass next to the old oak tree with Zheng Qing, picked a mushroom at the root of the tree, and tore its Cap: "Although I've been here for a long time, sometimes I still can't find my way... Many times, I almost forgot what I'm here for."

"What are you here for?" Zheng Qing asked at the right time.

"Me? Of course I came to find my mother...and my father!" Zhu Si replied without thinking.

"Are they in this wood?"

"It should be...." Regarding this question, the little witch was obviously not sure, with a look of confusion on her face: "But I have been searching here for so long, they should be around here."

"I told you my name, you should tell me yours."

"My name is Jusi."

"Zhu Si, why do you think your parents are in this forest?"

"Because my father likes mice, he raised a lot of big mice at home, and the puppets he gave me were all in the shape of mice... And in this forest, there are many brown mice."

"Then how did you find this forest?"

This time, the little witch was silent for a long time. She frowned, seeming to trace the origin of own in her memory. After a long time, the heads of the mushrooms with slender necks under the oak trees began to emit a faint halo, the bushes in the forest were dyed a layer of dark green, and the night wind blew by, bringing a little bit of coolness.

The little witch shuddered, and her absent-minded eyes regained focus.

Then she saw Zheng Qing.

"Who are you?" She sat up nervously, opened her dark eyes wide, raised the small mirror in her hand, pointed it at Zheng Qing, her round face was full of vigilance: "Why are you sitting next to me?" ...Hush, keep your voice down, there are many monsters here, they can eat people!"

Zheng Qing let out a sob in his throat, half crying and half laughing.

"I'm Zheng Qing," he replied in a vague but clear voice, "I'm here to accompany you to find your parents... Do you still remember those migraine leaves on your wrist? That was a gift from me. "



"Different from the real world."

"The biggest feature of the dreamland is illusion and dreams."

"It is difficult for people to distinguish between reality and dreams when they are half asleep and half awake, and this is the most real part of the dreamland."

In the deep hall of the Ulthar City Museum, Elder Atal once again saw several young hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team? He was sitting behind the ivory desk? The reflection of certain secret thoughts in the bottom of my heart in my mind. And the existence of those thoughts? Support the existence of the dreamland. When those thoughts are strong enough? And when they are supported by some strong enough Power? Fantasy will become a reality."

"So? What do you mean? Our captain went to a place where he wanted to go very much?" Xiao Xiao keenly understood the meaning behind Atal Elder's explanation.

"It can be understood in this way." The old man nodded and glanced at Lan Fatty behind Xiao Xiao.

Banner was standing behind the crowd? Was he 'replenishing energy'? He choked because he was in a hurry to eat? So he just took out another small bottle of Green Bee Shunqi.

Noticed the old man's gaze? Fatty froze for a moment, then raised the small wine bottle in his hand.

"Want some?" He asked politely.

The old man jumped out from behind the ivory desk with extraordinary agility, grabbed the small wine bottle, and the wrinkles on his smiling face were bent into one piece: "You're welcome... huh? I haven't had a drink from school for a long time. Bee, this taste is really unforgettable."

Several young wizards were dumbfounded.

There was silence for a few seconds.

Xiao Xiaocai asked Ai Ai a while ago? He asked another question that he wanted to ask just now: "If... If, the captain goes where he wants to go, me, how can we find him?"

The old man Atal smacked his lips and sighed contentedly: "The main body of the dreamland is a dreamland that everyone is familiar with. But besides this ordinary dreamland, there are also many 'unique' dreams of individuals... It is conceivable It turns out that they are another planet in this universe."

"Just like it is difficult for us to cross the starry sky and find that unique planet in the brilliant sky. Without a clear guidepost, it is also difficult for you to find that unique dreamland in the endless dreamland."

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The hearts of the young wizards sank immediately.



The flock of Shantak birds spread their broad wings again and rushed into the radiant sky.

The Guge titans let out a deep roar from their throats, and waved the wooden sticks in their hands, rolling the rocks among the hills. The big purple spider put its belly on the ground, lowered its body, and prepared to welcome the arrival of its master.

Only those ancestors who carried gifts and tributes, from beginning to end, huddled in the grass nest, trembling.

Nikita and Juju leave Uzzah.

Flatteringly, a strong Zug climbed to the feet of the banshees, patted his chest carefully, and asked the whereabouts of the three Elders, and how to deal with the tribute behind them.

"Back to the Enchanted Forest," the banshee stepped on the proud purple spider, lowered her eyelids, and looked at the brown mouse-like creatures crawling in the mud: "I want you to gather the Zugs of all tribes and look for that day." The little witch who left the camp."

She pointed to Zhu Zhu.

The little banshee immediately puffed up her chest and showed her face to the surroundings: "Did you see it? Just look for this face!"

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