Hunting High School

Chapter 255 A Small Goal

Similar to the wasteland in front of the black iron gate, this new black grassland is also quiet and lonely.

Not a trace of anger.

Moreover, in this grassland, the talismans were consumed very quickly. Only about ten minutes later, the Cloud Climbing Talisman and Armored Horse Talisman, which could have burned for half an hour, had already been reduced to ashes.

Zheng Qing landed in the grass.

These black weeds grow luxuriantly, and their texture is also very soft. When you step on them, it feels like you are stepping on a thick carpet, which makes people feel a sense of joy involuntarily.

If not for this nasty color.

Holding the rune gun, the young public fee student looked around vigilantly, quickened his pace, and muttered to himself in his heart—before, the guy in yellow told him that during this new journey, he would see all kinds of things. You can take whatever you want, and you can bring it back to the real world.

But right now, as far as the eye can see, except for these black weeds, not even a cockroach can be seen. Does the man in yellow want him to pull a bunch of weeds and take them back?

After walking in the direction of the bronze door for another half an hour, feeling the distance shortened a little, Zheng Qing took out a blanket from the gray cloth bag, intending to rest his feet.

The dried meat, naan bread, and preserved fruits of various flavors were prepared in the bag in advance. Zheng Qing took out the Dharma book, silently said "毖泽泉水", and settled the picnic neatly.

After the meal, he originally wanted to leave immediately, but when he saw the crooked black weeds outside the blanket, his heart suddenly moved.

When he was on his way, he didn't pay attention to it, thinking that these weeds were the same as those in front of the black iron gate, but now that he looked carefully, the blades of these new black grasses were thicker and more vigorous.

Zheng Qing stared at the black grass outside the blanket, and took out a pair of silkworm leather gloves from the gray cloth bag. After wearing half of them, he shook his head, took off the silkworm leather gloves again, and changed into a pair of small deerskin gloves.

The dragon leather gloves are too thick, the silkworm leather gloves are too thin, and the fawn leather gloves are just the right thickness.

Then he turned over the grass and carefully looked at the small black grass.

This time, he found more differences—in addition to the thick leaves of the new black grass, there is also a very thin line on the grass stem, extending from the back of the leaf tip to the bottom of the root, disappearing into the soil, only However, some thin lines are golden, some are white, and some are red and purple.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief, seated himself with all kinds of anti-curse protection, then directly grabbed a black grass with thin golden lines on the stem, and pulled it out forcefully.

The soil is soft and easy to pull out.

But when the grass was uprooted, the young wizard couldn't help but gasped.

These two breaths were not because of hard work, but because of shock.

Because buried under the soil and wrapped by the dense roots of the black grass, is a golden bean—right at the end of the golden thread—a real golden bean that weighs heavily in the hand!


Zheng Qing sniffed, stood up, and looked around. As far as the eye can see, there are endless black weeds, which can't be seen at a glance. Assuming that there is a golden bean hidden under every grass, Zheng Qing suddenly feels that he has a small goal.

"This is the feeling of getting rich...Pull more grass, and I can also set up my own laboratory." The young wizard said to himself, no longer hesitated, knelt down on the blanket again, but pulled the blanket up vigorously Weeds all around.

In order to become a senior wizard, in addition to a solid theoretical foundation, you also need to complete various complex magic experiments. And for any magic experiment, from raw materials, reagents, samples, packaging and transportation, to the purchase, installation, and repair of equipment, to the transformation of the experimental site, external cooperation, etc., it is not an exaggeration to describe the cost in terms of running water—if it is to be carried out The most important thing is the original experiment, in addition to the huge failure cost, it also needs a series of legal support and alliance approval costs.

It can be said that every high rank wizard is made of an equal amount of gold.

In this regard, the school can provide very little help. This is also the reason why many graduates of the first university will plunge into the vast new world, because in those places where wildness and opportunity coexist, young wizards can complete primitive accumulation as soon as possible.

Soon, Zheng Qing picked up all the black grass around the blanket.

He also figured out what the different lines represented.

The grass stems are covered with thin white threads, and the roots are wrapped with varying amounts of silver horns; those with thin yellow threads are golden beans; and under the thin threads of red, purple, and green, there are crystal clear gems hidden.

Zheng Qing felt that her jaw was about to lose her saliva.

"Get rich, get rich~"

"Silver coins, golden beans, fell into my bag~"

"An opal in the left hand, an emerald in the right~"

"I want to build two laboratories~"

"We need to build a beautiful cat bed~"

The young wizard hummed an unknown tune, lowered his head, and kept pulling weeds until he pulled out a large open space around the blanket. Glittering gold and clear gems were piled up on the blanket to form a hill.

And compared to the vast black grassland, this is not even a drop in the bucket.

He had reasons to believe that, looking down from the sky, the place he was cleaning up now might not even be the size of a pinhead.

'As much as you can take'

The words of the man in yellow suddenly came to Zheng Qing's mind again, giving him a new understanding of this sentence. It is impossible to pull out all the weeds in this world, one must learn to stop when enough is enough.

With this awareness, Zheng Qing began to smash the sorted gems and gold into gray cloth bags.

The capacity of his gray cloth bag is not large, less than five cubic meters, and there are only five boxes in it on weekdays, mainly various textbooks, tools and materials. This time he broke into the dreamland, he also prepared some extra field supplies and food.

Now, for the sake of gems and gold, Zheng Qing rearranged his own gray cloth bags, and threw out the useless bottles, wooden boxes, and even some textbooks that could be repurchased.

Food can be a burden and carried on the body.

If the talisman paper can be carried in the bosom, try to put it in the bosom as much as possible.

Using all means to fill the gray cloth bag to the brim, Zheng Qing finally wiped out the small, shining 'hill' on the blanket.

"So be it."

The wizard is carrying a burden of food, a gray cloth bag on his waist, and a small leather bag full of gems in each hand. Standing in the field, he looks at the overturned empty boxes, messy books, and broken A final farewell to the jar, and re-start the journey to the bronze gate.

The silver coins and golden beans scattered on the ground were shining brightly under the gray sky, Zheng Qing forced himself to ignore those charming luster.

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I don't know if it is an illusion.

He felt that the tall bronze door in the distance seemed to be a little smaller than before.

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