Hunting High School

Chapter 258 Hastur's Friendship

Zheng Qing is now standing alone in front of the king in yellow.

Apart from a visualized rune gun, there is no other more threatening means.

Even if the rune gun is filled with blood rune bullets, and no matter how many shots he can fire with his ability, it may not be enough to blast the incarnation of Hastur with one shot only in terms of the power of the blood rune bullets. of.

Only against him.

Of course, Zheng Qing can also choose to blow himself up.

But self-explosion is not something he can explode if he wants to. The last explosion by mistake was the result of violent mood swings and the breaking of the seal just at the critical point, as well as the result of many conditions working together. Afterwards, he had carefully searched for that feeling, but he never found it.

The corners of the yellow robe fluttered before his eyes.

"Will I lose my mind... or my ego?" He stared at the fluttering corner of his coat and asked in a low voice.

A golden bean disappeared from his palm, then reappeared, paused for a moment, and then disappeared again. This sense of indecision is very similar to the feeling of doing multiple-choice questions during an exam.

An ambiguous answer came from under the white mask: "Maybe."

Zheng Qing sighed slightly, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't remember many questions that he thought of when he was running wildly on the black grassland.

He didn't even think about how many gems and golden beans he had left.

There was only one question, circling in his mind repeatedly, like the tide behind a dam, refusing to retreat for a long time.

"Why me." There was a trace of fatigue in his voice.

Under the white mask, green eyes without pupils fell on the wizard, and there was also a bit of inquiry in his eyes: "This is the choice of fate."

"Fate is a bitch." Zheng Qing muttered, forgetting who said that to him.

But he feels that this sentence is really appropriate here.

The yellow robe was windless and fluttering, and although there was no expression on the white mask, Zheng Qing felt that the other party must be laughing.

The concept of emotion rarely appears in the outer gods, but it does not mean that they lack this concept.

It's just that there are very few things in the world that can cause them to fluctuate clearly.

The avatar of Hastur looked into Zheng Qing's eyes.

The young wizard may not be aware of it, but the Outer God standing opposite him can see it clearly. As he stayed in front of Him longer and talked with Him more and more, the eyes of the young wizard had changed from black and white at the beginning to be filled with blood.

And the redness in his eyes was getting deeper and deeper.

He could clearly feel that the heavier the red, the more successful his gift would be.

This gave him even more desire to speak:

"Ordinary people will collapse directly in front of me. Even wizards will not be much better... I have seen many young wizards, and they will lose the ability to think in front of me."

"You are a special case."

"Perhaps this is why fate chose you."

Zheng Qing listened to the hoarse and long voice echoing in his ears, gritted his teeth, suppressed the slight throbbing pain in his brows and feet, and finally rolled up his sleeves, with a desperate expression on his face: "Since there is no choice...then come !"

He squeezed his eyes shut.

So I didn't see the mouth of the white mask on the opposite side, and suddenly a small slit appeared - during the long conversation, Hastur was very stingy and didn't show his own mouth, but at this moment, a small slit opened.

The slit widened until it reached the ear.

Showing a curved, huge smiling face like a crescent moon, the crescent moon is full of scarlet:

"...Many people believe that they can face Death bravely, until the wind swept by the corners of Death's robe blows their faces... Just like many people believe that they can bravely rush into the fire to save people, but often this point Courage is often consumed by the heat of the fire."

"In the endless wasteland, you have already demonstrated enough reason and determination."

"Now... summon up your courage."

"I will complete this gift before your courage is exhausted."

"This gift from the depths of the starry sky."

"This friendship from Hastur."

Accompanied by the small murmur and that weird smile, an octagonal magic halo appeared behind the head of the king in yellow, like a bright moon.

A bit of ink dyed in the center of the bright moon, and quickly covered the halo, revealing a dark and deep atmosphere.

Even with his eyes closed, Zheng Qing could still feel a new darkness rushing towards his face - it was a color deeper than darkness.

And in the deepest part of the darkness, a bright yellow symbol suddenly appeared.

A symbol composed of simple dots and distorted lines, like a splicing of several yellow question marks, blooms in the deepest part of the darkness.

If the wizard opened his eyes at this moment, he could see a symbol that was exactly the same color and shape as he saw in the dark, leaving Hastur's soft white mask, spinning slowly, and coming from the hat. Pocket down and float towards Zheng Qing.

This is the mark of Hastur.

Branded with his original breath.

The rune turned faster and faster, seemingly in a hurry, and turned into a bright spot of light in an instant, with a breath of freshness mixed with violence, directly crashing into Zheng Qing's face.

The boy yelled and fell on his back.



There is always a bit of dampness in the woods in the morning.

The soft mist and pale sunlight envelop the dark green color of the oak, adding a bit of hazy and psychedelic atmosphere to the shade.

Zhu Si wiped his eyes and woke up from his sleep, the corners of his mouth were still drool dripping from last night's sound sleep.

She wiped her saliva, with a regretful expression on her face—in her dream, she was about to carefully eat that beautiful and plump chicken head, but for some reason, the mirrors around her shattered into pieces.

After opening her eyes, she heard the slapping sounds behind the oak, and she realized that the sound of the mirror breaking in her dream was actually the sound of those little brown, oily things slapping her chest.

The little witch swallowed again, her eyebrows furrowed seriously.

In the dream, there was a figure accompanying her to remove the chicken head. The two ate happily, but when she opened her eyes, that person's face disappeared from her mind quickly, just like someone erased a pencil drawing with an eraser. like traces.

That figure is definitely not father and mother, the little witch is very sure of this, she is very familiar with their aura.

After thinking about it for a long time, the little witch woke up suddenly when a big ancestral dog boldly came up to her, stretched out its paws and quickly touched a piece of beef jerky.

She looked around in a daze, then lowered her head, and was shocked when she saw a wizard in a red robe lying beside her.

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