Hunting High School

Chapter 261 'Friendship'

Zheng Qing woke up from his sleep, his eyes were not opened yet, his consciousness was a little hazy, and the encounter in the dream was still rolling in his mind.

All kinds of wind, black grass, colorful gems, huge black iron gates and bronze gates, the incarnations of Outer Gods in yellow clothes, and that undeniable gift.


The wizard shook his head vigorously to get rid of the haze in his mind, and opened his eyes.

It was daylight.

Then he saw a mass of brown figures running in panic.

It was those Zugs.

They held the snacks, gifts and toys they had prepared for Jusi in their paws, and the torn pieces of blankets and packaging flew around, and the air was filled with the sweet smell of torn bread.


After seeing the gift in the claws of the Zugs, Zheng Qing only took a second to struggle out of the chaotic dream, recalling the scene before falling asleep last night - the little witch happily fiddled with the toys on the blanket, And he drank seven or eight bottles of potion in one go.

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He looked around, but didn't see the small figure in the tattered robe.

The last image of the dream in Zheng Qing's mind was overwhelmed by the surging thoughts, and the waking consciousness regained his mind-at the same time, a severe headache followed.

"Hiss!" The wizard snorted, hugging his head, rolling on the ground, his black cat's tail was like a thick whip, whipping wildly in all directions, the tree trunks were crackling, the leaves were flying, and the mushrooms were flying. They were also pumped into a pile of mud.

Zugs run faster.

This time the headache was more severe than ever before, Zheng Qing felt that someone had chopped off Own's head with an axe, but after cutting it open, poured it with boiling salt water, and stirred it with chopsticks by the way.

The blank mind caused by the headache lasted for a long time.

When the headache came to an end, the young wizard came back to his senses, his whole body was already limp on the grass, and he barely had the strength to get up.

"Are you awake?" A familiar and cold voice rang in his ear.

Zheng Qing squinted his eyes with difficulty.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a huge purple spider with Nikita on its back. He sighed from the bottom of his heart, his eyes flicked to every edge of the angle of view. Then he saw more images.

A titan covered in black fur with four arms and fangs and tentacles on its head; a black creature that looks like a toad with tentacles around its mouth; a scaled creature with a horse-like head and bat wings A large red bird; and a creature with a canine face and claws, humanoid, and filthy.

All kinds of evil creatures surrounded the huge purple spider, and knelt down under Nikita's robe corners as if they were visiting a queen.

Compared with them, Zheng Qing once saw those Fudou in the Kuroshio tide as well-behaved little white rabbits.

He didn't think he could deal with so many monsters in his current state—he couldn't even enter the Meditation state because of the headache, let alone visualize the rune gun that Mr. had hidden in the box in his mind.

"What about her?" Zheng Qing was not interested in answering Nikita's words, but asked directly. His voice was hoarse and dry, as if he hadn't drunk water for more than ten days.

He was asking about Zhu Si's whereabouts.

Nikita jumped off the huge purple spider, walked briskly to the side of the wizard, lowered his head, and looked at him carefully, his eyes full of surprise.

Zheng Qing felt a little tired, closed her eyes, and snorted again: "What about her?"

"When I came here, you were the only one." The banshee didn't seem to feel offended at all, but replied very patiently: "... Zugs told me that after you fell asleep last night, that The little girl looked after you for a while, then fell asleep, and when she woke up, she just left."

Zheng Qing let out a sigh of relief.

But in the next second, the breath was held in his chest.

"...I asked Zhu Zhu to take the Zugs to find her," Nikita told the wizard casually but very caringly: "Don't worry, the Zugs are the best trackers in the Dreamland, and they will definitely find you." her."

That is to say, it has not been found yet.

Zheng Qing gritted his teeth and prayed for Zhu Si for a moment - run fast, run far away, as long as he is not captured by the banshee, I hope she can borrow some own luck, because own luck is always good.

As if hearing his heart, Nikita said the same thing.

"Looks like I'm lucky," she squatted beside Zheng Qing, although her scarlet eyes and voice were as cold as ever, but there was a smile on her face: "I just planned to wait for the rabbit, but I didn't expect the rabbit to jump into the pot... ...and peeled off the skin by itself, marinated with green onion and ginger."

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling that the joke was not funny at all.

Because he is that rabbit.

"How did you get here?" the banshee asked curiously.

Zheng happily chatted with her for a while, maybe he could take advantage of this time to relax.

"I don't know." He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked around from the corner of his eye, and at the same time replied honestly: "I was lying on the stretcher of the hunting team... Suddenly my eyes went dark, and then I woke up, and here I am , Zhu Si was right next to her... I guess it was because I had been looking for her all the time, so I had the opportunity to appear by her side."

The banshee restrained her smile, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Sure enough," she nodded, "Maybe my previous methods were all wrong... If you want to find the goal you are looking for in the dreamland, you should do it like a fantasy or a dream."

Zheng Qing didn't quite understand the meaning of her words.

He didn't bother to think deeply.

Because any action that consumes mental energy now may cause headaches again. He definitely didn't want to experience that experience again.

"What are you going to do with me?" He lay on the ground, closed his eyes again, and asked lazily - the shape of the rune gun in his mind has been vaguely outlined, and he only needs to drag it for a while, and he will have the ability to resist capable.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Nikita grabbed Zheng Qing's tail, stroked it, and watched the wizard shudder involuntarily, and laughed: "If I met you before, I would just eat it... But Now, hesitate a little bit."

"What are you hesitating for?" Zheng Qing gritted his teeth, trying to keep his voice calm.

It's just that his tail was grabbed, and his voice still couldn't help trembling a little.

"Because of your current appearance, you look more like a demon than me." The banshee tilted her head, wrapped Zheng Qing's tail around her wrist a few times, and gestured for it to transform into a monster with the three black flood dragons. Which bracelet looks better.

The black flood dragon showed its head, and screamed fiercely at the cat's tail.

It's just that the cat's tail ignored it.

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