Hunting High School

Chapter 277 Crossing The River

Under the 'escort' of Nikita's army, there was no resistance in finding Xiao Xiao's entry channel. The ghosts or beasts wandering in the wilderness, in front of this army, are like the snow in midsummer, which has completely melted away.

The young wizards didn't even need to walk, they shared a few big spiders, and it was as easy as an outing.

Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao sat on the back of the largest spider, Nikita the watcher.

Because he still has many questions to consult Dr. Xiao Da:

"Why did Hastur help us?"

"What?" Xiao Xiao squinted his eyes and looked at the sparkling water surface of the Skye River, not understanding Zheng Qing's question.

"You said before that Hastur and the Siren King are cousins. Why would he help the school instead of helping his cousin?"

"I'm not a foreign god, how would I know what he thinks," Xiao Xiao finally understood Zheng Qing's question, shook his head, and adjusted his glasses:

"But I can simply deduce it based on common sense. The blood connection is the most precious but also the cheapest connection in the wizarding world. Magic can easily destroy this kind of connection. Maybe it's a battle for the way, maybe it's a battle of spirits, maybe it's just because of restraint Sulu doesn't like Hasta's resemblance to himself... We don't need to guess the story of the big man, we just need to know the result."

"How do you know these things?"

"What things?" Xiao Xiao asked patiently.

"The Siren King is Cthulhu, the relationship between Hasta and Cthulhu, and so on," Zheng Qing recalled the information he had searched, always thinking that he had overlooked a certain corner of the library: "School books Is there any information on this in the library?"

"Of course not...these are private information." While speaking, Xiao Xiao suddenly raised his hand to stop the team from moving forward, then jumped off the back of the purple spider and carefully looked at the scene in the Skye River in front of him. After a while, he straightened up Body, continued: "If you have any other questions, we can discuss them slowly after returning to school... Now, it's time to go home."

Zheng Qing signaled with the muzzle of his gun, and jumped off the back of the purple spider together with Nikita.

At this moment, they stood in a small river valley, and the wide Skye River was in front of them, and the water flowed smoothly, like a mirror. Surrounding the river bank are hills covered with shrubs and small pieces of farmland. The river is clear and blue, with white waves coagulated.

It was as if someone cut off the sky and threw it into the river.

Standing at the mouth of the valley, you can see the walls of Uzzah not far from the other bank. The dark shadow of the small town crawls across the fields, like a lazy wild cat.

"No wonder you chose to go to the city of Uzzah." Zheng Qing gestured the distance between the river bank and the small town, and nodded repeatedly: "Indeed, you didn't have many choices at the time... Did you emerge from this river?" ?”

The young wizard's eyes wandered across the river, trying to find an opening. But as far as the eye can see, there is only a calm river surface and a messy river beach, and there is no place that may hide a 'passage'.

Different from Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao didn't look around the bank foolishly. He put a 'foam head curse' on his head, jumped straight into the water, and then plunged into the depths of the river amidst the exclamation of everyone.

Every wizard's passage into the dreamland has some kind of mysterious connection with them. Without much effort, Xiao Xiao found an invisible vortex under the calm water surface, and the end of the vortex was connected to another world.

That's a watery eye.

It's just that this water eye is a little different from Xiao Xiao's expectation. After a brief induction, he realized the biggest problem: this water eye is too small.

Not to mention Nikita's sizable army, even the five-member hunting team who forgives sins, there is no way to pass it at once. In Xiao Xiao's induction, this water eye can only pass through two people at a time.

And one of them had to be him.

Because he is the 'key' of this channel.

This means that those huge Gug titans and Shantak flocks cannot be taken back to the school-this is a huge prize, and it would be a pity to lose it.

But what is more head-scratching is not the loss of trophies, but the 'disposal risk' of these trophies. If they were thrown directly on the shore, and the young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team pat their butts and leave, Xiao Xiao could figure out with his heels what the out-of-control monsters would do to the small town as far as he could see.

Even if they have the patience to 'dismiss' this army safely, they still need to consider the selection and order of the people who pass through the water eye each time. Without the deterrence of Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao didn't have much confidence in dealing with that cunning banshee.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

With these messy thoughts, dragging his heavy robe soaked in water, Xiao Xiao flopped and struggled to climb out of the water. The 'bubbles' covering the head exploded into mist the moment the water came out.

The little wizard shuddered.

Immediately, several gusts of warm wind enveloped him. This is his teammates casting the spell of 'Gao Gao rises from the sun, Xie Gufeng' on him. In just a moment, Xiao Xiao's robe was dry again.

But his expression couldn't be restored to smoothness like a dry robe, it was still wrinkled.

The apologetic young wizards soon learned the details of this passage from Xiao Xiao.

"It sounds a bit like a problem of crossing a river." Zheng Qing held the rune gun, stared at Nikita's figure, and nodded thoughtfully.

"The problem of crossing the river?" Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows. There were few things that Zheng Qing knew that he didn't know, but it was indeed the first time he had heard of this problem.

Zheng Qing immediately became interested: "It's just a little story, a certain day, a certain place, a certain farmer crossed the river with a big bad wolf, a kid goat and a basket of cabbage..."

"Why did the farmer bring a big bad wolf?" Zhu Si raised his hand first, questioning the logic of this question: "The big bad wolf can eat people!"

"Maybe the farmer is a werewolf, so he kept a big bad wolf as a pet." The little banshee next to Nikita added the setting seriously.

"That's right, a werewolf, the farmer is a werewolf." Zheng Qing waved his hand impatiently: "That's not the point...the point is, they want to cross the river, but the boat is too small, and the farmer can only bring one thing across at a time .But if the farmer isn't around, the wolf will eat the kid, and the goat will eat the basket of cabbage...that's the classic river-crossing problem."

"I am the big bad wolf." Nikita was very self-aware, pointed to himself, and looked at several young wizards with a smile.

"Then who is Xiaobaicai?"

"Her." Jiang Yu silently pointed to the little banshee: "If you were not by my side, I doubt I would be able to resist strangling it to death."

"It's hard for us to strangle a demon with our hands... It's a good choice to hand it over to the school." Zheng Qing gave his own opinion carefully, and then looked at the crowd again: "So? Do you have any good suggestions? "

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