Hunting High School

Chapter 281: Worship

After the mass, the Elder Atal quickly disappeared into the auditorium through the side door.

Xiao Xiao waited patiently for quite a while, until all the citizens and cats in the auditorium were gone, before he realized that the old man would never see him again. This confused him a little.

If you really don't want to see yourself, you don't have to let yourself come to this auditorium to listen to his mass.

If you would like to see yourself, why did you disappear without a sound after church?

Could it be because he was taking notes in the auditorium, and was considered by the Elder Atal as a lack of respect for His Royal Highness Basteit? Or maybe the old man received an order from His Royal Highness Basteat during the worship service, telling him not to help them?

The little wizard held the black notebook and stood there, thinking about various possibilities.

Xin Fatty's round face poked in from behind the curtain, and his blue skin was covered by the shadow of the curtain, adding a bit of post-modern mysterious color.

He looked around.

"Are you alone?" Fatty's tone was surprised: "I see that everyone else has left, and you haven't come out after waiting for a long time... Where's Elder Atal? Didn't we ask him for directions?"

A skinny cane came through Fatty's armpit, and behind the cane was the old hairless cat with pale skin and wrinkled body. It looked at Xiao Xiao, its pupils dilated under the shadow, like a pitch-black almond.

"Big Elder already knows why you are here," a familiar and piercing voice echoed in the auditorium. The old cat looked at the two guests with a straight face, expressionless: "Big Elder has already given his answer... you guys know where to find me."

As soon as the words fell, the old cat, together with the skinny crutch, began to collapse together.

Like a long-accumulated carbon ash, it lost its restraint and scattered into the heavy shadow of the curtain. There was no wind, but black dust danced in the shadow, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Xiao noticed that his companion had suddenly grown in size, and his head was about to poke through the roof of the auditorium.

"Calm down," he tugged at the hem of Xin Fatty's robe, indicating that he could shrink back: "There is no danger... It's just that the way these dreamland natives deal with us may be slightly different."

"That old cat is a nightmare." Fatty's head shrunk like a leaky ball, and his complaints became smaller and smaller, and his voice twisted strangely like a broken radio: " I've seen...saying goodbye to guests like more beautiful than it."

Xiao Xiao shook his head, without saying anything, turned around and walked outside the curtain.

The hall of the museum was empty and empty, surrounded by silence and heavy shadows, only the bright light from the distant exit was particularly dazzling and eye-catching. He nodded thoughtfully, it was the host showing the way to the guests.

Outside the museum, the sky was dim.

The sun shines from the ridge outside the edge of the Enchanted Forest, and the orange light covers the entire Berman Street. I don't know if it is an illusion, but Banner vaguely smells the sweet orange smell in the sun.

He must want to eat oranges, he said to himself in his heart, and at the same time stretched out his hand, grabbed a handful of sunshine, stuffed it under his nose and took a deep breath.

Without saying a word, Xiao Xiao walked in front of Fatty, strolling through the small streets of Uzza City.

This is not the first time he walked in the city of Uzzah at dusk, but it was the first time he walked out of his mind—he always held his notebook in his hand a few times before, wishing to remember the two ants greeting him on the road. write it down.

But today, the greetings of Uzzah citizens filled with country slang on the street did not attract his attention; The wandering caravans from far away, the merchants exchanging silver with the market peddlers for stained glass beads, did not attract his attention either.

He has been carefully recalling in his mind what he saw and heard during the mass just now, recalling every word that Elder Atal said.

It was Xin Fatty, who was very interested in the wandering caravan. The merchants wore black robes, dark hair, and black eyes. Their leaders wore a headdress with two horns, and a disc was sandwiched between the two horns; their trucks were painted with various mysterious patterns. , the human body with the head of a cat, the human body with the head of a sheep, the human body with the head of an eagle, and so on.

The citizens of Ulthar seemed to have great respect for the wandering caravan, and many old men rubbed their hands at the decoration on the head of the caravan leader.

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"It's like they are welcoming a god..." Fatty bit the holder of his own brush and recorded the scene in front of him - this is the manuscript he reserved for the "Crazy Hunting" page of the school newspaper, and he has already prepared nearly ten articles.

"Is it a god?" Xiao Xiao murmured, as if he had caught a glimmer of inspiration.

"It's that wandering caravan," Fatty pointed to the black cloaked car with the pen, "They are also followers of His Highness Bastetter... The transaction here is more like a friendly greeting between believers."

"I see."

There was a hint of surprise on the little wizard's face: "I see... this is a deal, and we need to prepare sacrifices."



"Sacrifice?" Zheng Qing frowned and repeated the word.

"To be precise, it is a gift to the gods." Xiao Xiao nodded and explained: "I was deeply impressed by the words of Elder Atal in the mass: 'All those listed before the altar, I will not be silent'... ...If you have heard the mass in its entirety, or know a little more about the protector of Uzzah, you should know that His Majesty Bastion is not a harsh god."

"'Those who have never visited me, ask me now, and I will answer them; those who have not looked for me, I will let them meet', hugging Buddha's feet, teaching his wife to read the Yellow not necessarily a bad thing."

"But what sacrifices should we prepare?" Zheng Qing didn't mind offering sacrifices to His Royal Highness Bastetter, and there was nothing wrong with understanding it from this perspective.

The only problem is that the young hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team are all from Jiuyou University. They are not those yellow robes who study theology in Atlas. A generous tribute.

It is said that a wizard once enshrined a little black goat with shiny fur in the magic circle where Nicholas was summoned. There are many old seals.

Perhaps this wizard wanted to prevent other Outer Gods from enjoying the sacrifice he provided for His Royal Highness Nicholas. Except he acts like someone smeared shit on your Steamed bun.

Later, the magic circle succeeded, and Nicholas was summoned, but because of those old seals, not only did he not give the wizard his blessing, but instead he turned him into a wriggling lump of flesh that had lost its bones and magic power.

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