Hunting High School

Chapter 287: Something Went Wrong

"... There is no one in that old house, and it looks like it has been abandoned for a long time."

"There are roses and wisterias crawling around on the walls, and the cracks in the stones can accommodate the claws of a Guge titan... The yard is overgrown with weeds and insects, as long as there are still people living in the house, it shouldn't be so deserted. "

"But I remember a wooden bucket was lost by the well. Is that bucket wet?"

"Maybe wet with dew."

Zhang Jixin and Xin Fatty were describing the appearance of the ancient house, while discussing the impressions deep in their minds—the details may be slightly different, but the common understanding of the two is that the house has been abandoned, and the owner of the house may have been out for a long time .

These discussions came to an abrupt end at the end of the lane.

Because at the end of the night, Engua's old house has been surrounded by Jiang Yu's glowing mushrooms. It's just that, unlike Zhang Jixin and others' descriptions, the house doesn't look so remote.

In front of the house is a piece of soft lawn, which is very evenly trimmed. There is also a circle of bushes around the lawn, which are uniformly pruned into a spherical shape, and each one is round, which looks very pleasing.

The whole house is located in the howling night wind of the Kela Valley, with its back facing the silent mountain, and the jagged rocks are lined up along the twisted ridge, like the roof beast of the old house; A small piece of red grass, and a dense black forest that wraps this grass.

The black wall bricks are piled up at the end of the lawn, neat and clean. The gatekeeper animal carved in white marble is lying on the steps paved with bluestone slabs, yawning lazily. He flicked his tail and snorted.

Zheng Qing silently looked at the lion-shaped stone beast.

After a while, he turned his head and glanced at Fatty: "The Elder's family has a big business. I can understand that this kind of house is deserted... When did your family become so rich?"

Fatty looked like a ghost.

"It's not...I didn't look like this when we came here before!" He waved his arms and looked at Zhang Jixin in a daze, as if he wanted to find an anchor line: "Did we go the wrong way? "

"There is only such a road in the forest. There is not even a fork in the woods. How can you go the wrong way?" Zhang Jixin tightened his gloves and looked at the old house with gloomy eyes: "Although I I don't quite remember what the outside of the house looks like...but there must be no gatekeeper beast, otherwise we couldn't have come out so easily before."

"So for the sake of safety, let's go back first." Nikita raised his hand very kindly, made the own suggestion, and looked at Zheng Qing expectantly.

It has to be said that for a moment, Zheng Qing was a little moved by this proposal.

But his eyes passed over Zhu Si, and the black string that was shining slightly on her wrist, thinking of the old man Attar's last exhortation, he immediately dismissed that idea.

"As the doctor guessed before, maybe this house can only reveal its true appearance in the dark." The young public finance student shook his arm holding the rune gun steadily at the banshee, and asked very politely: "It's already here, you can't go back can knock on the door and ask if you can stay overnight."

The banshee opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"Let a lady take risks? What about your demeanor?" She pointed at Own's nose with a speechless expression on her face.

Zheng Qing was a little impatient, and shook the muzzle again: "You are not a lady, because you are a demon... Demons have no human rights... If the black wizard in the house is angry because you knocked on the door, he will arrest you Stew, we will pray for you."

"What's the use of praying after death?!" Nikita cursed and walked towards the gate of the old house. Zhu Zhu grabbed the corner of her clothes and followed behind her.

Xin Fatty approached Zheng Qing's ear, and whispered to discuss: "By the way, she is our prisoner... How do you feel that she has a bigger temper than me?"

"The banshee has a bad temper." Zheng Qing thought of the experience on the admission plane, and shook his head: "Besides, she already knew that we would send her to a black prison. It's pretty good without hysterical resistance..."

"I think the main reason is that you are too kind." Zhang Jixin also leaned over and commented in a low voice: "If you cut off her limbs in advance, put her in an urn and seal it, there will be no such trouble... …Do you not have the heart to do it? My brother said it was hard to kill a lich the first time because they are so similar to us."

Zheng Qing hesitated for a few seconds.

"No," he finally denied the red-faced wizard's speculation: "I can kill her without hesitation."

"But you don't know how to torture and kill, right." Xiao Xiao pushed Zheng Qing behind him, and reminded: "Don't chat, learn from the squad leader, and be more vigilant...Nikita is about to knock on the door."

Jiang Yu silently glanced at the chatting boys, her arm holding the book remained motionless, and a few slender rays of light dripped from the pages of the book, dotting behind those glowing mushrooms.

Standing beside the witch, Zhu Si nodded his head and his eyes were already a little dazed.

Zheng Qing blushed a little, and for a moment, he felt that the identities of the witches and wizards had been reversed—the witches were vigilantly maintaining the lighting spells, while the wizards were talking about whether they should make the banshee as Eight Trigrams. Adult pig.

He coughed lightly, pulled himself together, and looked at Nikita seriously.

The banshee has already walked up the steps, and is carefully passing the lion-shaped gatekeeper. The stone beast lay lazily on the bluestone slab from the beginning to the end, and didn't even glance at the visitors.

"Excuse me, let's visit the owner of Engua's old house." The banshee bowed slightly to the stone beast, clearly explaining the purpose of own's visit.

The stone beast flicked its tail, gave the banshee a sidelong glance, snorted, but didn't make a sound.

The banshee stood in front of the stone beast for a moment.

Then a piercing sound broke the tranquility of the night, and also broke the invisible pressure in the air.

"You want to come in and ask me!" The door knocker beast on the gate of the old house screamed loudly: "That guy is a rock-headed guy. If the master doesn't speak, he won't move...and he can't talk either."

Nikita glanced at the stone beast and saw that it did not respond, so he tiptoed, slipped past it cautiously, and walked up to the door knocker beast.

"Hello, we are here to visit the owner of the house." She politely repeated the question of own again.

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"I want to come in and knock on the door!" The Knocker Beast continued to shout with its piercing voice, "What's the use of asking me! I'm just a gatekeeper!"

The smile on the banshee's face froze for a few seconds.

After a while, she raised her arm, grabbed the copper ring in the doorknocker's mouth, and slammed it hard on its face:

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The Door Knocker screamed in pain and joy: "Knock on the door! Someone is knocking on the door! Come and open the door!"

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