Hunting High School

Chapter 295 Difficulties In Physically Erasing Memory

Several similar but completely different voices came from the newly opened mouths on the tentacles, and echoed in the ears of the young wizards at the same time, appearing muddy and noisy. At the same time, those pitch-black eyes were purring aimlessly, making the noise a little more strange.

Zheng Qing refused to believe a word of what the antennae said.

As the old school wizards used to say, 'If you can't see where its brain is, never trust it to think, don't trust everything it says. '

Zheng Qing didn't think there was a brain growing on this antennae.

And he never saw where the head of the old house owner behind the door grew.

"Patients usually think that they are not sick, so you feel that you are stable, which does not explain any problems." The young public finance student implicitly but firmly rejected the tentacle's plan to continue to observe the hunting team meeting, pointing at it with a rune gun, signaling It retracted behind the door: "Also... if you don't mind, we would like to have a little private space."

"I just came out to see if the soup is ready." The tentacles retracted the eyes and mouth that had just grown on it very politely, and retracted them calmly.

When passing by the crucible, the tentacles dipped into the mushroom soup again and stirred it.

The sound of gurgling soup was silent for a moment, and then sounded again quietly. There is an enticing smell in the air, the aroma of mushrooms mixed with meat.

Zheng Qing withdrew his gaze with a straight face, trying his best to block out the rustling sounds that were about to come from behind the door. He is very curious why the owner of the old house has such a deep obsession with mushroom soup.

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He was also curious whether the boiled tentacles would be chewed and eaten by the old house owner after returning to the door.

After all, it looks delicious, and it should be almost done.

The wizard shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of the terrifying thoughts in his mind. He felt that he should also drink a piece of Lourdes holy water to wash away the bad luck in his head.

"...Although I don't agree with what he said, I have to admit that what he said is very reasonable." Xiao Xiao cleared his throat and restarted the meeting in the small circle: "Using the Oblivion Curse is too risky, we can't afford it."

"Even if we can afford it, who of us has the ability to erase a certain memory of a great wizard?" Zheng Qing echoed the doctor's point of view and gave up the idea: "It is even more likely to call him an idiot a little."

"Physical forgetting method?" Xiao Xiao squeezed his chin thoughtfully and nodded: "It can indeed be included in the options... The only disadvantage is that this method is too uncertain-which part of the memory Uncertainty being eliminated, and backlash when eliminating jobs, has uncertainty."

This suggestion unexpectedly sparked heated discussions in small circles.

"Fatty makes his fist a little bigger, grabs a rock off the mountain, and just slams it through."

"...I doubt whether his head still has the option of dizziness."

"Don't be cowardly... Never act like a softie in front of the enemy, that will make you lose your last hope of victory. We are hunters of forgiveness! We are students of the First University! We are invincible!"

"Sounds really uplifting." Xin Fatty commented absent-mindedly: "But we always have to think of a perfect plan... At least we are also students of the First University, not tauren with muscles growing in our brains."

Zhang Jixin put up a finger, and shook it in front of Fatty's nose: "Don't pretend to be smart in front of the black wizard, be a little stupid, and move directly, that's the smartest way."

Fatty was unmoved, and still tried to use his brain: "Then what do you think we should directly discuss with him about knocking him out? It's also for his own good."

"Good idea," the red-faced wizard glanced at the black cauldron not far away, "If you're willing to be thrown into the cauldron by him and take a hot bath with the mushrooms...if you're lucky, you'll still be able to get it right after you've cooked it." Help us fish out that golden bean before."

"According to the general principle of memory, the deeper the memory, the harder it is to be erased." Jiang Yu also joined the discussion, but she was not optimistic about this reckless suggestion: "Even if he doesn't resist...we beat him until he lost his memory , I don’t think those memories originating from the starry sky will necessarily be erased. On the contrary, they will come to this world completely because of losing the control of consciousness.”

"Turn into a real starry sky family." Xiao Xiao nodded: "This is indeed a very possible thing to happen."

Zheng Qing listened to these increasingly weird conversations, and finally couldn't help but interrupt the discussion among several teammates.

"Are you all serious?" The young public fee student opened his eyes wide, looked at the doctor, and then at the others: "I was just joking!"

"But we are not." Zhang Jixin looked at the wizard in surprise, as if curious that he would joke about this kind of thing: "We are very serious."

"As long as there is a possibility of one in ten thousand, this suggestion is not a joke." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and added with a serious expression: "...We need to grasp as many possibilities as possible."

Saying that, the fortune teller of the Excuse Hunting Team wrote down the second plan on the parchment, Physical Amnesia, briefly described the content of the plan, and drew a pentagram after the plan.

Zheng Qing caught a glimpse of two pentagrams drawn behind the first plan 'Forgetting Curse'.

It seems that those pentagrams should represent the difficulty of implementing the plan.

Then write down the words 'plan three' with a quill pen.

"Any other suggestions?" Xiao Xiao looked around, especially at Nikita: "Anyone, any suggestion is fine... We are now a whole. We share weal and woe."

The banshee lowered her eyelids to cover her scarlet eyes, pretending not to see the questioning eyes of the little wizard.

She wished these young wizards could not find their way home.

There was a brief silence in the small courtyard. This time, there was no sound of the young wizards panting heavily, the sound of the ampoule cap being pulled off, nor the sound of the old house owner behind the door smacking his horns.

Everyone can only hear the mushroom soup bubbling and boiling in the crucible, and the slight crackling sound of the bubbles colliding with the pottery wall.

Xin Fatty snorted lightly.

"Hey, why did I forget this." He flipped through his watch and took out a small jar of clear liquid: "Veritaserum, can make a wizard lose consciousness, and then fall into a special sedative state... There is this."

As he spoke, he swiped the menu projected by the watch, and soon another small bottle appeared, which also contained some clear liquid.

"Peaceful whiskey, the neutralizer that eliminates all conflicts—the water of La Plata." He raised the small bottle in his hand, as if toasting the air: "Now, I only lack a little Tochili flower. "

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