Hunting High School

Chapter 299: Fishing For Beans

a long time.

Or just a moment later.

There was a slight rustling sound in Zheng Qing's ears, and at the same time, he smelled a burnt smell.

He followed the sound and saw that the quill in Xiao Xiao's hand was scraping firmly on the black cauldron, and the emerald green feathers had been scorched and curled by the hot pottery wall.

"This pen is damaged due to work, and I will ask Fox Five to reimburse it." Noticing Zheng Qing's gaze, the fortune teller of the forgiveness hunting team adjusted his glasses, and switched naturally between two irrelevant topics: "...For now, both parties still abide by the agreement. We can consider picking up that bean."

"This is really good news." The young public fee student muttered in a low voice, put away the hot rune gun, and then re-stuffed the Bixie blood rune bullet that had been withdrawn before.

The thin tube in the sea of ​​consciousness reconnected the channel between the talisman bomb and the 'bomb', and the boiling magic roared again, rushing into the talisman bomb through the slender tube.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the rune gun in his hand with some concern.

I don't know how long this talisman can last.

He didn't want the first thing he did when he returned to school was to attack the golden guardian formation - then he would be thrown out of the school gate in no time.

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Jiang Yu looked scrupulously at the silent room and the silent mountain behind the room, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his voice: "Is it okay if we stay here...I mean that shot..."

She glanced at Zheng Qing pointedly.

The young public finance student cleared his throat, feeling the need to explain something.

"The shot just now was very, um, very hasty." After deliberating, he finally chose the neutral word 'hasty', and then explained: "Normal, for example, the shot I fired in the Enchanted Forest belongs to A fully 'charged' shot... and the rune bullet just now didn't take long from wrapping to shooting, and it won't destroy this house."

In addition, this house should not be destroyed so easily. After all, Zheng Qing could clearly see that behind the door of the house was not an ordinary lobby or living room, but a huge world. Maybe it's because of the angle that others don't see it so clearly - Zheng Qing doesn't intend to explain it in detail, because that's not a good thing.

"The charging is not enough, is the power enough?" The witch's attention easily ran from one extreme to another. A second ago, she was worried about whether the shot would destroy Ke Lashan, but now she began to worry again. That shot was not powerful enough to complete the deal with Engua.

"If the power is enough, the owner of this house may not have the courage to meet that shot." Jiang Yu's question reminded Zheng Qing, he stroked the talisman gun in his hand, and said thoughtfully: "...I guess he' What is borrowed is not the power of that gun, but certain rules attached to that bullet."

"Rules?" Xiao Xiao, who had been squatting in front of the crucible, raised his head and took a deep look at Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing realized that he had said too much.

He immediately took the talisman gun and walked to Nikita and Zhu Zhu—following the shot, the fuzzy faces hiding behind the door and the tentacles that had been tied to the two banshees slid back into the room one after another. But the two banshees didn't seem to know anything about it, they still closed their eyes, lying on the wet grass, unconscious.

"Get up, don't pretend to be dead!" The young Gong Feisheng held a talisman gun and yelled in a rough voice, beckoning to the two banshees on the ground with his toes.

The banshees were motionless, as if they hadn't recovered from their coma.

"Give you a second to wake up," Zheng Qing raised a finger leisurely, and threatened, "Or I will throw you into that house with a binding spell, and ask you to help find the way."

Nikita was still in a coma.

On the contrary, Zhu Zhu couldn't hold back, she raised her eyelids slightly, and then she saw Zheng Qing's half-smiling eyes. The little banshee could only sit up in frustration.

"Did anyone tell you not to talk down to the lady?" she grumbled. "The strong base light and side clip lights make you look like an evil Skeletron."

"Do you still have research on photography?" The wizard raised his eyebrows, while thinking about how to get Nikita, who was pretending to be dead, to stand up.

The little banshee immediately beamed with joy: "Painted skin must be able to do everything! The captain said that you have to look like anything to be called a real painted skin! I can not only take pictures, but also sing, dance, play the piano, mix incense, and cook , laundry..."

"Even if you know everything, he won't keep you by his side as a maid." Nikita, who had been lying on the ground pretending to be dead, finally couldn't stand Zheng Qing's burning gaze, was forced to open her eyes, and looked to her side complainingly The little banshee snapped her fingers and sneered twice: "You are a monster... the only thing he can give you is the ticket to the black prison!"

The little witch who had been in high spirits immediately became depressed again.

This made Zheng Qing feel as if he had become a big villain. He had to recite the Heart Sutra silently several times in his heart, recalibrate his own moral standards, and at the same time raise the warning line against the two banshees—he suddenly understood why some After the hunters of the hunting team capture the monsters, they will remove their limbs, seal them and carry them in urns.

Although it is rough and violates the morality of some wizards, it is safe enough.

On the other side, Xiao Xiao was trying to fish that golden bean out of the mushroom soup with a wooden spoon. But no matter how much he rattled the cauldron, he could only scoop out a spoonful of clear soup, not even a piece of mushroom.

"You should use chopsticks." Xin Fatty looked at the doctor mockingly, took out a pair of wooden chopsticks from his watch, and poked them into the cauldron. When he came across a piece of mushroom, he grabbed it.

The piece of mushroom swayed on the chopsticks like a phantom, Fatty lifted the chopsticks, only brought out a few drops of soup, not even comparable to Xiao Xiao's small wooden spoon.

The expressions of the young wizards surrounding the cauldron suddenly became more serious.

When Zheng Qing commanded the two banshees to come to the crucible with a gun, Xiao Xiao had already tried many methods - what is certain is that any tableware can only bring out the soup from the crucible, but not the mushrooms slices, not to mention the bean.

"Could it be that black wizard playing tricks!" Zhang Jixin tightened his gloves, and looked anxiously at the silent house not far away.

This is also the possibility that all the young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team are skeptical about.

Then Zheng Qing noticed Nikita's mocking gaze.

"What do you think?" He shook the muzzle of his gun and asked directly.

"Opinion?" the banshee snorted, her smile was full of malice: "What can I think? It's very simple, if you drink up that pot of mushroom soup, you will definitely be able to fish out the beans that have sunk in the bottom of the pot... The old-school wizard's usual practice Bad taste. But God knows what that dark wizard added to the soup."

Zheng Qing frowned.

The owner of the old house did say that he was an old-fashioned wizard.

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