Hunting High School

Chapter 80: Ling San

The weather in the afternoon was a little dull.

The clouds in the sky hadn't dissipated completely, and the sun half-covered his face, lazily leaking a few rays of light from between his fingers.

The courtyard of the research institute is not big, and the layout is very compact.

The sun can only leave a small bright spot in the yard.

The two young wizards crossed the spot of light and walked deep into the backyard.

There is a small garden where some medicinal herbs and seedlings commonly used in alchemy are planted, which belong to Dr. Duzem's private property.

The old mulberry tree they were looking for grew in the center of that nursery.

I don't know if it's because of the spells engraved on the bluestone road under my feet, so the road is very quiet, not even disturbed by singing insects. This quiet environment makes Zheng Qing feel very comfortable.

There is a row of lush creepers at the corner of the tall wall next to the lane.

Zheng Qing was impressed by the row of plants.

He remembered that when he was waiting at the door, there were many interesting little creatures hidden under the wide leaves of these vines.

Even now, of course, if he kept an eye out, he could always spot the elusive peeping eyes among the vines.

"When I am old, I will also buy a secluded house. Open a small garden, plant some vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers. There must be a well and a deck chair in the yard. And plant a big pagoda tree , In midsummer, lying under the locust tree, tsk tsk, it’s beautiful to think about." Zheng Qing held the porcelain plate and jade scissors, took a deep breath, and planned his own retirement life wantonly: "Like those tree sperm, Grass sperm, I will make grass nests for them, so they don't harm my garden."

Jiang Yu had a look of hell on his face.

"You haven't been an adult for a year, and you think about retiring Life?" She couldn't help laughing out loud: "It's a bit too far away."

"Because I always feel that I can't adapt to this world." Zheng Qing was a little sullen: "When a large group of people on campus speculated about the cause of the kitten's death, I mentioned that the person who killed the kitten might be a wizard, but I was despised by many people Ahh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

He suddenly realized that the owner of the kitten was walking in front of him, felt remorse and apologized repeatedly.

But obviously, his words revived Jiang Yu's negative emotions.

"It's okay, you didn't say anything wrong." Jiang Yu lowered his head and walked in the shadows between the buildings, his voice seemed a little depressed: "Actually, maybe you told the real cause of its death."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"But by the lake, no one supports me." Zheng Qing always feels very uncomfortable when he thinks of the eyes of everyone.

"That's because you can think that way about some things, but you can't say that in public." Jiang Yu turned her face and forced a smile: "My tutor once discussed this kind of issue with me, if your point of view 'politically incorrect' and no one will accept it even if it is true."

"Humans always like to deceive themselves and others." Zheng Qing sighed: "It's so childish."

"No, you are the one who is really naive." Jiang Yu shook her head and said softly: "If you still belong to this society, you must obey the ideas of this society. You are not an important person, so your ideas are not important, what is important is everyone's ideas .”

While talking, the two had arrived at the center of the small garden in the backyard. The old mulberry tree hung its head steadily, without a single leaf being moved by the breeze, as if it had fallen asleep.

"It's so unreasonable!" Zheng Qing thought about Jiang Yu's last sentence just now, and his tone seemed very unconvinced.

"That's the reason - speech based on anomalous ideas is an offense to the public."

"What kind of offense is this?" Zheng Qing laughed out of breath, "I don't like co-authoring, and I can't even talk about it?"

"Of course it doesn't matter if you talk about it." Jiang Yu shook his head helplessly: "But if your words are like fluff and can be swept away by a small wind, then what's the point of speaking? The older you are , the richer the experience, the more sophisticated the human relationship, the less irrevocable words you will say."

"Fortunately, I'm still young." Zheng Qing looked at the jade scissors in his hand with a self-mockery, and snapped off a few old mulberry leaves viciously.

"Making mistakes is a characteristic of young people, so don't worry." Jiang Yu raised the porcelain plate, took the mulberry with leaves, and raised her voice to remind: "That mulberry leaf looks older... yes, it is the branched branch superior."

Zheng Qing sighed, finally stopped whining, and started to work quietly.

When the two young wizards returned to the study with a plate of mulberries and young leaves, the doctor was busy in front of the laboratory table with his back to them.

"Bring the things here." The doctor turned his head, raised his eyelids, and looked at the two of them with some surprise in his tone: "You have selected twelve materials so quickly?"

"Doctor, your eyes..." Zheng Qing looked at the doctor behind the desk and exclaimed in surprise.

Dr. Duzem's originally empty eye sockets were filled with two eyeballs.

Raising his eyes and eyebrows, he became more popular.

The whole person looks much more real.

Although compared with when we first met, his eyes seemed to be a little bigger, and his eye sockets looked a little swollen. But it's within the normal range anyway.

Finally, the atmosphere of the horror movie was gone. Thinking of this, Zheng Qing immediately felt better.

"Are your eyes okay?" Jiang Yu looked at him worriedly: "It seems a little congested?"

"Oh, it's okay...the eyeballs have been soaked in the potion for a long time, and they are a little swollen." Dr. Duzem rubbed his eyes and squinted at the two young wizards: "It's good to have a little more rest at the medicine We have to work together to deal with this matter as soon as possible.”

Zheng Qing was shocked and nodded again and again.

If he could quietly learn the doctor's dispensing method, maybe the own elf could last longer, he thought happily in his heart.

"Come here, I will assign the follow-up tasks first." The doctor walked behind the desk and greeted the two young wizards.

On the desk, the thousand-year-old tortoise was still lying in the center like a rotten wood. At this moment, it raised its neck like a rotten wood, opened and closed its nostrils, and stared blankly at a sapphire-based medicine grinder placed in front of the desk.

A layer of fine red powder has been spread in the roller.

"What is this? Cinnabar?" Zheng Qing carefully rolled the red powder with a white porcelain wheel, and asked curiously.

"Cinnabar?" The doctor shook his head: "Whether it's cinnabar, saltpeter, alum, or stalactite, these are all medicines for tigers and wolves, and your elves can't afford them."

"This is jade powder." Jiang Yu dug out a little bit with an ear spoon, twisted it lightly with his fingertips, and said with certainty: "And it's cooked jade."

The doctor nodded approvingly, then turned his head, stared at a pair of big swollen eyes, and told Zheng Qing: "Go, go outside in the sunlight, and continue grinding the fat jade inside, the finer the better."

Zheng Qing walked away dejectedly.

He realized that Dr. Duzem was determined not to let him see the complete refining process.

When the sun's light spot on the ground further stretched and deformed, Jiang Yu finally walked out of the study and called Zheng Qing back into the room.

The white porcelain grinding wheel had already ground his palms red and itchy, and the jade powder in the medicine grinding machine was also ground so that it was almost running water.

Zheng Qing rubbed his red and itchy palms, and asked in a muffled voice, "Are you all ready?"

"Hmm." Jiang Yu laughed lowly: "According to the doctor, this spirit powder can be mixed later, and no special refining is required."

In the study.

A somewhat yellowish mortar was placed on the desk.

Inside the bowl were some finely chopped blue-black herbs, a thin layer that barely covered the bottom of the bowl.

Dr. Duzem was using a brush dipped in a bowl of bright red paint to outline a complex talisman array on a wooden board. Several layers of formations of different colors have been embedded under this talisman.

"This is a very rare formation." Jiang Yu whispered in his ear.

Zheng Qing can understand the high-end of this formation without explaining it.

To be able to nest several rune arrays with different effects and interact with each other requires an extremely solid foundation and superb rune array skills.

There are four empty small bowls next to Dr. Duzem, and the black, white, blue, and yellow paints that were originally contained in them have been used up.

When he also threw the small bowl full of red paint on the ground, the doctor finally raised his head.

"Pass me the mortar," he whispered.

Zheng Qing quickly picked up the medicine bowl not far away and handed it to the doctor.

Dr. Duzem moved the old tortoise away, then placed the wooden board full of talisman arrays in the center of the desk, took the mortar from Zheng Qing's hand, placed it on the wooden board, and checked the position carefully.

"That's all for the basic work." He finally stood up, his voice sounded very tired: "You can follow my instructions later... It doesn't require any magic power, it's very simple."

Zheng Qing nodded vigorously.

"Miss Jiang is in charge of the juice squeezed from that old mulberry leaf." The doctor glanced at Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu nodded quietly.

"Why is there only green?" Zheng Qing looked at the green leaf juice, and wondered, "Where are those mulberries? They should be colored."

"It was eaten by it." Jiang Yu whispered, and quietly pointed to the reddish-purple stain at the corner of the mouth of the thousand-year-old turtle on the desk: "I just found out that the only thing that is used as medicine is a little juice squeezed out of the mulberry leaves."

The tortoise seemed to have heard the whispers of the two, raised its head proudly, and curled its lips.

The doctor pondered for a moment, looked at Zheng Qing, and ordered: "As for you, when you see the smoke rising, throw the jade powder in, don't hesitate."

Zheng Qing continued to nod obediently.

"Finally, remember what you have to do." The doctor turned his head and glanced at the old turtle again.

The spirit turtle tilted its neck, and the corners of its mouth turned up in disdain.

The doctor took a deep breath, looked up at the sun outside the window, raised his hand, and snapped his fingers.

A convex mirror appeared out of nowhere above the mortar.

"Fire in the air." He murmured, the sunlight quickly focused along the lens, and in the blink of an eye, the finely divided medicinal materials at the bottom of the bowl were ignited and hissed into flames.

The fire spread, and the wind was strong, and those finely divided Medicinal herbs turned into a cloud of fine ash in an instant.

A wisp of blue-white smoke rises up.

"Stone is like water." The doctor suddenly raised his head and looked at Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing was so blessed that he raised the jade roller with his hand, and the flowing jade powder in the roller turned into a stream of red light, and fell to the mortar one after another, gathering back the wisp of rising green smoke.

"Wood produces gold (Jin)." Dr. Du Zemu seemed to finally heave a sigh of relief, and looked up at the witch beside him.

Jiang Yu raised the cup in his hand and poured the juice squeezed out of the mulberry leaves into the mortar.


two drops.

Three drops.

The turquoise juice fell into the bowl, glued together with the smoky fine ash, and the color faded in the blink of an eye, turning into a pile of jelly-like things.

"The medicine is like smoke." With a smile on Dr. Duzem's face, he tapped the turtle shell on the table with his fingers.

The spirit turtle sighed and leaned over the jelly, and opened its mouth.

After a while, a crystal clear silk thread dripped from the corner of its mouth and landed on the jelly.

The final medicine is the saliva of the Millennium Spirit Turtle.

Like boiling water falling on a cube of ice, the piece of jelly melts when it meets your saliva, and in an instant, it turns into a nearly transparent and light mist.

"The five air streams circulate, and the void produces smoke." Jiang Yu clenched his fists and moaned weakly: "Is this what a senior alchemist calls a 'simple blend'? This kind of ingenious refining technique is enough for us Learned for many years."

Zheng Qing looked at the cyan cloud swirling in mid-air in bewilderment, and shrugged.

He didn't realize how ingenious the doctor's dispensing technique was.

But he immediately cheered up again.

Anyway, the elves are finally able to wake up.

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