Hunting High School

Chapter 305: The Way Home

"Virtual personality?" The boy couldn't help it again, and asked: "In this world, is there any difference between real and virtual? You are here now, where is she?"

"The reason why the virtual is virtual is because it does not belong to the real." The witch lowered her eyelids and replied in a very soft voice: "But precisely because of this, two souls can stay in the same 'body' safely... It's just that as I grew up, her body became weaker and weaker."

"The stronger I am, the closer she is to being completely 'false'. But the longer I stay in the dreamland, the stronger I inevitably become... In order to prevent the 'real' from disappearing completely, so for a long time, I will actively choose to sleep."

Speaking of this, the witch suddenly smiled: "Did you find it very interesting? When she was outside, she thought about being lazy to sleep all day long, so she didn't have to practice those boring magic spells... But when she came to the dreamland, deep sleep became a thing of the past. It’s a very extravagant thing. While trying to get rid of this illusory world, I have to fall into a deep sleep in the illusory world.”

Zheng Qing silently listened to this plain and somewhat cruel story.

"What about now?" His eyes followed the sloping slope and landed on the top of Kela Mountain. The night was shrouded in snow, exuding a deep chill: "Why are you waking up now?"

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"Because she needs help," the witch's answer was a little out of Zheng Qing's expectation: "You stayed in that old house for too long, so long that I woke up from my anxiety... I should have slept for a long time After a while, when I wake up now, I think it was Merlin who blessed me, and blessed her to return to the real world."

He couldn't help but interrupted: "Do you know the consequences of helping her?"

"Consequences?" She puffed her lips, just like the little witch from long ago: "Of course I know... This is her last journey back to reality, and it may also be the last time I wake up."

"Aren't you worried that you'll disappear?"

"Why do you use the terrible word 'disappear'? I am a projection in her dream. What is the difference between us in the dream? Dreamland... If she wants to see me, she still has a chance after she falls asleep."

Zheng Qing didn't know if this counted as self-comfort.

Because the difference between ordinary dreams and phantom dreamlands is greater than that of assembly language and high-level language, ordinary dreams are like soil, and countless ordinary dreams are intertwined with each other, laying a solid foundation for the birth of phantom dreamlands.

"You may disappear completely." The wizard emphasized again.

The witch raised her eyebrows, and her tone was somewhat displeased: "Does my disappearance and existence have anything to do with you? In fact, you didn't know me before that... Instead of worrying about a ghost that has little to do with you, you We should consider how to find the way in the sky and bring her back to reality."

Zheng Qing raised her head subconsciously and glanced at the gloomy night.

A mournful mist surrounds the silent mountaintop, and all around it are clouds, thick and majestic, that walk slowly and deliberately. Clouds enveloped the peak, blocking the moonlight and enlarging the night.

"Where is this place?" The wizard asked with some uncertainty.

"The top of Kela Mountain, as you heard from Dashan's memory, used to be the place where the gods lived. The earth gods of the dreamland cast a powerful magic on this mountain to expel every soul that came close. ...They don't like being seen by mortals and talking about their tracks... Ordinary people will be trapped in the old house at the foot of the mountain before going up the mountain, studying how to go up the mountain day after day, and eventually become Part of the old house."

"How do you know this?"

"I've stayed in the dreamland for a long time, so I inevitably know a little more." The witch smiled, and threw a new melon to Zheng Qing: "For example, the current owner of the old house is a famous person in the dreamland more than three hundred years ago. He is also the mentor of the Great Elder of Atal in the Temple of Uzza... At first he wanted to climb to the top of the mountain to spy on the gods, but he was frightened crazy by what he saw, and he was trapped in that house and could no longer get out. went."

"Barser?" Zheng Qing frowned: "I remember that black wizard is called Engua."

"Every soul bound in the house is named Engua. But before they became Engua, they all had their own real names."

Zheng Qing licked his dry lips. Thinking of the twisted figure in the old house, he finally realized the greatest risk he was facing now. He looked around and asked anxiously, "Where are those earth gods now? Why did Balsa Frightened crazy?"

"Because he's greedy for knowledge that doesn't belong to him." The witch's tone was calm, without any intention of commenting: "You are lucky to have maintained the most basic trading principles when dealing with that old house...and that old house is It is the most important node in all the magic that the gods attached to Kelashan."

"As for those earth gods, they have dissipated a lot in history... Some of them were eaten by monsters, some were captured by the school and locked up in the laboratory, and some were killed in conflict with passers-by in the depths of the starry sky. Others have changed their names and surnames, lingering in some hidden corners, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find their traces... The cat god in Uzza City used to be one of them."

Zheng Qing immediately thought of the extremely weak and distant sigh when the thought of 'climbing the mountain' reverberated in his heart, and he suddenly realized that it should be the Earth God still remaining in this world, who realized that the rules of Kela Mountain had been broken through. sigh.

"Then why did Elder Atal tell us the way home?" Zheng Qing suddenly didn't understand what the temple priest was thinking. He originally thought that Atal was just a warm-hearted and kind old man.

"There are many reasons." The witch stretched out her small hand and put away her short fingers one by one: "He wants to save his own teacher, so he needs a new soul to replace Balser in the old house of Engua; he received your sacrifice The product, according to the rules of the gods, must give the correct answer; he serves the Bastion, but he resists the Bastion, etc., he has a very interesting, very sincere, but full of contradictions. Soul. "

Zheng Qing chose not to dissect the soul of a 400-year-old wizard on this windy mountaintop, and instead focused on more urgent matters.

"what should I do?"

"You should discuss it with your own companions." The witch glanced at the stumbling figures on the ground: "I can provide some pointers after you make your choice, but I can't make your choice for you before you make your choice... This is There are few rules that the gods left on top of the mountain."

"Only souls who have left this world have the right to choose the 'Tao'."

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