Hunting High School

Chapter 307: Ivy

The white animal bones crackled slightly in the crimson flames.

Slender lines are carved out by magic power, which are the projections left in the three-dimensional world after the space-time dimension line is baked by the magic flame and reveals its whereabouts.

Each streak represents a possibility.

What a fortune-teller does is look at and identify the greatest of these possibilities.

Xiao Xiao wiped off the snowflakes on the lens, lowered his head again, and continued to carefully examine the patterns on the animal bones. Trying to rely on the power of fate in the dark to find the way home for everyone.

It's difficult.

Even though he is the best fortuneteller among his companions, he is still only a first-year student at the First University, a fortuneteller with limited skills who has not yet obtained a registration certificate.

The only thing he can confirm now is that fate has not punished these young and reckless wizards in this strange world. The straight and smooth lines on the animal bones are the best proof.

That means there will be no more twists and turns on their way home.

The fortune-teller's gaze continued to extend along with those lines, and his spirit continued to rise in the jumping flames, watching around from a perspective beyond the dimensional lines, like a groundhog that got out of a hole in the ground, stood up, and looked around.

He saw colorful color patches all over the void, including quiet and profound blue, fiery bursting red, majestic golden, radiant cyan, and so on.

Huge color blocks spread across the entire sky, forming a thick barrier; the different color blocks are intertwined, but they are clearly separated. The same thing is that all the color blocks exude a terrifying aura, which makes the young fortune-teller's gaze Feel the tingling.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

This should be the traces left by those indigenous gods on Kela Mountain, Xiao Xiao recalled the history of Kela Mountain mentioned by Zheng Qing, and guessed from the bottom of his heart.

It's just that they don't know whether those color blocks are the relics after the war of the gods, or the traces of the spells cast by the gods to expel the mortals.

Enduring the stabbing pain in his gaze, he opened his eyes wide and searched among the colorful blocks. After an unknown period of time, he finally saw a vague outline from the sinuous lines—that is A chicken, a harp, and a huge head that occupies a small half of the sky.

When he realized that the head should belong to a titan, the head turned slowly, opened his dark eyes, and looked over.

With a loud cry, the young fortune-teller fell from the colorful world.

"Wake up, wake up!"

A familiar cry came from Xiao Xiao's ear, and then he felt something hard stuffed into his mouth—it was the edge of a ceramic bowl—and the spicy liquid was forcibly poured into his stomach.

The wizard coughed violently and struggled to open his eyes.

The moon above the head still hasn't set, but just moved towards the sky; the night is still dark, the wind on the top of the mountain is wrapping the snowflakes on the ridge, whistling, hovering around the young wizards, bringing a biting chill.

The magic flame in front of the fortune teller hadn't been extinguished yet, but the animal bones that had been rolling in the flames had turned pitch black, and the lines on them could not be seen clearly.

Sim Fatty held his arm, holding a bowl of potions.

"Hurry up and drink," Fatty's light blue skin seemed to glow under the moonlight, making people feel the urge to poke something: "...the hot potion prepared by the master on the spot is absolutely refreshing. Refresh your brain!"

Xiao Xiao twitched the corners of his mouth, and squeezed out a laborious laugh from his throat, which sounded like a cat purring.

"Hot Potion," he raised his hand and rubbed the corners of his eyes, "I've never heard of such a low-quality potion, don't tell me this is the first time you have prepared it... Where are my glasses?"

Fatty smiled and poured the remaining medicine into Xiao Xiao's mouth: "There is a first time for everything... Don't worry, there will be no major problems."

Beside him, another pair of hands randomly placed a pair of glasses on the bridge of the little wizard's nose.

"Your glasses." After Zhang Jixin put the glasses on for Xiao Xiao, he pressed the frame habitually, almost crushing the bridge of Xiao Xiao's nose. …It was a little muddy, and I cleaned it up for you.”

Xiao Xiao muttered with tears in his eyes and thanked him.

Until then, Zheng Qing had the opportunity to ask Xiao Xiao about the divination result: "Have you seen it? What should we do next?"

Xiao Xiao hastily swallowed the remaining potion in the bowl, and released a cloud of suspicious light red gas.

"Is that bean still there?" He watched the ball of red gas being torn apart by the night wind before turning his gaze to Zheng Qing: "I think I know how to get home."

"Douzi?" Zheng Qing looked puzzled: "I've been comprehending for a long time, so there's no reaction?"

Since going up the mountain, that green bean has never left Zheng Qing's palm. But I don't know if it was because he was on the top of Mount Kela, even though he stretched his ears, he didn't hear any whispers.

Without the historical echo deep in the mountains, it is naturally impossible to find the way home through "communication" with the mountains.

Zheng Qing was about to give up this option.

"Have you tried to plant that bean?" Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, touched the bridge of his nose that seemed to be crushed, and asked in a low voice.

Plant it!

Zheng Qing suddenly woke up.

He immediately opened the Dharma book, directed a few thick vines to dig a hole in the hard snow on the top of the mountain, threw the round and plump green bean into the hole, and then cultivated, fertilized, and watered.

During this process, Xiao Xiao described to his companions what he saw and heard in the divination ceremony, those colorful blocks, the huge head outlined by light, the harp and the chicken.

Especially the last few clues point to the same conclusion very clearly.

"Jack and the Magic Beans!" Zhang Jixin was stunned. Even though his brain had a higher muscle ratio, he had heard this fairy tale familiar to children in the wizarding world: "The magic vine that reaches the sky!"

It's just that the beans were buried in the soil, but they didn't break out of the ground as the young wizards expected, and grow up quickly.

The young hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team waited impatiently, discussing whether everyone needs to sleep for the magic vine to grow, like Jack, or whether they should use a spell of "pick the seedlings to grow", or Does growing magic beans need the assistance of a magic circle?

At this moment, Zheng Qing felt his tail being pulled.

He lowered his head, and Zhu Si left Jiang Yu's arms at some point, and came to his side, staring curiously at the mound where the magic beans were buried.

"This is the land blessed by the gods," the little witch opened her mouth, and Zheng Qing knew that it was another 'Zhu Si' who was speaking. She leaned into the wizard's ear and whispered: "... only watered by the blood of the gods. , so that it can break the shackles of this land."

Zheng Qing does not have the blood of the gods.

But he felt that since the blood stained with the breath of the forbidden curse was good at breaking the rules, breaking through the shackles of this land was naturally not a difficult task.

So he took the silver-handled knife out of his pocket - the one he usually used for chopping herbs in Potions class - and slit the palm of his hand.

The dark red blood quickly flowed over the skin, forming a small pool of rich color in the palm of his hand, which looked like a clear ruby.

The wizard clenched his palm, crushed the ruby, and scattered it.

The blood seeped into the soil quickly.

After a while.

A tender green ivy broke through the ground, hovered, entangled with each other, and shot straight into the sky. Those cloud clusters hovering around the peak of Kela Mountain from beginning to end, those calm cloud clusters, like snow scorched by the scorching sun, screamed and retreated into the distance.

The cold moonlight spreads over the whole world.

The green vines stretched straight upwards, and finally disappeared into the darkness intertwined with starlight.

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