Hunting High School

Chapter 309: A Long Night (2)

A few gray robes carried a cold wind, blowing through the winding and empty streets.

Different from the gray-black robes of the janitors, these gray robes on the street are lighter in color, showing a grayish-white color under the moonlight, looking like strands of cooking smoke just emerging from the chimney.

A figure quickened its pace slightly, came to the team leader, and reported in a low voice:

"Avery, the lights in the bookstore at No. 99 Pedestrian Street are still on so late, is there something going on in the store? Shall we check it out?"

The team leader named Avery has silver-white hair—because of Korma's influence, most wizards in the North District will have such silver hair, and even if they are not good enough, they will dye a lock of it to show respect—after hearing the team members' comments After the report, the leader stopped for a while and glanced at the location of the bookstore.

The window of the bookstore on the corner did reveal orange lights, and there was a fat yellow raccoon reflected on the glass window, looking at them curiously.

"No need," he vetoed his subordinate's proposal, paused, and then explained briefly: "Since the cat is still sitting safely on the window sill, it proves that no serious accident happened in the store, maybe it's just a hardworking cat. The store is sorting out the inventory...and we have no more time to delay, the great sage has issued an urgent order to call all patrols to return, this is our highest priority task."

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There was a low voice of approval from everyone in the team.

No one questioned the correctness of this sentence, just like no one could question Korma's lofty prestige among the wizards in the North District. A devout devotee who turns into a witch.

When Avery returns to the Cherry Blossom Tavern with his patrol.

The courtyard in front of the tavern was already full of wizards from the North District in gray and white robes. Avery saw some familiar figures at the head of the line—Catherine, Enoch, Kathy, Colin, etc., all of whom were the original members of the Kini Cabin. After the wizards of the North District were born, these members naturally became the closest subordinates of the Great Sage.

"What happened?" Avery asked in a low voice, stepping into the small circle.

Everyone is shaking their heads.

Even the most trusted Catherine Stewart of the Great Sage of Colmar, the first North District wizard born in the Kini hut, was confused by the abrupt order of the Great Sage.

"We just received a summoning order." Colin glanced at Catherine before replying, "The great sage didn't tell me the specific reason. But according to everyone's private communication, it should be that the patrol team who entered the Silent Forest found something ..."

Silent forest?

Avery nodded thoughtfully, and began to think about what the patrol found that would alarm a great wizard. It might be a group of wild dragons near the school, or it might be a magic circle summoning the Devil in the depths of the forest, or it might be that the black tide erupted ahead of time. In short, it would not be a good thing.

At this moment, the voice of the great sage of Kerma suddenly came from his ear:

"Captains come in."

He raised his head, looked around, and found that other people in the small circle also had surprised expressions on their faces. It seems that all the captains of the patrol heard the voice of the great sage.

Soon, under the leadership of Catherine, everyone lined up in a neat line and entered the second floor of the Sakura Tavern.

Downstairs, other wizards in the North District breathed a sigh of relief—as long as the great sage still has arrangements, everything will not look so bad—some active young people are even in the mood to take out their own frogs from their pockets and compare them with each other. The sacrifices are fatter.


Unlike a crowded and vibrant yard.

The lobby on the second floor of Sakura Tavern seemed empty and quiet.

Wine cabinets, bar counters, curtains, and those old round tables have long since become the dust of history with the birth of wizards in the North District. The only thing that hasn't changed is the owner of this hall.

Kerma sat on the black high-back chair at the end of the hall, the stone platform under her feet was nearly half a meter higher than all the seats in the hall. On both sides of the hall, there are two rows of long tables covered with sauce-red velvet tablecloths, and behind the tables are empty chairs.

After entering the door, the captains of the patrol team silently and quickly sat down on their respective chairs, lowered their heads, and waited for the great sage to speak.

Although I didn't look carefully, I don't know if it was an illusion. Avery felt that the great sage today seemed to be farther away from them than yesterday, and her figure was also bigger.

Before he could fully comprehend this change, on the high platform, the great sage of the wizards of the North District spoke: "I have always felt that participating in the Silent Forest patrol is a kind of luck to you and understand me mean?"

The hall was silent, and everyone was thinking about the deep meaning behind this sentence.

Especially the word 'lucky'.

But no one responded abruptly, because everyone knows that the great sage doesn't like flatterers. It wasn't until her gaze swept across the audience that she finally landed on Catherine, who was sitting at the top, that the so-called "first wizard of the North District" stood up and replied cautiously:

"Do you mean that participating in the patrol in the Silent Forest can help us become familiar with spellcasting as soon as possible?"

"No, it's recognition." Korma raised her hand, motioned for the witch to sit down, and said softly at the same time: "If we want the wizards of the North District to be accepted by Beta Town, the First University, and the entire Wizarding Union...then we have to learn Take enough responsibility and get enough recognition... just like the ancestors of magicians sacrificed in the Lich Wars in order to obtain the status of wizards long, long ago."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became more solemn.

"Wizards in the North District have had enough of blind eyes and contempt. To be able to stand up at this critical moment and protect this forest, this town, and this school... It is a great fortune for each of us."

"We have gained new strength and the strength to retaliate, but we cannot vent the grievances we have suffered to other wizards, otherwise we will be rejected by the entire alliance... At this time, a new black wave in the Silent Forest has set off a new wave against us. , For you, for the entire North District, this is great luck."

"But any luck comes at a price."

Before he finished speaking, Kerma threw a photo stone from the high platform and threw it in the center of the hall. The blue-gray stones rolled and made a buzzing sound, projecting a dynamic picture in an instant.

The patrol captains sitting on both sides can see that it is the perspective of a patrol officer. Every patrol team has such a patrol officer who is responsible for recording the patrol route and encounters for subsequent assessment and evidence. reserve.

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