Hunting High School

Three Hundred And Eleventh Chapter Long Night (Four)

"This photo stone was found by several other patrol teams who arrived after hearing the news and relying on magic positioning."

"Except for this picture stone, all members of that patrol team, including their clothes, equipment, and even footprints, etc., disappeared without a trace... The reason why this picture stone can be preserved is because of that Brave rangers dropped it in the pool, among a pile of pebbles."

"Our patrol did not find any signs of danger in that area—including the strange noise coming from the photo stone, the smell recorded on the parchment of the patrolman, and unusual footprints—and found nothing unusual."

"The only thing that can be confirmed is that we lost a brave patrol team, and some kind of terrifying and strange existence appeared in the Silent Forest..."

A capable wizard held a report and whispered supplementary explanations to all the captains on both sides of the long table.

Avery recognized that it was a captain who didn't belong to Kini Cabin - the North District is huge, and there are many smart and capable talents among the tens of thousands of magicians. Like Avery and the old folks at Kini Lodge, they were put to good use.

It's just that because of the short time, they feel a little 'outsider' after all.

Therefore, these outsiders will often complete the tasks assigned by Korma with greater enthusiasm and stronger will. Avery was not surprised that the missing patrol belonged to these 'outsiders'.

The briefing was not long, and the information provided in the briefing was no richer than that contained in the picture stone. After the capable wizard finished his report, he quickly sat down.

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The hall fell into a heavy silence for a moment.

Only the mountain of candles hanging upside down from the ceiling spit out cool flames and made a slight beeping sound, as if mourning for the patrolmen who disappeared in the depths of the silent forest.

At the end of the hall, on a black high-backed chair.

Kerma's closed eyes slowly opened.

"It's the Outer God," she concluded without hesitation. Compared with the youthful wizards of the North District, the witch who once served as the vice-chairman of the student union at the First University and faced the two Outer Gods directly, through that piece The information-rich photo stone, and then contacting her previous encounters and some recent events in the school, immediately made an own judgment:

"Sab Nicholas, the supreme goddess deep in the starry sky, the black goat of the forest that gave birth to thousands of offspring... It's just that it's not clear whether it's his incarnation or his dependents."

"According to the description in the picture stone, it should be just a black goat cub. It's just that the wizards of the North District are also wizards, so they won't be hunted down by an ordinary black goat cub in a short I prefer it It is the incarnation of His Royal Highness Nicholas."

The restlessness and restlessness that the witch imagined did not appear in the hall. No one whispered, no one whispered, no one even twisted their bodies uncomfortably, causing the chairs under them to creak.

They just sat silently and demurely.

From time to time, he looked at her with fanatical and expectant eyes.

Yes, Kerma sighed slightly in her heart, how could she ask for more? A month ago, the figures behind the two long tables were still magicians struggling in the North District. For them, the most dangerous job in the world was to cross the Silent River and enter the Silent Forest to pick up some mushrooms.

Ordinary wizards are already aristocratic lords; registered wizards with titles only appear in high-spirited discussions in taverns; I'm afraid I will never have the chance to get in touch with it in my whole life.

So, Outer God?

For the wizards of the northern region with shallow background, there is no essential difference between outer gods, demons, giant dragons sleeping in the crater, or great wizards who have lived in the tower for hundreds of years.

Just like the sun, because it is too far away from them, they cannot feel the blazing fire that burns everything.

Thinking of this, Korma suddenly lost interest. She originally planned to listen to the opinions of her subordinates, but was overwhelmed by the exhaustion in her heart.

She is so tired.

The witch raised her hand and signaled the captains to stand up: "Since the risk is too high, it is beyond the ability of the wizards in the North District. I will immediately apply for assistance from the school... Before that, the patrol team in the Silent Forest will shrink the route and control the scope of the patrol. At the edge of the silent forest, at the same time, the communication distance between each hunting team is kept within one kilometer."

"Catherine is in charge of scheduling and arrangements."

"Pay attention to strictly investigate all illegal sacrifices and unreported magic rituals. The patrol team has the right to approve arrests on the spot. Avery and Enoch, you need to pay special attention to the North District and strengthen internal inspections... If you find any magicians or North District If a wizard has an unstable mental state, uses spells that others cannot understand, has an upgraded body, and has strange magic effects, etc., report it immediately and arrest him at the same time..."

"I know that many people in the North District had the experience of worshiping evil gods and even devils before they really became wizards. Before today, everything can be forgiven...but from now on, the above-mentioned behaviors will be punished most severely."

Orders were issued one by one.

The captains took orders one after another.

The figures behind the long table became less and less, making the hall seem more and more empty. After the last few captains left and watched their figures disappear at the entrance of the hall, Korma finally lowered his eyes.

She did not immediately go to the school for help.

In fact, she didn't have much confidence in the school's assistance - if the school really had enough manpower to handle this matter, it would not have arranged for the wizards of the North District to be responsible for patrolling the Silent Forest and Beta Town.

She sat on the black high-backed chair, thinking silently for a long time.

Outside the hall, the small courtyard of Sakura Tavern became quiet again.

Kerma looked up again.

But she didn't look at the door, but at a certain corner of the hall ceiling, with a bit of inquiry in her eyes: "Did the school bring a new solution?"

"You're thinking of peaches." There was a sneezing sneeze from the ceiling.

The chubby figure of the yellow raccoon descended from the sky, and quickly landed on a long table, leaving four dusty footprints of plum blossoms on the sauce-red velvet tablecloth, and then said in a mocking tone:

"If there were really people in the school, you wouldn't let you, a weak little wizard, help guard Beta Town... For the sake of dealing with them before, I would like to give you a suggestion. Dan Hag's law enforcement team is now in the Witch League. The only powerful strike force in the vacancy period only needs one application, and those guys who are full of "Wizard's Code" are happy to find trouble with Nicholas."

While talking, Huamao has already walked to the corner of Kerma's skirt with graceful steps.

Then it took a deep breath, shook its head and sneezed loudly: "Sure enough, I just said why I sneezed just now... This doesn't match your temperament."


"Perfume," the yellow raccoon raised its paws and covered its nose with disapproval on its face: "The citrus scent with ambergris added is a bit too noble and gentle, and it doesn't match your temperament."

"Then what flavor do you think is more suitable for me?"

"The bitter orange blossom smoked by the white moonlight is cool and distant enough."

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