Hunting High School

Three Hundred And Sixteenth Chapters Long Night (Nine)

Su Shijun's suggestion is very touching.

But it's not entirely reassuring.

"Then... on the program..." Kerma licked her lips, her voice still a little hesitant.

It is not difficult to gather wool from a sheep.

But if the sheep knows magic and marks every wool on its body, then wool gathering becomes a very risky thing.

As the former vice-chairman of the student union, Mr. Sage of the North District is more aware of the cumbersome and harsh approval system of the First University than anyone else, which is why she didn't pay attention to her former alma mater when the pressure on Kini House was the greatest. go.

She didn't want the wizards of the North District to bear heavy shackles and burdens just after they were born in this world.

"Now is a special period, and special circumstances naturally require special treatment... There must be no problem with the procedure."

Su Shijun held up the huge pair of red-rimmed glasses with confidence: "The patrol team needs a full set of patrol equipment, consumes a lot of talismans and potions, and needs to look up materials on strange magical animals in the library, as well as a laboratory to detain illegal cross-border creatures." ...these reasons are very reasonable."

Next to them, the fat witch who had been listening to the chat between the two finally couldn't help it, and coughed heavily.

"This is Dan Hager!" The receptionist tried to make Own's tone a little harsher, but her smiling face betrayed the effort: " can't discuss certain immoral or even illegal content in my office!"

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"In the name of Nine Tails," Su Shijun raised his hand pretendingly, and said solemnly: "Everything I do is for the First University!"

It's flawless, correct bullshit, in every sense of the word.

The three witches laughed at the same time.



After watching Korma's figure disappear into the depths of the corridor, Su Shijun slowly looked away.

Then a roll of brand new parchment was stuffed into her hands by the fat witch.

Also an application form.

Along with the roll of parchment came emerald green quills and perfumed parchment cushions. Su Shijun flicked his fingers, and the parchment unfolded in mid-air. Lying on the mat, the ink-soaked quill danced in an elegant circle, leaving rows of beautiful cursive characters on the application form.

A hint of ambergris-infused citrus remains in the air, which mixes with the perfume on the parchment cushion to create a more complex and intense aroma.

"It's nice to be young, always full of vigor and courage." The fat witch took a deep breath and said with emotion: "Although I don't like the domineering style of that school, I must admit that they are very successful in training young wizards... ...You are like this, and so was the great wizard just now."

"Korma is younger than me."

"Younger than you?" The fat witch opened her eyes wide in surprise, then thought of something, and said thoughtfully: "I remember a piece of news spread in Danhag some time ago... It is said that a student at First University used a dangerous The magic circle, attracting the power of the outer gods, has achieved the rank of great that her?"

"Yes." Su Shijun nodded silently, continuing to stare at the emerald green quill dancing on the parchment.

"That's the Outer God!! Merlin is here!!" The fat witch tapped her chest a few times, but she didn't know which god she was praying to: "Why do people still believe in the power of the Outer God in this era! Hundreds of years ago, Dan Ha Are there not enough pieces of meat and lunatics locked up in black prisons by the Criminal Court?"

"You also said that it was hundreds of years ago." The senator of the parliament under the moon finally moved his eyes away from the parchment, and glanced at the fat witch beside him: "Thanks to the development of modern magic theory... the young People are more courageous and luckier than the seniors hundreds of years ago."

"Speech full of freedom is really enviable." The fat witch sat behind the large desk, propped her chin, and looked melancholy at the beautiful member of the Parliament under the moon: "You have lived out what I imagined., knowledge, family background, children... even business trips! When I was an apprentice in the Master Tower, I also dreamed of wandering around with a book of magic, taking risks, hunting, and then marrying comrades with souls...not like Now, at the Danhag entrance reception, I have won the 'Best Service Medal' for ten consecutive years, but I can't even find anyone to congratulate."

Su Shijun coughed violently twice.

The quill that danced in mid-air trembled, and the cursive characters on the parchment suddenly became a little more heavily stained. Small stains, but very noticeable.

"Congratulations on your award," the senator of the next month's council dryly argued, "Besides, the child is an accident."

"Yes, I understand, yes...all children are accidents." The fat witch's tone became more and more melancholy: "but I live such an old age that I don't even encounter such accidents... I can only imagine a piece of Plato Love in the same way comforts the wounded heart.”

Su Shijun felt that he was hurt a little more now.

She is not a tree.

But in a way, she's clearly taking responsibility for a tree hole.

"There are more fine details in an ordinary life." Su Shijun has read a lot of chicken soup articles, and it is easy to find the words suitable for the fat witch: "Like gem fragments scattered in the gravel, it is worth picking them up carefully."

"I prefer a catty, a big piece, a whole gem." The fat witch curled her lips, thanking Su Damei for her comfort: "Only when you hold it in your hand can you feel a heavy sense of happiness."

The lady councilor pursed her lips and glared at the quill.

The quill slightly flicked, the tip of the pen slid a little faster, and the application form was completed in a blink of an eye. Su Shijun waved to the group of elves who were helping to clean their coats.

"It's a pleasure chatting with you," the upper member of the council under the moon took the cloak of own, and allowed the elves to kiss her fingertips, then put the cloak back on her body, looked at the fat witch, with an apologetic smile on her face: " But I'm afraid we don't have any more time... the committee members hearing the report should be waiting impatiently."

"They just acted very anxious," the person in charge of the reception betrayed his own colleagues without hesitation: "Otherwise, there is no way to reflect their importance and professionalism."



"Interrogation is a very important and professional job, and no small mistakes are allowed."

In another office far away from the reception, an old gray-haired wizard was pinching his beard, and said to the newly hired male assistant behind him: "So you must complete and accurate every sentence during the interrogation process." write it down."

"Okay, sir." The male assistant quickly copied this sentence on the title page of the notebook, and after feeling the satisfaction of the old wizard's eyes, he boldly asked in a low voice: "...So, we can really see you today. Councilor Su? Councilor Su Shijun of the Parliament next month?"

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