Hunting High School

Chapter 324 Prelude To War

The pitch-black clouds rolled overhead, like waves lapping upside down on the ground, which was suffocating.

A stream of pale white light cut through the night, tore apart the thick black clouds, and landed on the open space in front of the Hell Castle. The heavy crackling sound of the guardian knights swinging their spears was faintly heard in the wind.

In the extreme distance, you can faintly see dots of red light, fleeting in the darkness, like shooting stars in the night sky. It was a prisoner wandering in the black prison, secretly digging out the shimmer of magma in the ground.

Su Shijun folded his arms and stood in front of the huge French window, frowning, looking at the monotonous and depressing scenery outside the window.

The wide cloak hung down on the carpet, covering her slim figure and blocking two prying eyes.

Milton and Wilhelm were on the left and right, standing behind the witch, showing hospitality, not caring about the witch's indifference. In this regard, Su Shijun was also a little helpless, she couldn't just pick out the eyeballs of the two members of the next month's parliament just because of such a trivial matter.

Witches care more about the atmosphere in the black prison than the noises buzzing in their ears.

She always felt that apart from the darkness, there was an inexplicable sense of restraint in this world, which was slowly recovering and growing stronger as time went by.

Give her the feeling of a small bug falling into a spider's web.

From just arriving in the black prison to now, this sense of restraint has become stronger and stronger.

It was so strong that the four fox tails behind her were tense and solid, and the intuition from the great wizard reminded her frantically in her sea of ​​consciousness to keep her away from this world—the witch didn't know whether this intuition was because of the black prison or because of it. The impending war.

"The calm before the storm."

Feeling the solemnity in the air, Su Shijun tightened the cloak on his body, let out a sigh of relief, and looked into the depths of the darkness with a trace of worry, thinking about the troubles in the school museum.

I don't know if the leaked another world breath has been blocked, and if the lost students have returned to school.

Especially the latter matter, after she was recruited by the school into the black prison, the only one who could take care of Poseidon was an irresponsible boy, but he ran to the dreamland at such a critical moment!

Thinking of this, the witch had the urge to gnash her teeth, wishing she could wrap up that brat with her tail and beat him on the ground seven or eight times.

It is best to break all his bones and all his teeth.

Thinking of this, the witch's mood suddenly became a little more relaxed, and even the feeling of depression coming from outside the window also eased a little.


It is different from Su Shijun who has a serious expression.

At the moment, Milton Karen was thinking about how to please the goddess. He was standing behind the witch, chatting happily with Wilhelm Potter, each bragging about their prowess and bravery in the hunting grounds, and showing off their hunts. From time to time, he also belittled the opponent and attacked the opponent's position in the heart of the witch.

It's just that Su Shijun's reaction has always been very indifferent, as if he didn't care at all how he killed a Xie Yin during the hunt in Sanwei Mountain, and turned its beautiful minion hair into a precious cloak.

Until he heard the witch's low sigh: "...the calm before the storm."

The vampire glanced out the window, felt the oppression in the air, and felt a little dazed.

"Before the storm?"

Milton was very fortunate to have had an in-depth conversation with his father before joining the war. At this moment, he was able to pick up the witch's words. He glanced at Wilhelm Potter, who had a somewhat dazed expression, and suddenly felt a sense of pride in his heart, and then moved forward slightly. Taking a small step, he raised the wine glass in his hand and said with a reserved smile: "No, the storm has already arrived... It's just that the raindrops are falling on places that you and I cannot see, and the storm is raging in areas that you and I cannot feel. "

After saying this, Mr. Vampire gave himself a big thumbs up from the bottom of his heart.

What a wonderful, poetic sentence.

Contains many rhetorical techniques such as metaphor, parallelism, and reference, etc., transforming the reality full of blood and violence into a soft and beautiful artistic conception like a clear spring and stream-this kind of exquisite method is by no means capable of that stinky wolf cub Arrived——Thinking of this, the pale face of Mr. Senator from Karen's family was blushed, as if intoxicated by the fine wine in his hand.

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Wilhelm gave the vampire a gloomy look, not to be outdone, and also took a small step forward.

Su Shijun rolled his eyes in his heart.

But she heard that Milton's words had other meanings, so she grabbed a somewhat irritable fox tail, stroked it comfortingly, frowned, and glanced at the vampire: "Has it already started?"

As she spoke, she subconsciously glanced at the gloomy darkness outside the window, trying to expand her sense of own.

But even though she tied the Divine Sense into a thread and swept most of the black prison, she didn't catch any shadow of war. Including above the clouds and below the magma.

On the contrary, a few prisoners crawling in the darkest corner of the prison, felt the tiny but vast divine thoughts, opened their blood-red eyes, and greedily sucked the waves of the witch's thoughts from the cool wind.

Su Shijun withdrew his gaze and looked at Milton again: "Has the war started?"

Her tone was full of doubts, but it didn't make the opposite Mr. Vampire feel a little pressure. On the contrary, he was very satisfied with the way the witch looked at him. There was a trace of curiosity in the purity, just like the clear wine in the glass, exuding the excitement. An intoxicating breath.

"We haven't received any news of a war," Wilhelm Potter said unceremoniously, refusing to let Milton take the lead, "If the war has already started, it is impossible for Shi Hui to let us stay in peace and stability." In the lounge."

If it weren't for the competition, Milton would have wanted to award this wolf cub a medal weighing a pound!

"Cough," Mr. Vampire held his wine glass and coughed lightly, with a reserved smile on his face: "It's not your are still young."

As he spoke, he raised his glass to Su Shijun: "Especially you, Susu."

Su Shijun snorted, pressed the second restless fox tail, and at the same time secretly swore in her heart that if the vampire in front of her couldn't give a satisfactory explanation, she would definitely break his two small fangs!

" are still young," Milton said in an old-school wizard's tone: "you spend most of your time in the clean house and laboratory, practicing or doing experiments. The only thing you know about war is books... let me guess Guess, have you never read any books on magical warfare except the "Great History" by Wizarding Education Press?"

The witch gave the vampire a sideways look.

Indeed, she spent most of her life studying, and the only few battles she participated in were either in a state of absolutely crushing her opponents, or with elders behind her. war.

But such timid words cannot be said in front of other senators.

"Fighting and killing are the things of barbarians." Su Shijun raised his chin proudly, showing his beautiful neck: "The ancestor said, my mission is to keep walking on the road of wizards and go further. "

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