Hunting High School

Chapter Eighty-Four

The second class in the afternoon is over.

According to the point of view of ordinary students, it is already the end of school time.

But for many good and motivated kids, the time for reading is just beginning.

This is Shushan Pavilion.

The first university has a library of nine universities.

Behind the tall glass wall, there are good students studying hard at each table. Only the library of Jiuyou University can have such an atmosphere.

As a proverb circulated in the wizarding world:

"People can always find the rare students in the library, they can always see the Alpha club in the lounge, they can always meet the wounded in the starry sky in the hospital, and they can always hear Atlas praying under the statue of the gods. "

Nicholas thought about this proverb, and walked quietly in the depths of the corridor along the shadow cast by the sun in the hall.

Sometimes he always suspects that there is a problem with the school roster, and that a student like himself who is incompatible with Jiuyou's atmosphere is allowed to enter the school.

In his opinion, whether it is Alpha Fort or Rubik's Cube, it is a more desirable place than Jiuyou University.

When was the last time he entered the Shushan Pavilion, he no longer had the exact memory.

Maybe it's the first year of entering the first university, the first day after entering the school?

At that time, he still harbored longings in his heart, dreaming of accomplishing a career in this palace of wizards and comforting his mother's spirit in heaven.

and then?

He shook his head, his memory was a little fuzzy here.

I vaguely remember sneezing, laughing, stained books, and the librarian's angry shouts.

Nicholas shivered, and shrank his walking route deeper into the shadows.

Although he has the blood of Lunar creatures, he does not suffer from the sun allergy that most Lunar creatures suffer from. Walking in the shadows, on the one hand, is only natural, on the other hand, he does not want others to notice himself.

As a super hanger who has repeated grades twice, it would be an embarrassing thing to meet one of his senior 'classmates' in such a Sacred place as the library.

His nostrils fluttered slightly.

The rich smell of books came from all directions, making him a little uncomfortable.

For a hybrid werewolf, even though his talent ability in terms of smell had been greatly weakened, he was still much more sensitive than ordinary wizards.

The smell of books that made many people intoxicated, in his nostrils, is just the strange smell of dust, ink, dried insect corpses and rotten wood.

The smell in his nose always gave him the urge to sneeze.

This is also one of the reasons why he basically did not study in the library for three years after entering the school.

And now, he has broken his own shackles.

For studies, for Little Sister, for the unattainable dream deep in my heart.

Nicholas took a deep breath, holding back his itchy nostrils, and carefully searched for that scent from a bunch of messy smells.

That touch belongs to her taste.


Liu Feifei was lying on the desk, with a book of "Philosophy of Magic" in front of her.

But her mind was not at all in the books.

The afterglow of the evening passed through the tall floor-to-ceiling windows and enveloped her gently, as if covering her with a soft gauze.

She stared at the test paper in front of her in a daze, not knowing what she found, she couldn't help giggling.

"It's so stupid." She muttered, "You can answer this wrong!"

Then she woke up suddenly, blushing, covering her mouth, and looked around cautiously.

Fortunately, no one else noticed own's gaffe.

The desk she chose is located next to the floor-to-ceiling window at a corner on the second floor of Shushan Pavilion. As far as the eye can see, there are tall bookshelves all around. There are only two desks placed between the bookshelf and the corner of the wall.

The other table was separated from her by a bookshelf with its head sticking out, and only a small part of it could be seen.

There seemed to be two students sitting behind that table, but they had been arguing fiercely in a low voice, completely ignoring themselves.


A trace of melancholy appeared on Liu Feifei's face suddenly, and she was a little distracted.

Maybe it's because of the same sense of loneliness that I can have more common language with him, so let's agree to it.

She was a posthumous child, and her mother disappeared when she was very young. In my childhood memory, the deepest impression is my grandmother's huge aquiline nose.

The granddaughter also killed her own son. The old grandmother hated the girl who cut off her blood, and never had a good face in front of her.

When she was five years old, she was kicked out of the house and lived with her grandmother who lived alone on the mountain.

There are no neighbors on the mountain, and grandma's ears are very deaf. Often she says a few words before grandma can say yes loudly.

With no playmates of the same age and no one to talk to, she gradually got used to chatting with small animals in front of and behind the house.

When she was a little older, grandma gave her a bowl of medicine.

She still remembered that in order for her to drink the smelly medicinal soup, the grandma moved her little feet and drove many big white geese to block her in the house.

If she had to choose again, she still couldn't accept the taste of that medicinal soup.

But she will find a way to add a lot of sugar and honey to the medicinal soup to make it less difficult to eat.

After all, it was a bowl of enlightenment soup.

It wasn't until she entered No. 1 University that she gradually realized the preciousness of that bowl of medicinal soup.

At that time, she only remembered that there were many things in her mind overnight. Words, numbers, spells, magic, a huge new world appeared before her eyes.

The days that followed were much easier.

Every day, she helps grandma go to the mountains to pick medicinal herbs, and at night, she rubs the oil lamp of grandma to read those moldy old books.

Until she received the admission letter from First University.

Until she set foot in school for the first time.

until she met him.

She didn't go to a school for wizards, nor did she have much experience dealing with other wizards, nor did she receive selfless help from others.

So when Nicholas destroyed a spell book for her to cast a spell on, she was terrified.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." When she proposed to pay the book, the thin boy with dark yellow skin and eyeballs always trembling involuntarily comforted her like this: "It's because my spellcasting level is not enough, it has nothing to do with you."

"However," Liu Feifei summoned up her courage and looked at him apologetically, "I will always make it up to you. Grandma Tai said that a wizard cannot owe others in his heart."

The boy hesitated for a few seconds.

"You are a public-funded student, so you must be good at studying." He looked at the girl sincerely and asked, "Can you help me with my homework?"

Liu Feifei did not hesitate, and immediately nodded seriously.

"That's it." She took his hand and shook it vigorously.


Nicholas had begun to regret the own proposal.

He walked through several rows of tall mahogany bookshelves, and cautiously took a look.

"What are you looking at, come here!" Behind the desk in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the girl called softly, "Where are your textbooks?"

"It's in the bag." The freshman tugged at the hem of his clothes uneasily, his eyes only dared to fall on the girl's robe feet.

He turned his head and vaguely saw two familiar figures sitting behind the table not far away.

"Why don't we change places." He rubbed his shoes on the ground uneasily, and whispered, "It seems that there are people from our class over there..."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Why!" The girl brushed her hair and raised her head to look at him: "The library seat is always tight, and I can take this seat thanks to the title of a public-funded student... We just read and study, even if others see someone what relationship?"

"I'm afraid of your Losing face." The well-known mixed-race werewolf in Beta Town found it difficult to muster courage in front of girls, he muttered: "It's not good for others to see you with me. "

The sun fell on the girl's face, and the tiny fluff appeared very clearly.

The girl's eyelashes trembled slightly, and the original dissatisfaction in her heart disappeared instantly.

"It's okay." She lowered her head and flicked through the book: "Others are uncomfortable, that's their business."

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