Hunting High School

Chapter 351: In The Black Moon

The banshee's escape only caused limited ripples over Linzhong Lake.

Except for Zheng Qing who gave her a hard look at her back, the people by the lake didn't pay much attention. Even Master Baoyangzi, who had the ability to keep the Banshee, just raised his eyelids, glanced at them, and threw a Bixie curse at the tail of the three black dragons.

The black dragon screamed, and flesh and blood flew from its tail.

The little banshee, who was originally entangled in her tail, rolled down from mid-air and fell into Linzhong Lake, splashing a small circle of water. Nikita and Hei Jiaotou didn't dare to turn their heads back, instead they sped up their speed, fled in a hurry, and disappeared in the depths of the silent forest in the blink of an eye.

Master Baoyangzi also had no intention of getting up and hunting him down.

It must be admitted that Nikita's instinct for life preservation is unparalleled, and the timing of his choice of escape is just right.

For all the staff and students stranded at First University at this moment, the escape of the two banshees is just a case of scabies—not to mention that they fled to the Silent Forest, which belongs to the back garden of First University—the real school is now. The confidant's trouble is the 'black moon' hanging obliquely in mid-air.


Zheng Qing still clearly remembers that during the heavy snow festival last year, there was a lot of snow in the academy, he and Elena walked in the snow and kissed by the lake.

The snowflakes withered, the Yiren had passed away, and the dark fragrance remained.

On that day, also on the shore of Linzhong Lake, the two witnessed the small seven-story tower on the island in the middle of the lake shining like neon lights in a vast white world, and felt the astonishing magical fluctuations emanating from that small tower. The gypsy witch fainted at that time, and Zheng Qing was also pressed into the snow by that huge coercion, unable to move.

On that day, he made indirect remarks, and vaguely guessed that some of the rumors circulating on the campus about the small tower in the center of the lake were not groundless.

For example, the small tower is one of the eyes of the students guarding the magic circle.

For another example, the small tower is one of the entrances to the Hell.


Right now, the guardian circle collapsed, and the 'gate' at the entrance of the black prison—that is, the small tower—was smashed. The black prison, which was passed on by word of mouth among wizards and demons, but very few people have seen it with their own eyes, slowly lifted the veil, revealing a corner of its mysterious face.

The sun was high, shining behind the shattered clouds.

The black moon is deep, sitting quietly in the center of the vortex.

As the vortex slowly extended, covering the entire Linzhong Lake, a huge suction also fell. At first, it was just some gravel and grass blades, which were sucked into the black moon; gradually, there were more and more dead branches, gravel, two-tailed squirrels holding acorns, and Bowtruckles hiding in grass nests. The thing in the struggle flew towards the black moon.

Zheng Qing initially thought that the force that lifted the sleeves was the wind, the dark wind blowing into the campus from the depths of the silent forest after the school's protective circle was broken.

But soon.

When a thin Irish booby, like a little vulture, fluttered its wings, screamed tremblingly, and flew backwards before his eyes in a gesture that was neither magical nor scientific, the young public fee student woke up from his anxiety. , began to realize that the black moon was more dangerous than he imagined.

Those who realized the danger of the black moon earlier than the young public finance students, such as Master Baoyangzi from the relevant department, Professor Garcia who led the murloc tribe to escape from Linzhong Lake, Augustus and Lei Zhe from the student union, and others The school staff on the shore, etc., these experienced and powerful wizards can do no more than Zheng Qing.

They were just a few minutes early to drive away the students who were watching by the lake, and at the same time, they worked together to cast a binding spell to prevent more things from falling into the black moon.

But like a tsunami coming.

By the time the murky water washes over your feet and you realize the tide is rising, it's too late. The turbulent and tall water wall will rush over the embankment in an instant, submerging everything in sight.

Especially for Zheng Qing.

He was in mid-air, without any support around him, and he was very close to the black moon.

The attraction from the center of the vortex is like dense and thin threads, hanging down from the black moon, wrapping around every corner of the wizard's body, dragging him towards the round of darkness.

Zheng Qing struggled in panic, trying to take out a few Mount Tai Talismans from his pocket and press them on himself, but the light yellow Talisman paper was torn to pieces by the ubiquitous attraction as soon as he took out his hand.

The young public finance student only had time to shout down:

"Grab Nikita! Don't let her get away!"

With a 'swish', it turned into a stream of light, was sucked into the black moon, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


"Why didn't you stop him!"

Forty-one suddenly looked back, looked at Master Baoyangzi, with a very serious expression: "You should know that he is very special... This is within the scope of work of the relevant departments."

The old wizard's gray hair swayed gently under the gravitational pull of the black moon.

"It's because he is special." Master Baoyangzi stared at the black moon, his magic power fluctuating, and said in a low voice: "...Theoretically, the entrance of the black prison will only actively attract two kinds of wizards, jailers and prisoners. .”

Siyi's brows gradually frowned: "He's not a jailer."

The identity of the keeper of the black prison needs to be certified by the Wizarding Union and a series of extremely strict assessments. According to Forty-One's understanding, it is absolutely impossible for Zheng Qing to hold the qualification certificate of the keeper of the black prison.

Master Baoyangzi lowered his eyelids, and an inexplicable color flashed in his eyes: "...just like he was locked by the school's guardian circle before, I thought it was because of the two little banshees, but now it seems that this child should have something Something more dangerous... so dangerous that Heil decided it should be locked up."

"But you can stop all of this." Forty-one stubbornly shook his head.

The old wizard sighed slightly, raised his arm, and showed his slightly trembling fingers to the green-robed wizard: "It's not that I can't do it, but I can't do it. The black prison now belongs to a battlefield where Karma is cut off...My power hastily touched it. That black moon is a very dangerous, dangerous thing... Unless I plan to meddle in the messy things in the black prison... In other words, the higher the power of the high rank, the more serious the constraints at the moment."

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"On the contrary, those children with low Magic power are more suitable than you and me to deal with the troubles here."

As he said that, Master Baoyangzi glanced at the gazebo not far away, looked at the officers of the student union who were busy in an orderly manner, and thought thoughtfully: "Perhaps the fortune tellers at the school have predicted what is happening now …So the great wizard who appeared by the lake today, apart from me who knows nothing, is left with the octopus hiding in the library.”

The big black cat that had been lying at the feet of the two wizards slowly got up, propped its front paws, stretched its legs, and stretched its waist.

It flicked its tail, turned its head, and looked at the old wizard.

"You're not 'knowing nothing'," the black cat shook its ears, its voice was a little hoarse, and it looked at the old wizard with mocking eyes: "Don't look at me as black...but I don't like you old wizards. In comparison, I am as pure as an angel."

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