Hunting High School

Chapter 359 The Underworld Equation


The roaring sound interrupted the chatter among the councilors on the top of the tower.

Under the sky lantern.

Bechymos raised his two thick forelimbs, his claws cupped fist, let out a roar, and smashed down hard. Standing on the top of the tower, you can clearly see a circle of dark soil waves spreading in all directions centered on the Behemoth Behemoth like a sandstorm.

The sand and gravel splashed from the ground, like cannonballs, shot straight into the sky with the sound of whizzing through the air. Hundreds of sky lanterns couldn't dodge in time, they were pierced by the grains of sand and stones, turning into balls of dazzling fireballs in midair.

After the light, the darkness becomes more and more conspicuous.

The contrast between light and dark after losing hundreds of skylights, coupled with the black dust storms everywhere, covered the originally clear and bright battlefield with a thick shadow of First Stage and became blurred.


A dull cracking sound came from deep underground.

Bechymos's hammer with all his strength not only smashed a big hole in the ground under his feet, but also broke the leylines deep in the earth, smashing out the boiling magma in the ground.

The dry land made an ominous creaking sound in the roaring dust storm, and the chapped marks centered on Bechymos and spread in all directions, like a huge spider web.

Every crack is bottomless.

"The Underworld!!"

From Behemoth's mountain-like shadow, a low-pitched roar echoed in the ears of every wizard in Hell Castle. Along with this roar, out of the cracks that spread one by one, there was a burst of anxious breath suddenly.

Almost at the same moment.

boom! boom! boom! ! !

In the other three directions of the Black Prison Castle, there were also huge roars at the same time, like thunder.

"The Underworld!"

"The Underworld!"

"The Underworld!"

Three different voices, in no particular order, sounded almost at the same time as Bechymos' roar. The sound of cracks in the underground rock formations came and went. In the dead and silent world, hills collapsed, river valleys shifted, the earth usurped the authority of the sky, and the thunderbolt sounded from the ground instead of the sky.

The cracks spreading in all directions are connected with each other in a blink of an eye, turning into a larger and more complicated spider web.

When the dust has not yet landed, the cracking sound of cracking is still echoing in the ears.

At the bottom of the deep fissures, gushes of fiery magma gushed out, and the dark red color rolled and surged in the fissures, connecting with each other, like fiery ropes stretching out from all directions, bound in the black prison On the body of the castle.

This is a huge formation map outlined with magma.

The darkness beyond the sky lantern, which was as thick as ink, seemed to be irresolvable, was cut by these dark red ropes, and painted the dim and rich red of First Stage to the world with a radius of thousands of miles.

Wizards light up the sky.

The prisoners set the earth on fire.

The pale white light falling from the sky and the dark red light gushing out from the ground collided on the surface, illuminating the world brighter and more irritable.

Sparks splashed in all directions, and the flames soared into the sky.

Bechymos' figure seemed to become more distorted and larger in the burning air.


"Sky Spider, Elise Rose!"

"Lich, Sujad!"

"Resentment, Yoshiko Fukatsu!"

"And the giant beast, Behemoth!"

"The last few living big monsters in the black prison, and the gods of another world... have you joined forces?"

Without a word, he looked around, looked at those figures distorted in the firelight, and sighed in a low voice: "Wow... What a desperate move... This is the legendary 'The Underworld Equation'."

"What is The Underworld equation?" Su Shijun could clearly feel the anxiety slowly spreading around him, but it was not exactly the same as the atmosphere in The Underworld.

"Using the earth as bones, magma as blood, and monsters as skins, sacrifice the last remaining vitality of this world, summon the last breath of depravity in the ruins, and create an environment that is more compatible with monsters... This is 'The Underworld Equation' , a magic circle between the world and the Underworld, a spell that can perish together."

"perish together?!"

"If you're not crazy, you can't survive." Hunbuyu looked at the figures in the depths of the fire, and said quietly: "Or, they use this surge of Heavenly Devil flames to break the shackles of the dark prison and escape from the sky; or, Together with the black prison, they completely sank back into the ruins, and by the way, dragged the wizards in the black prison who had no time to escape into the depths of The Underworld."

"Devil doesn't have to be from The Underworld, but Devil must like The Underworld."

"Hiss," Milton shuddered, shaking his head again and again: "It sounds too scary... Can we still quit? When the school recruited us back then, it only said that we needed to fight the army of demons that might attack, but didn't say that we would Let's die with them."

Wilhelm Potter tilted his head and glanced at the vampire, a mocking sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This is a black prison, not the land of Oz." He did not hide the contempt in his tone: " can't touch your heels three times before completing the commission, and then pat your ass and return to Kansas 1."

Duke Milton stared at Mr. Werewolf.

"You know, you should be more friendly to your comrades in arms." He reminded slickly: "Because you never know if you need him to save your life in the next second... Especially in this kind of world... When it's about to end."

"You? Help?" Wilhelm seemed to have heard some big joke: "If you are willing to remain neutral when I fight with Behemoth and don't stab me in the back, then thank God!"

"A baseless accusation!" Duke Milton shook his finger, and retorted solemnly: "If you were outside the black prison, you would have received a dozen indictments from Dan Hag!"

"I didn't point to anything, look, I have ten fingers in my pockets." Wilhelm crouched against the wall, his hands actually in his pockets: "Besides, when a wizard threatens another wizard with Danhag, it means Watching him get poked in the sore spot..."

"It means you two can shut up!"

Su Shijun glared at the two teammates with some headaches, but Milton and Wilhelm's gossip relieved her tension before the battle and revived the fox tail behind her.

Mr. Vampire and Werewolf looked at the fox tail poking in front of the tip of the nose, honestly raised his hand, and made a zip motion around his mouth, indicating that they would be quiet.

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Only then did Su Shijun look at Hun Silently again.

"Why are they making up their minds now?" She looked at the magma spreading and flowing in all directions outside the Black Prison Castle, and the prisoners who were cheering and roaring behind the magma, full of puzzlement:

"If four big monsters can start The Underworld Formula...then why are they making up their minds now?"

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