Hunting High School

Chapter 365: An Accident Caused By An Illegal Landing


Zheng Qing cried out in pain, rubbing his calf bone that was about to break with one hand, and groping the ground with the other. He felt as if he had hit something when he just fell.

The parachute woven by magic vines turned into strands of magic power when he landed, and disappeared into the endless night of the black prison.

Soon, Zheng Qing knew that the previous feeling was not an illusion.

When he fell, he did hit something.

And the status quo of that 'thing' may be worse.

Because he touched the wet liquid with a touch of warmth. Hesitant, the young wizard rubbed the warmth with his fingertips, put it under his nose, and sniffed.

With the unique stench of monsters.

is blood.

And it's the blood of demons.

In other words, when he fell from the sky, he killed a demon? This slightly absurd but undeniable thought flashed through Zheng Qing's mind, and he stretched out his hand into the warmth again, and touched the side.

Still twitching body, broken bones, hard and upturned fangs, and rough hair.

Then he touched a puddle of something like tofu flower.

Zheng Qing swallowed his saliva, and tried his best to block his next thought—although he has killed many monsters, but this is the first time he has killed such a disgusting way—he wiped his hands on the corner of his robe indiscriminately, and wanted to get up , but forgot that his leg had just been injured, he let out a cry of pain, and sat down again.


A picture of a bowl of tomato and egg drop soup taking shape appeared in Zheng Qing's mind.

This time, he was sure that he had a lot of demon blood, and maybe even mixed with some demon brain flowers.

"Damn Merlin!"

The young public fee student cursed in a low voice, and was about to say something more, suddenly, he caught a glimpse of several scarlet streaks from the corner of his eye, and they were quietly stalking him obliquely behind him.

"do not move!"

The wizard subconsciously sat up straight, roared, his fingers had already pulled the trigger of the rune gun, and the muzzle of the gun was hovering between the scarlet spots - he didn't know whether he was aiming at the opponent's head or the gap between the two monsters. There is a gap, because those scarlet eyes are always drifting in the dark, so he can only keep moving the muzzle of the gun to ensure the deterrence of those who have malicious intentions.

Perhaps because of his firm attitude.

Maybe it's just because of the terrifying breath coming from the rune gun.

Those scarlet spots stopped not far from Zheng Qing, like small lanterns hanging in the air.

The wizard sat on the ground, rubbing his back, looking left and right out of the corner of his eyes, lest there might be other monsters outflanking him, at the same time he pressed his other hand on the spell book, carefully flipping through the pages, trying to find a suitable spell.

"Hiss...cough cough,"

A hoarse voice coughed twice, and asked in a very strange tone in a low voice: "... new?"


Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows. This was not like the way of greeting between a demon and a wizard. Feeling the silky texture between his fingers and the choking smell on his body, he suddenly had a little guess.

"How do you know?" the wizard asked in a hoarse voice, also lowering his voice.

A few chuckles came from the opposite side, obviously coming from several different monsters, their voices varied from light to heavy, the only thing in common was that they also lowered their voices very low.

"Because your eyes are still bright," the hoarse voice simply explained, "the kind that carries the brilliance of the outside world...Of course, if you stay here for a little longer, the light in your eyes will sooner or later be overwhelmed by this damn light." The darkness of night devours it."

Zheng Qing blinked, and then remembered that Own's eyes were bloodshot again due to the overflow of the power of the forbidden spell. Coupled with the blood and brains of the dead monsters on the body, it is not surprising that the opponent mistakenly thought it was a monster.

"It's still very fragrant!" The other demon sniffed vigorously, and could not hide the urgent impulse in his tone: "You still have a trace of the fresh and delicious smell of little wizards... You just ate a small meal outside. Is it a wizard? Where did you eat it? Are the bones crispy? What kind of sauce do you use to eat little wizards now? We were used to dipping in datura flower sauce..."

"Ahem!" The first voice coughed twice, seeming to feel that the companion's performance was a bit Losing face: "It's just that it hasn't been in contact with the outside world for too long..."

"No, it doesn't matter." Zheng Qing replied blankly, at the same time silently picked up more demon blood and brains from the ground, and applied it more fully on his body.

"Boss, I'm hungry!"

The sound of other monsters sucking and sucking came from the darkness, and the little scarlet lanterns also became inconstant: "It looks really delicious!!"

Zheng Qing seemed to be able to see the saliva from their mouths slowly dripping down their fangs, corroding small smoking pits among the hard gravel.

He immediately shook the rune gun in his hand in warning.

A few 'red lanterns' swayed and slowly moved towards the retreated point.

"Don't get me wrong." The voice of the first monster sounded again, but this time it was a little more threatening: "My brothers are talking about the dead guy next to you...he is a traitor to the clan, Hiding food privately...According to the usual practice, we need to dispose of its carcass...if you don't mind."

Zheng Qing didn't answer its words right away.

Because he finally found a suitable spell in the Dharma book.

His fingertips pressed the pages of the Dharma book. Although he couldn't read a single word clearly because of the sky, every coincidence of the mantras on the pages of the book was clearly printed in his mind:

"That month is not a little, this day is not a little!"

The murmured incantation sounded in this lonely world, which seemed particularly abrupt.

This is a lighting spell that Jiang Yu taught him. Compared with "Bibi Xiaoxing", although the lighting effect of this spell is not flexible enough, it has a stronger battery life and consumes less magic power, which is very suitable for the current situation.

Accompanied by Zheng Qing's incantation, an extremely dim fluorescent light lit up.

Immediately, a huge mushroom head struggled out of the fluorescent light. After looking around, it tried to pull out its slender body, staggered out of the book, and took root among the gravel.

With the first, there is the second.

A moment later, dozens of slender tan plants lined up neatly, surrounded the wizard, opened their mushroom umbrellas, and swayed left and right in the cold night wind.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Xu had never seen such a spell, those scarlet eyes on the opposite side retreated, and the leading monster whispered: "What are you doing?"

"I want to get to know you." The wizard replied friendly.

Before the words were finished, clusters of moonlight emerged from the heads of those tan plants, like soap bubbles, drifting unsteadily into the air, and then shattered with a bang, scattering cold moonlight all over the place.

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