Hunting High School

Chapter 382 Night Tour With Candles

"Did you hear the deer?"

Zheng Qing subconsciously grasped the talisman gun in his hand, looked around, looked vigilantly at the dark night, it seemed that in the next second, there would be a ferocious prong that would foam at the mouth. He bumped into him with scarlet eyes.

"No, it doesn't!"

Jiang Yu raised her voice slightly, interrupting Zheng Qing's running away on the wrong topic, while giving the black cat a hard look, while unscrewing the cap of another opaque jar: "... just mentioned the light, I I happen to have some Baicao Candles in my bag, maybe they can be used.”

The black cat took a sip, and after absorbing the last bit of wine in the glass, it shrank silently, turned its head, and pretended not to see the witch's eyes.

With a straight face, the witch tapped the jar with her fingers.

A dark yellow ball tremblingly emerged from the bottle. The ball is small, about half an inch in diameter, with a slightly undulating surface, and a slender black wick protrudes from the center, shaking slightly in the night wind, resembling Sanmao's hair.

Zheng Qing subconsciously touched the dull hair on her head.

"Is this Baicao Candle?"

He looked at the 'ball' curiously, and did not hide his surprise at all: "I thought... I mean, is Baicao Candle a candle?"

"Idiot." The black cat muttered in a low voice.

It's just that everyone present ignored its muttering.

"Yes," the witch flicked her hair that was hanging down her ears, and replied briskly, "The Baicao Candle is a special kind of magic candle. There is a saying in ancient rituals that sheep are used as sacrifices, and candles are used in temples... Candles Those, the hundred herbs are not ashes, and the white mats are so pure."

"Merlin's beard!"

The old lich hunched over, opened his arms exaggeratedly, and pointed to the plain in front of the valley: "Honorable Young Master, and generous lady... We just sacrificed a sheep! This is Merlin's will! "

Zheng Qing glanced at Jiang Yu uncertainly.

He didn't know if the black goat cub captured by the Kunpeng hunting team was his sacrifice.

"It should count."

The witch was also a little uncertain, but she still rubbed her fingers together and ignited the slender wick:

"The biggest feature of classical magic rituals is that many 'ineffective' actions are often added to the ritual... At first, it was to increase the mysterious sense of the ritual and strengthen the class attribute of magic, but as time went by, the later wizards have forgotten The original intention of the fixed movements in many rituals is just to imitate cats and draw tigers, and follow the old ways... I think the 'sacrifice of sheep' belongs to this type."

The spark from the fingertips landed on the black wick, and after a few seconds of silence, it suddenly flourished and turned into a brilliant orange spark, beeping, beeping, and burning.

The tiny firelight shone on the witch's face, making her smile warmer.

"...Hoo!" She quietly breathed a sigh of relief, looked around, and looked at the shadows of everyone: "As a magic candle, Baicao Candle has the greatest effect on Bixie and Ning Shen. They are used in the monastery. Burning incense sticks during the day and straw candles at night can provide a very good environment for wizards to enter meditation or Meditation."

"But in the black prison, the biggest effect of Baicao Candle is its subsidiary effect - within the range of candlelight, it can draw our breath into the shadow, avoiding uninvited guests to spy on us to the greatest extent."

"The ancients said, 'Wandering at night while holding a candle is a good reason', and now it seems that this is indeed the case."

Zheng Qing admired, and looked down at the own shadow, it was indeed a bit thicker than before. He thought it was because of the brightening of the candlelight, but he didn't expect that there was such a magical effect in it.

In this way, it really makes everyone safer when rushing through the black prison.

He quietly put away the talisman that concealed the breath in his hand. At first, he racked his brains on how to stick this talisman on the witch without embarrassing her. Now it seems that he was worrying too much.

"How long can this ... this herbal candle last?" Zheng Qing looked at the 'balls' that had burned a little, and then looked at the jar floating in midair: "How many pills did you put in the bottle? "

"Eleven pills left," Jiang Yu counted, put away the bottle, stuffed it back into the handbag, and replied at the same time: "...Under normal circumstances, a Baicao candle can last for an hour, but I just discovered that the black prison The magic power consumption is extremely fast and it is difficult to replenish, so further observation is needed..."

"Where is the need for such trouble."

In the darkness, the black cat's impatient voice came: "Don't be nagging, let's go quickly! They probably will fight for a while, and they don't care about us... Little Star, three or five are ahead!"

It was rare for Zheng Qing to agree with the black cat's position. Before he could express his agreement, he heard the lighting magic thrown from behind the black cat.

Accompanied by the sound of the incantation, five light spots suddenly appeared in the darkness. Suddenly, they rose against the wind and turned into five light balls of different sizes, like stars of different brightness and darkness. An exquisite magic circle was built, floating in mid-air, scattered around the group of people, and sprinkled a pale white light, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

Little star, candlelight, and the green rice wine that I drank before.

The darkness of the Hell world is no longer a hindrance to this small team.

"lets go!"

Zheng Qing waved his hand and signaled everyone to follow the path opened by the black cat down the mountain. At the same time, he glanced at the old Lich cowering behind the team: "...Shouldn't you lead the way at the front?"

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The old lich hesitated for a few seconds.

"Have any difficulties?" Zheng Qing was keenly aware of the uneasiness in its eyes.

"No, no, no difficulty."

The old Lich hunched over and smiled obsequiously, but still rubbed his fingers and made a small gap: "There is no difficulty at all...just a little suggestion."

"You know, I have been in the black prison for a long time, and I have forgotten everything else, and I dare not let go of my life... In the black prison, silence and darkness are the worst environment, but they are also the best. As long as we pretend to be a stone, we can escape many ferocious hunters."

"Of course, all the powerful prisoners in the black prison have been conscripted away by those big monsters, and that Lord Black Cat has a deep and long breath, like Yuan Tingyue Zhi, naturally he is not afraid of those young people..."

"It's just that there are contingencies in everything. What if there is a vicious prisoner who ignores the call of the big demon, and boldly strokes Mr. Black Cat's beard...Mr. Black Cat, and the noble Young Master, you are naturally not afraid, But if that generous young lady and that miraculous little witch accidentally lose a few hairs, my little old man will never be redeemed by death."

Zheng Qing listened for a while, and finally understood what it wanted to say.

"So much nonsense!"

The young wizard rolled his eyes: "No wonder you can live in the black prison for so long... Just tell me that lighting lamps in the black prison is dangerous. Next time, don't talk so much nonsense."

The old Lich folded his hands, hunched over, smirked all over his face, and said yes again and again, the piled up wrinkles drowned his eyes, and he could hardly see the eye-catching scarlet.

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