Hunting High School

Chapter 388: Parasites

Though Captain Mist praised the Prisoner's Revolt by Arch Lich Thugard in Ser Ulrich's presence as 'excellent', every ogre on board, including every poisonous snake in the prow's hair like a banshee snake, knew it was nothing more than some kind of degree of politeness.

The demons would not expect a group of hungry, skinny, and depleted prisoners to overthrow the rule of the wizards in the world of Hell, and break down the strongest fortress of the wizards in the world of Hell.

The wizards also didn't think that the demons outside the black prison had been planning an attack for a long time, and in the end they turned into a group of prisoners making trouble.

"That's it? That's it?!"

The Duke of Milton stood behind the tallest tower wall of the Black Prison Outer Fort, looking at the hundreds of columns newly erected on the Underworld equation, watching the Eyes of Sauron on the top of those pillars shoot out scarlet rays of light falling on the outer fort. On the magic shield, there was a deep confusion in the tone:

"Just relying on them, they can't even scratch the oily skin of the outer fort... What is the fog trying to do?"

"Never underestimate your own opponent." Wilhelm Potter cast a serious glance at the Vampire Duke, as if to warn, but also as if to remind: "The embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest. In this world, the most inconspicuous enemy is often most dangerous enemy."

Milton tilted his head and glanced at Mr. Werewolf.

"So," Mr. Vampire's mouth hooked slightly, revealing a pair of mocking fangs, and asked, "Are you inconspicuous? Or are you not dangerous?"

Mr. Werewolf leaned back angrily, turned his head with a dark face, and didn't want to see a certain face that was triumphant after taking advantage of it verbally.

Milton looked at Su Shijun with a smile, like a peacock spreading its tail, wanting to show off the victory he just won in front of the witch.

But the witch didn't seem to notice the slight war of words behind her.

She was raising her head, looking at the overlapping black clouds outside the magic shield, the fox ears in her hair stood up slightly, and slowly turned with the dull thunder behind the clouds, the fox tail behind her was fluffy and stiff, Like four upright dusters.

"Is there any problem?" Wilhelm Potter knew that his magic power was relatively weak among the several senators, so he paid great attention to the attitudes of the several great wizards.

At this moment, seeing the three great wizards including Su Shijun, Gongsun Bing, and Soul Silently looking up at the sky together, his heart suddenly rose.

"No." The witch frowned and shook her head slightly, but did not clearly point out what was wrong.

Wilhelm turned his head to look at the soul without speaking.

The silver-white pupils of the patriarch of the Ghost Clan shone brightly in the dark night. After noticing Mr. Werewolf's gaze, he retracted his gaze, pointed his fingers outside the city wall, and smiled slightly: "It's too chaotic outside."

Then he raised his hand and pointed to the sky: "It's too messy outside."

Although the two "outsides" he mentioned are not the same place, and the two "chaotics" are not the same kind of chaos, but Wilhelm was surprised to find that he can fully understand the unfinished meaning of the silent.

"So, do you think the monsters want to fish in troubled waters?" He looked at the prisoners who were swarming to death outside the city wall, then shook his ears, listening to the continuous sound of thunder behind the clouds, and said thoughtfully: "'Five colors Blind, five-tone deaf' Do the demons want to confuse our sight and interfere with our judgment?"

Having said that, the werewolf shook his head, his face full of indifference.

"They underestimate the old wizards in the school too."

Facing the wizards of the First University, as a werewolf, he needs to show his own rebelliousness, but as a member of the council under the moon, he must also show enough respect, which makes his attitude a bit contradictory:

"As the saying goes, 'To be old and not die is to be a thief', there is no reason for me to see the means, and those old thieves can't see it. As the saying goes, 'Riding the field and hunting makes people crazy', maybe the old guys want to exhaust themselves through indulgence. The spirit of a demon."

"It's not that they can't see it, but we can't see it. From the beginning to now, our performance is too conservative."

Floating on the edge of the city wall without a word, overlooking the brilliant fire outside the city, he said softly: "Let the prisoners gather, let the crystal wall outside the black prison shatter, and have no intention of taking the initiative to attack... This tactic has become unnaturally conservative. Just like we can't guess how the fog will break through the black prison, we also can't guess how the school plans to deal with those intruders."



Just as confused as the members of the Parliament under the Moon, there were also a few big monsters outside the city.

When Captain Mist praised Sir Ulrich for the prelude played by the Liches in the Black Prison, Soul Silence discussed the methods of the old wizards in the school with Wilhelm Tower Potter.

In the dark prison.

The Grand Lich Sujad was also raising his head, looking carefully at the dots of white that had been eroded out of the thick black clouds above his head, and at the black 'cannonballs' that slowly squeezed out from the white spots like blackheads and fell from the sky one by one.

Those 'cannonballs' bounced off in mid-air—like a ball of rat women stretching out their bodies—then roared in a language that no one could understand, and swarmed towards the Castle of Hell.

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The pitch-black ring-shaped carapace on their backs is highly resistant to spells, and their ferocious mouthparts and sharp claws can easily tear apart wizards' magic shields. It only took a short time for several wizards to enter the Underworld equation The hunting team retreated hastily under the attack of these monsters.

Regardless of the color of their eyes.

Only by the breath on his body, Su Jiade could easily tell that these monsters were not monsters, but insects parasitic on some giant beasts roaming the star sea.

These insects feed on the star wreckage or the ruins of civilization abandoned by giant beasts during hunting. They are mainly responsible for helping giant beasts clean their bodies and sort out their magic power.

They claim to be servants and dependents of giant beasts.

But wizards have always called them 'parasites'.

At this moment, these parasites are doing the same thing as the demons.

The red light in Sujiade's eyes was uncertain because it smelled an unusual aura from those 'cannonballs'.

Before that, it always thought that only monsters attacked the black prison this time.

Because Xuanhuang fruit can purify the blood of demons and help wizards break through the shackles of their ranks, but for those giant beasts roaming the sea of ​​stars, devouring one or two Stars is no worse than eating this fruit, and it is safer.

So Su Jiade did not expect that he would get such a group of helpers.

But when it turned its eyes in another direction, it felt that this kind of thing was completely reasonable.

"Bad world."

The Grand Lich raised his arm, curled his fingers, and tapped on his clean skull, bang bang, like a wooden fish knocked by monks in a temple when they were chanting sutras.

On the left, Eliroth turned into a jade-colored spider lying on top of another skull; and on the right, the fleshy tentacles stuck to the forehead of the Death knight's mount, looking at the archlich who was beating his own head.

"Behemoth is here, and its brothers and sisters will naturally come too."

Su Jiade's hoarse voice seemed a little annoyed:

"I'm just thinking about how many similar details I've overlooked... We can't stay here any longer, the world will drain the last drop of our brains."

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