Hunting High School

Chapter 398: Beyond The White Prison

"This upgraded squirrel has a curse like 'bleeding' or something attached to his paws, so he's been losing blood and it's pretty bad."

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"How long can it last?"

"Six hours. Without medicine, we can't effectively treat this type of wound."


"It's the monster's claw. When preparing the potion, you need to use the grinding powder of the claw as a primer to draw out the full effect of the potion." The therapist explained.

Several people in the hall stood up in unison.

"Sit down!" Korma scolded in a stern tone: "The members of Danhag's law enforcement team have already set off! It's not your turn to be a hero in such a big school."

As she spoke, she glared angrily at Nicholas, who was leaning against the wall and sitting on the side of the hall. Nicholas pretended not to see it, lowered his eyelids, and stared at the deep claw marks on his arm in a daze. Bright red blood gushed out from the wound. No matter white blood, hemostatic charm or the rain curse, they could not stop the bleeding from the wound, and could only barely delay it. bleeding speed.

This wound was left after he fought with an upgraded Fudge Lord. In exchange, he also made several similar cuts on that Fudge's neck with a wind blade.

It's just that the wind blade doesn't have the curse of 'bleeding'.

I hope the guys who drive these Magical Beasts don't care about the life and death of a Beast, this thought flashed in the wizard's heart, if the Beast is not caught, he will be miserable, and Feifei will probably faint from crying.

"Why didn't you retreat immediately after receiving the order?" The great sage of the North District said with a bit of annoyance in his tone, the scene in front of him didn't have to happen.

When the group of troublers suddenly appeared behind the defense line, she immediately gave the order to retreat. However, Nicholas led his team and some other wizards of the North District, entangled for nearly a quarter of an hour before leaving the battlefield.

Although this disobedience of orders did not lead to serious consequences - more than a dozen wizards in the North District were injured, but Nicholas was the most seriously injured. Several other wizards in the North District did not even need professional therapists. After wasting a few frogs, They healed their wounds themselves.

But none of this needed to happen.

The wizards in the North District were born in a very short period of time, and Korma's prestige was very high, so she was very surprised by the sudden appearance of this practice of almost disobeying the military order, and immediately recalled the patrol team to the second floor of the Sakura Tavern. In this way, she discovered that the wound on Nicholas' body was abnormal.

Otherwise, these inexperienced guys might not realize the seriousness of the matter until Nicholas lost too much blood and passed out.

Hearing Korma's inquiry, Nicholas didn't make any excuses. He was considering whether to pretend to faint, and hoped that the great sage of Korma would see that the two of them entered the same year and not care about this detail.

Just because he doesn't make a sound doesn't mean that other people will sit back and watch him being blamed by the great sage.

"Those sickle weasels insulted you, great sage!" A pale, beautiful witch from the North District bravely stood up and explained in a low voice, "Captain Nicholas was injured to save us."

"It's not Captain Nicholas' fault, it's our fault." Another witch with short silver hair also bowed her head and replied.

As the only member of the Northern District wizards who attended the First University, Nicholas easily gained enough respect in this newly established wizarding group, so this time to resist the black tide, he became the captain of a Northern District wizard patrol team.

Obviously, he's doing pretty well.

With the few words of those two witches, Kerma made a simple calculation, and knew the cause and effect of the matter—it was nothing more than a few sickle weasels on the battlefield at that time, and a few energetic wizards from the North District were bent on protecting the Great War. The glory of the sage, and as the captain, Nicholas could not abandon his teammates and leave, and was finally attacked by the upgraded scoundrel.

This made her breathe a sigh of relief—carrying the expectations of all the magicians in the North District made this young great wizard feel great pressure. The management experience she had in the student union was not completely suitable for the new wizard in the North District. The organization that was born, she was very worried that because she didn't prevent it from happening, the wizards in the North District would go astray.

Right now, after confirming that this was just an accident, Korma did not plan to pursue it any further. Since the Kuroshio really entered Beta Town, she has too many things to worry about.

Immediately, she was a little troubled, how to end this matter simply and calmly. Just at this time, she noticed several familiar breaths appearing outside the Sakura Tavern, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly, and then disappeared immediately.

A moment later, Liu Feifei's figure appeared at the door on the second floor. Nicholas looked around in panic, and it was too late to pretend to be dizzy.

"...I am very grateful," the beautiful witch of the North District was putting one hand on Nicholas' shoulder, and carefully stroking the wizard's injured arm with the other: "You bleed for me."

"I regret it very much. I think if it was you, I could last longer." Nicholas moaned weakly, trying to find a suitable opportunity to pass out——out of the corner of his eye, Liu Feifei seemed to have slowed down.

Kerma folded her arms and watched this scene with a smile.

Another silver-haired witch let out a strange whimper, half crying and half laughing: "You don't need to comfort us..."

"No, I'm serious." Nicholas stared at the puddle of blood oozing out of his arm, sighed deeply, his face full of melancholy, and decided to be mean: "...Maybe the claws of that dog can only scratch Break your fat, or, if you bleed, you have more blood to shed."

Oh, no, this meanness seems to be a bit frivolous, the wizard thought dejectedly, wishing he had blood sickness very much.

"But when the monster rushed over, you knew it was coming towards me." The beautiful witch raised her head, and there were two streams of tears on her pale face.

This is not the result Nicholas wanted.

"Give me a tube of werewolf transformation potion, and I'll bite you down immediately, so that everyone will be evened out." Nicholas stared at the dark ceiling above his head and sighed—he had already discovered that no matter what he said, there was always something It's a strange feeling, it seems that everything is wrong.

If he saved two chubby wizards instead of two witches, it would be better, he thought melancholy.

A tube of light blue potion appeared in his sight, he turned his head, and Korma blinked at him.

"Can I change shape in this state?" He swallowed.

"This is a tranquilizer, you should rest!"

The test tube was tilted, and the blue medicine flowed out, turning into a mist that covered Nicholas' face.

Great, the thought flashed through the wizard's mind, and for the first time he felt that fainting was a better thing than being sober. Out of the corner of his eye, Liu Feifei had already entered the hall, and the beautiful witch just took her hand away from his shoulder.

None of this has anything to do with him.

Soon, the wizard lost consciousness.

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