Hunting High School

Chapter 400: The Hunters

'Grab Nikita and don't let her get away! '

These were the last words Zheng Qing left to his partners before being completely engulfed by the black moon over Linzhong Lake. Several hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team failed in their attempt to follow the captain into the black moon, and finally chose to fulfill the captain's wish.

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Because soon, the entire Linzhong Lake was blocked by the school, and all students were warned not to approach the blocked area. Although there were rumors speculating that the end of the black moon was a black prison, on the one hand, this was only the speculation of some wizards. On the other hand, even if the end of the black moon was a black prison, it would be difficult for young wizards to find a way to get in and out of the black prison.

If in the past, the students of the First University had the opportunity to enter the black prison for a brief practice with the instructions of the professors' joint meeting, the school working committee, or some great wizards. But since last year, the entire black prison has tightened the entry and exit rules, strictly restricting the entry and exit of outsiders.

Since there is no way to trace Zheng Qing, fulfilling Zheng Qing's "last wish" is the only thing the remaining members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team can do.

Just at this time, the school received an urgent message from Beta Town, and a strange black tide broke out.

Most of the senior professors and researchers of the first university working committee, the professors' joint meeting, the various research institutes, the first university teaching assistant team and some outstanding members of the fourth grade are all in the black prison at the moment.

The janitors, teachers, and researchers who stayed behind on the campus had to work hard to repair the broken school guardian circle on the one hand, and on the other hand to protect the students in the lower grades.

After a brief discussion, the student union and associations convened some senior students, and together with the janitors, took on most of the responsibilities of guarding the campus; in addition, some teachers led the school's formally registered hunting team to Beita Town for support.

In the chaos, the only arrangement received by the lower grade students was 'Stay in the dormitory, don't come out! '.

Most of the first-year and second-year students still respect the authority of the school, and they all returned to the dormitory honestly, began to review their homework, and prepared for the final exam in a few days.

In their view, no matter the black tide that erupted in Beta Town or the "magic accident" that occurred over Linzhong Lake earlier, they are all insignificant troubles to the First University—yes, in the eyes of some students, It was just a bad magical accident caused by the infiltration of demons. Even many people who witnessed the shattering of the golden net and the flying of the black moon wondered if they had been hit by Illusion Art.

After all, how could the guardian circle of First University be broken?

And it was shattered by a rune gun in the hands of a student.

The junior students who knew part of the truth—such as the hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team—naturally refused to stay in the dormitory like everyone else.

Therefore, after a brief communication within the hunting team, Zhang Jixin, Xiao Xiao, Xin, Lan Que, and Dylan formed a hunting team and sneaked into the Silent Forest to track down Nikita's whereabouts. But Li Meng and Ling Guo are too young, and Ling Guo has just found his black goat, so Shi Yuan little monk from Atlas Academy stays at the school to help take care of it.

As for Zhang Shuzhi and Sima Yangyun, because one is an excellent hunter among the senior students, and the other is an in-service teacher, the school has already arranged many affairs, so Zhang Jixin and Xiao Xiao easily avoided their entanglements.

After chasing out of the campus, Xiao Xiao wasted a piece of precious oracle that had been enshrined for a long time, determined the direction of Nikita's escape, and chased after him all the way. Several times, they all saw the banshee and the little girl who called herself "Zhu Zhu" The back of the monster, but the black dragon is no longer there.

Although Nikita fled all the way, she didn't go deep into the Silent Forest—if she really sneaked into the depths of the Silent Forest, the hunting team's hunt might be canceled after careful consideration—but because she fled all the way along the Silent River , the few young hunters who apologized naturally refused to give up.

This time, it was the fourth time that the hunting team caught the trace of the Banshee.

"The blue sparrow just sent a message and is confirming the surrounding environment." After hearing Xiao Xiao's question, Zhang Jixin replied in a deep voice: "Didn't you see that black dragon around Nikita?"

Xiao Xiao shook his head: "There is no shadow of the black flood dragon in the fortune-telling."

"That black dragon was really injured, it's true!" Xin Fatty patted his chest, panting heavily, and swore: "I saw with my own eyes, an old man with a white beard threw out a spell, and the black dragon Half of Jiao's tail is gone...they can't run so fast!"

"That is to say, they may still have helpers?" Zhang Jixin kicked a dead branch at his feet a little anxiously. The branch roared and hit the trunk of the returning soul poplar, breaking into several knots.

"I always feel that the witch has some kind of conspiracy." Xin Fatty also muttered in a low voice, and at the same time, he quickly prepared the potion for himself to replenish Qi, blood and strength.

"She's summoning the Kuroshio." Xiao Xiao replied worriedly as he stroked the Amber-colored translucent tortoise shell in his hand. The tortoise shell, which was originally the size of a palm, is only about a square inch after several uses, so it must be used sparingly.

"What?" Several other people immediately looked at the fortuneteller at the same time, with a bit of shock.

Xiao Xiao sighed softly, stretched out his hand, and it turned into a transparent water mirror. In the mirror, there was an endless silent forest, but the angle of view was from top to bottom, and only the lush canopy could be seen.

The little wizard adjusted his glasses, pointed at one of the treetops that was shaking violently like waves, and then stretched out his hand to draw a line parallel to that treetop:

"This line is the route we traced Nikita... Those canopies that are parallel to us and are shaking violently are the traces left by the monsters that constantly gushed out from the depths of the silent forest when they passed through the forest... Although I don't know why, but It is certain that Kuroshio has some kind of connection with Nikita."

Zhang Jixin stared at a pair of black chicken eyes, carefully scrutinized the advancing route of those Magical Beasts, and finally shook his head: "It's too neat...Under the real black tide, those out-of-control magical creatures will not march in such a neat team."

"Hiss." Xin Fatty took a light breath, but he didn't know whether the taste buds were stimulated by the potion just poured into his mouth, or he was frightened by the deduction of the two teammates: "Then we are not very dangerous? Why didn't we say it earlier?" !"

Dylan gave Fatty a disdainful look: "We've all been running in the Forbidden Forest for so long before you thought of the word danger? According to your reflex arc, when the real danger comes, you must have turned into jerky. "

"Divination shows that as long as we don't interfere with those magical creatures, the Kuroshio will not pose a threat to us." Xiao Xiao carefully put away the tortoise shell and replaced it with a crystal ball: "So I reminded before that if Ni Kita goes deep into the Silent Forest, we must abandon the pursuit plan."

Everyone is silent.

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