Hunting High School

Chapter 412 Gorgeous Desolation

The sun rained down from the sky.

A drop of golden raindrop cut through the night sky and hit the dry ground, creating a circle of golden ripples, like a brush covered with gold powder, brushing a few feet around the raindrop into the color of the day.

The sun and rain poured down.

Countless slender gold threads descended from the sky, cutting the thick black background into countless pieces.

At the end of the thin golden line, countless raindrops fell to the ground, creating countless circles of golden ripples, whitening the entire world.

The world of Hell Prison has not been exposed to sunlight for so long that no matter the prisoners or the dead trees in this world, they are a little at a loss in the face of sudden changes.

As if ice and snow met hot water, butter was scorched by fire, and the strange colors remaining on the surface were shattered under the light. There were also those slow-moving tree demons, whose branches shrank and screamed in the sun, and green veils appeared all over their bodies. The smoke fled in a hurry and sank into the ground, leaving a pit in the wilderness.

Pale, dry and dead.

Under the new sunshine, the earth, sand, strange rocks, dead wood, distant peaks, and the bones of the undead, everything was smeared by the pale golden sunlight, showing a sickly paleness.

Before the whole world was swept away, it was as dark as ink, bright and exciting, looking gorgeous and desolate.

But in any case, it's a great step from night to day.

Zheng Qing raised his hand.

The newly born breeze was soft and lingering, trembling over his fingertips, with a tingling feeling of static electricity passing by, full of the power of life.

"Wow, that's beautiful."

Jiang Yu raised her head, watched the golden sunlight blowing across the earth, coating every corner of the world with a layer of brilliance, and sighed softly: "It feels like a dream."

"I've heard such a saying," Zheng Qing murmured, holding his talisman gun and looking up at the two suns competing for supremacy in the depths of the sky, "What a person dreams about is an illusion. It is a coincidence that two people dreamed the same scene, but the dream of three people together is reality... I saw the sun, tell me now, what did you see?"

"Two suns."

"Two suns rise in the black prison."

Jiang Yu and Zhu Si gave their answers backwards. As expected by Zheng Qing, although the three people's statements were not completely consistent, they described the same picture.

The wizard nodded: "So, we didn't fall into illusion, or dream... Two suns really rose in the black prison. This world has a new day."

It was as if a blind man who had been blind for a long time saw the light for the first time.

Zheng Qing felt a strange sense of novelty—the V-shaped shadows under his feet were so novel because of the two rounds of sun, and the light-white mist that was steamed by the sun was so novel. Those pits eroded by strange colors, in the eyes of the wizard, are particularly novel.

A black shadow jumped out from the faint white mist, interrupting the wizard's reverie.

Just as Zheng Qing raised the talisman spear in his hand, he saw a familiar figure.


The black cat turned over and landed, looking around, the dead forests that ruled here had disappeared, and the wasteland was full of the large and small sinkholes left by them before they fled. A little further away, under the golden and red sky, the Standing between the sky and the earth, the giant dragon made of strange colors is still coiling tirelessly.

The sun fell on those strange colors, steaming up bursts.

The black cat withdrew its gaze, looked at the two young wizards, and repeatedly shouted: "Go! When he recovers and they adapt to the light, it will be difficult for you to leave!"

While speaking, it has grown to a height of several meters, and at the same time it crouched down.

Zheng Qing looked at the ruby-like clear eyes of the black cat, nodded, and climbed up the back of the black cat first, then opened the book of spells, chanted the spell, summoned several tough vines, built a soft ladder, and let the witch Also climbed up.

As for Zhu Si, she was stuck behind the witch like an octopus, like a small human-shaped schoolbag.

With the vines as the bridle and the rattan mat as the saddle, the two young wizards hadn't even sat down, but the black cat stood up and ran away. The whistling wind blew past Zheng Qing's ears, and the wizard squinted his eyes, looking at the direction the black cat was heading for. After a while, he realized something.

"Where is the Hell Castle?!"

He looked around, seeing bright lights in all directions. The light in the darkness that had been used as a lighthouse to guide the group of people had been completely submerged in the boundless daylight.

The black cat ran wildly with its head buried in its head, and it jumped several miles away in a short time. Zheng Qing's shouting at the top of his throat had just come out, but he was torn to pieces by the wild wind around him.

But because the wizard shouted very close to the black cat's ears, his question still reached the black cat's ears.

The black cat was unmoved, and continued running with its head buried in its head, crossing over a dozen mountains in a row, until the giant dragon made of strange colors that pierced through the sky turned into a thin line and completely disappeared behind a certain mountain, then the black cat slowed down Footsteps, took a few breaths.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

The wind gradually died down.

Zheng Qing was finally able to lift the head buried between the nape of the black cat's neck. He spat out the few cat hairs that he accidentally bit into his mouth just now. After a while, he came back to his senses and shouted angrily: Can you give me a hint before... my talisman gun almost fell off the road!"

Fortunately, Jiang Yu had quick eyes and quick hands, and raised her hand to release a binding spell, binding the blown rune gun to the wizard's back.

The black cat snorted, turned around, and cast a sidelong glance at the wizard: "Your rune gun? It's better to throw it away as soon as possible... just learn magic and practice spells honestly, play with blood spells, a shortcut. "

Zheng Qing frowned slightly, feeling that there was something in the black cat's words.

Before he could ask carefully, he heard Jiang Yu whispering next to him: "Why do I feel...we have been here before?"

The black cat and Zheng Qing were taken aback when they heard the words, and looked at the surrounding environment together. Although they had been walking in the dark before, but there was the starlight summoned by "嘒小星" above their heads, they still had some impressions of the environment on the road .

Zheng Qing looked at some traces left at the foot of the mountain, the corners of his eyes twitched, he glanced at the black cat, and said softly: "Did you run the wrong way?"

The black cat had a straight face, the whiskers drooping at the corners of its mouth, and it muttered intermittently: "It doesn't make sense... I follow the direction where the magic power fluctuations are strongest... In theory... it shouldn't be like this..."

Zheng Qing grabbed the soft fur on the black cat's neck, pulled it hard, and shouted: "Stop reasoning! It's dawn in the Hell! We must find the Hell Castle as soon as possible!"

"Then where are you going!" the black cat shook its ears angrily.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a few seconds, subconsciously touched the rune gun in his hand. On the gun body, the yellow windmill-shaped runes slowly turned twice, and then Zheng Qing saw a breeze brushing the soft fur on the black cat's back.

"Run with the wind." The wizard slammed his fist into the palm of his hand and made the final decision: "There is no lighthouse, and the magic power of this world is restless again. We can only believe in the wind that was born with the light."

"The place where the wind blows must be related to the place where the light is born!"

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