Hunting High School

Chapter 422: Three Hunting


Vice Principal Shi Hui's magic did not fall on the three great demons as he wished. A snake tail covered with dark green hexagonal scales jumped out of the cabin of the Mist, and lightly collided with the witch's white palm.

The power of both sides was closed at the touch, but still rolled up a huge wave of magic power and spread in all directions.

As if a gust of wind blows across the burning field, this wave of magic power first blows the flames burning in the wedge-shaped enclave more violently and violently, and the flames almost lick the side of the Misty ship.

But immediately, an inexplicable cloudy rain emerged quietly at the end of the strong wind, and fell silently. The raindrops were small, comparable to spring rain, but the rain was thicker than the torrential rain in midsummer.


"This is the power of legend."

Professor Yao has not yet officially left the stage, so he saw the scene completely. He stretched out his arms and spread his palms, feeling the familiar delicate coolness in the air, and sighed slightly: "...every move is fiddle with the woven law. Dimensions; every ray of breath contains its own Dao principle. It is really a desirable Realm."

"If you are willing... hiss... you can feel it every moment... I can even reward you with a drop of true blood... hiss... real, true blood at the peak of legend..."

Accompanied by the subtle coolness, a cold thought wrapped around Professor Yao's wrist, as if being licked by a snake's scorpion. Even if Professor Yao was as seasoned as Professor Yao, his back felt a chill, a bit creepy.

But the words conveyed by that thought are full of temptation, just like the poisonous snake that tricked Eve into eating the apple in the Garden of Eden:

"... Hiss... I can feel that you are only one step away from that Realm... Come back, Sankari... The hypocrites of Daiichi University are afraid of your breakthrough... those old antiques set the rules, just to maintain them Despicable advantage...Come back, Sankura, for the killing, for the deliciousness, and the pleasure of breaking through everything..."

The dark red in Professor Yao's eyes flickered, and on the outstretched arm, the wide sleeve of the robe suddenly shattered, turning into pieces of dark red butterflies, fluttering, and slowly landing.

On the skinny arm, the blue veins bulged, pulling his five fingers, closing them in and clenching them bit by bit. It looked like he was just grabbing a handful of air, but this move was no less than grabbing a Minor. World.


There seemed to be a slight crack in his ears, and the cold aura lingering around Professor Yao disappeared without a trace with the crack.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly lowered his arm. The exposed arm on one side made him look a little frivolous, but the professor's unpredictable expression drove away the frivolity, making it a little more weird out of thin air.

"You know what a breakthrough!" A ferocious face appeared first, and he gritted his teeth: "A drop of real blood? I'm afraid you're not spilling my body!"

Immediately, the ferociousness disappeared, replaced by a compassionate and peaceful face, lowered his eyebrows, and muttered to himself: "All conditioned dharmas are like dream bubbles...dream bubbles... My dharma does not have deeds, and deeds are not my dharma... "

Before the verse was finished, the compassion on the professor's face quickly disappeared, and his expression turned into indifference. 'He' glanced at the Misty Horn lightly, and then glanced at the inner castle wall.

On the city wall, Vice President Ruoyu smiled, nodded slightly at Professor Yao, and immediately turned his gaze to Ms. Shi Hui's direction.



The cloudy rain brought by the strong wind stopped before it wet the blue bricks on the wall, and rested with it, and the raging fire that was ignited by Vice Principal Shi Hui's 'Five Elements upside down' before.

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Only in the blink of an eye, the burning willows in the wedge-shaped enclave returned to their green appearance, and seemed to become more lush. The prosperous green ocean supported three big monster ships again, and the monster teams on board also regained their bloodthirsty courage, screaming, and launched an attack on the surrounding city walls along the wicker that was rooted on the edge of the city wall .

"Don't be dazed, bastards!"

"The little witch with delicate skin and tender flesh is waiting to be favored by the elders!"

"Go! Go! Go!"

"Eat! Eat! Eat!"

Similarly, the wizard hunters guarding the Black Prison Castle on the city wall are also dispatching quickly, constantly repairing the gaps in the guardian circle, cutting off the wicker sticks on the city wall, and hunting any monsters that approach.

"Order from the divination group! The three-stage extended release of the Fiery Curse! Chimerized with the Great Wind Curse!"

"Get ready... let it go!"

"The gangster is so hot!"

The five wizards all raised the Dharma books in their hands, and chanted loudly: "The strong wind blows, and the final wind will be violent!"

"Uncle Zaizao!" The other five wizards stood up immediately, raising the scriptures in their hands: "Fire Juju!"

Another five wizards shouted in unison: "The wind is blowing!"

"Uncle Zai Yau! Fiery Ju Yang!"

"Finally, let's die!"

"The uncle is in the soba, and the fire has a fu!"

More than a dozen wizards jointly performed large-scale wind and fire magic. On the city wall, at intervals, there was such a group of teams that summoned elemental creatures in many forms such as fire dragons, fire pigs, fire crows, fire monkeys, and turkeys. Roaring and hovering, under the urging of the strong wind, they rushed to the criss-crossing willows under the city wall.


A long sigh came from the cabin of the Misty: "You are indeed the vice-principal of the First University... Just look at the degree of control over power, you are not far from that rank."

Ms. Shi Hui stood in front of the figurehead without taking a step back, but her expression was much more solemn than before.

"Sea Demon King," she whispered the name: "...Xiang Liu."


A snake head the size of a cart suddenly jumped out of the cabin, slid down the side of the ship, went around the bottom of the ship, and then climbed up to the deck. In this way, it circled several times before pointing its head at the witch directly in front of the Misty.

Captain Mist, Watcher Gustav Darren, Time Usurper Mark Briggett, the three big monsters crawled under the huge snake head, like three inconspicuous moss on the deck.

The snake hairs on the figurehead were contrary to their usual timidity, hissing and stretching their necks, trying to lick the scales on the big snake, but this time the figurehead was pretending to be dead, and she closed her mouth tightly. eyes, pretending to be a rock.

"Hiss," the Sea Demon King spat out a bright red letter, his cold voice seemed to be greasy little snakes getting into the witch's ears, making her frown: " you think I'm still sleeping in the Mariana Trench What? Hiss...I lied to you!! Hiss, there is only a layer of my cast off body!"

"It's disgusting." Shi Hui curled her lips, stretched out her little finger to pick out her ear, and flicked it to the side casually: "Except for yourself, no one will think this is such a clever way."

"I'm just urging you to come out quickly... I'll kill you sooner and end this damn war sooner."

"You have affected my beauty sleep."

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