Hunting High School

Chapter 437 Zhuge

Heavenly Dog eclipses the moon, Zheng Qing knows it.

It's about a huge dog that swallows the moon in one gulp—and, of course, in some stories, the dog swallows the sun.

Regardless of the sun or the moon, the birth of this story is naturally not groundless. Just like the shadows of a few giant dogs chasing Professor Emma and the giant bird Schitz in the sky at this moment, it is the original shape of the "Heavenly Dog" in myths and legends.

But at this moment, Mr. Ruoyu, the vice president of First University, took his magic a step further.

Heavenly Dog eats the sky.

The low voice echoed in everyone's hearts, and with Mr. Ruoyu's spell, the silver wolf's head on the crutch in his hand suddenly swelled up, rising from the ground, turning into a ferocious animal head that devoured the sky, opened its mouth took a big gulp.

For a moment, Zheng Qing felt in a trance that the night that had shrouded the black prison for thousands of years had come to this world again, and only coldness and silence were the eternal protagonists of this world.

But soon, the night voluntarily receded, and the light and heat from the two suns drove away the darkness and cold that came for a short time.

Together with the two huge air machines hovering over the battlefield before.

At the head of the inner castle, the black cat squatting on the crenel stood up. Zheng Qing shivered and woke up almost at the same time. Immediately, he realized that Old Man Ruoyu and the Speaker of the Dark Parliament on the opposite side had disappeared.

"Where are they?!"

The boy held the talisman gun in his hand with one hand, and supported the city wall in front of him with the other, feeling that his legs were still a little weak: "What happened just now?"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The black cat turned its head and looked down at the boy from above.

Zheng Qing bravely met its gaze and stared at each other for a long while before realizing that the black cat was not looking at him, but was looking at his side. He felt a little hot on his cheeks, and quickly lowered his eyelids, following the black cat's line of sight.

In an open space not far from him, there is a strange creature with a wolf's head and a snake's body coiled up. It is about several meters long, and its body is silver-white. The snake's body is coiled into a tower shape, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. Close it, lie there quietly.

Looking at the silver wolf head, Zheng Qing subconsciously thought of the crutch of old man Ruoyu.

Immediately afterwards, he had a little guess about the whereabouts of the two legendary wizards.


As soon as the boy opened his mouth, he was interrupted by an abrupt voice:

"Just like you thought, they went to another battlefield."

Accompanied by that voice, a cyan flame flashed.

A tall and thin figure wearing a crane cloak, a lun scarf on his head, a face like a crown jade, and eight feet in length hurried out from the firelight, shaking his head while quickly shaking the feather fan in his hand, complaining repeatedly: "These guys, One or two have left their posts without authorization... You guys are having a good time, what about Xuanhuangmu?"

"This kind of old trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain and making a fool of himself can be tricked, which is simply a shame for the First University."

"Thanks to being the vice-principal of the school, two legendary wizards..."

Zheng Qing stared blankly at this wizard who dared to "speak disrespectfully" to the legendary wizards. Apart from admiration from the bottom of his heart, he also became a little curious about his identity.

There is no doubt that this wizard is definitely not a school professor.

All the faculty and staff of the school have more or less shown their faces in many occasions such as the opening ceremony and the school hunting competition. Moreover, even if the school staff are familiar with hunting activities, they always act with a bit of bureaucracy, and they are far less free and easy than the wizard in front of them on the battlefield.

Of course, the most important reason for this certainty is that the badge of the "Xianqin" hunting group was hung on the chest of this wizard.

He seemed to notice the boy's stealthy gaze.

The tall and thin wizard wearing a crane cloak inserted the feather fan into his belt, reached out and grabbed the boy's arm, and shook it: "Zhuge, the deputy head of the Xianqin hunting group, has been recruited by the school, and now he is the head of the divination group... Are the 'departments' now accepting students as advisors?"

Zheng Qing noticed that when the head of the divination team was speaking, he was holding a few jade chips in his other hand and was quickly calculating.

"He's just a student, only in the first grade!" The black cat's dissatisfied voice sounded from the battlements: "I'm the consultant of the relevant department of First University, the one on the roster!"

"That's just now..." The fortune-teller glanced at the black cat in surprise, and flashed a few divination gestures in his hand, as if he found something, his eyes lingered between the boy and the black cat for a few seconds, and said in a low voice: "It's really shocking.""

Immediately, he ended the topic, put away his calculations, picked up the feather fan from his waist, and shook it.

"Mr. Ruoyu, did you explain anything before leaving?" He glanced at the wizard.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath and murmured: "The vice-principal asked me to stay here... stay here bravely, um, and live bravely."

"Well," Zhuge shook his feather fan and nodded: "Then you should guard it carefully and don't let those monsters rush up... are you sure?"

Zheng Qing shook his head decisively.

Just kidding, although he managed to muster up a little courage to defend the city before, that courage was based on the presence of a legendary great wizard next to him. Who would have thought that the old guy left himself and disappeared without a trace.

"It's good to be sure."

Mr. Zhuge didn't seem to see the wizard shaking his head, and patted him on the shoulder in relief: "Since the vice principal arranged you here, there is a reason for him... Don't be too nervous, just work hard."

Zheng Qing looked at the head of the divination team in front of him, as if worried that he had heard it wrong, and looked back at Jiang Yu, only to find that the witch was also at a loss.

Only Zhu Si was still heartless, grabbing a piece of gravel and scribbling on the wall.

On the crenel, the black cat let out a nasty laugh.


Sanyou Bookstore.

In front of the teacup.

The yellow fox withdrew its gaze, tilted its head, looked at the shopkeeper who was lying on the chair and dozed off, shook his ears, and asked suspiciously: "Why did old man Ruoyu and Zhuge let Zheng Xiaozi guard there? How can that brat be so powerful?" they know something?"

"Huh?" The gentleman raised one eyelid and looked at the flower cat questioningly.

The yellow raccoon squatted on the tea table, with its tail obediently wrapped around its feet, and said in a somewhat anxious tone, "I mean, did they guess that we were peeping..."

"Observe." Mr. Wu corrected immediately.

"Yes, yes, yes," Huang Huali added impatiently: "Observe, observe, they found that we are observing what happened in the world of Hell? Otherwise, I can't understand why a legend and a top fortune-teller A little guy in first grade guards the most important position."

The more he analyzed, the more suspicious Huamao felt, and finally said decisively: "They are trying to trick you! That brat Zhuge has a lot of tricks, you must not fall for his tricks!"

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