Hunting High School

Chapter 440: Bo Fu's Family

After destroying the Willow Throwing Spear, the ray of wind continued unabated. It rolled up the green smoke from the Willow Throwing Spear, condensed into a drizzle, and fell between several big monster ships and the wedge-shaped enclave.

Every ray of rain is like a sharp arrow, easily cutting through countless spreading willows, and poking countless holes in the bodies of several big monster ships.

Fragmented blood flowers bloomed between the sky and the earth.

"Such a powerful attack was actually wiped out by a fan."

Captain Misty looked up at the falling rain, stretched out his hand, felt the sharp aura hidden in the rain, and sighed deeply: "Although I know that Kotos is still a little away from the legend...but this little The distance is really disappointing."

Unlike Captain Mist, who has a lot of emotions, the team captains under him need to worry about more things.

"Put up the defensive circle!"

"Be careful to avoid those raindrops!"

"Boatman! Where is the repairman?! Hurry up and repair the damaged cabin!"

"Don't let those raindrops fall on the fort!"

"Sail! Why didn't the sails be furled!"

A few figures ran back and forth in a hurry, shouting, directing the gray-skinned elves and puppets to deal with the damage caused by the rain, and the deck was in a hurry.

Professor Yao lowered his ferocious face, glanced at the young monsters in a mess at his feet, frowned slightly, raised his hand, rubbed out a huge fireball, and threw it down.


A thick tentacle shot from the side, crushing the fireball.

"Your opponent is us, it's better not to bully children."

The tentacles slowly retracted, and the huge eyeballs floating in the mist rolled around, looking at the three-headed and eight-armed giant ape: "In other words, as the principal of Jiuyou Academy, you have fallen to the point where you need to be treated by children. Have you found a sense of presence in them?"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"This is the battlefield."

The calm face in the center of the giant ape looked at the watchman Gustav indifferently: "Since Kotos can break the rules and attack my students, then you should be mentally prepared accordingly."

While speaking, the other two heads of the giant ape chanted the incantation in unison, pinched the formula with both hands, held the book of the law with both hands, waved the stick with both hands, and propped up a thick shield with both hands.

Click, click.

The real body of the time-compiler, the wall clock hanging in mid-air, the second hand rotated a large angle quickly. Then, one second before, Captain Misty and Gustav, who were about to be hit by Professor Yao's spell, appeared in the opposite direction with a crisp 'click' sound the next second.


The fist formed by the white mist slammed heavily on the thick shield. At the same time, the giant eyes of Gustav's incarnation stared at the giant ape, and there were circles of light black ripples blooming in the pupils. The center of the ripples was a gray light , in a flash, hit the dharma book in the great ape's hand.

The Dharma book instantly turned into flying ash, and spider web-like cracks appeared on the thick shield.

The giant ape grunted and took several steps back.

"You have three heads, and we also have three heads." The white mist condensed out of Captain Misty's upper body, leaned forward, and looked at Dean Yao: "...This is not too much bullying."

Above its head, the second hand on the dial of the wall clock is slowly turning back, dispelling the punishment from the laws of the world after stealing time; the giant eyes are slowly closing, and dozens of thick tentacles undulate in the white mist like guards.



The fine raindrops are like sharp arrows, falling from the sky.

The four principals showed their real bodies and fought fiercely with the sea monsters and grand liches who got off the four sea monster ships.

Farther away, more and more hunting teams formed second-order mimetic titans, firmly blocking the swarming army of prisoners and demons outside the outer castle.

"How is it? Do you have a little more confidence?"

The head of the divination team waved the feather fan in his hand, stood beside the young public fee student, put his arm around his shoulders, and waved the fan with the other hand, pointing in all directions: "We have enough wizards to help you block those big monsters, you just need to follow the instructions According to Mr. Yu's request, just stay here and clean up some miscellaneous things that got in by accident."

Zheng Qing didn't answer immediately.

Before, when the willow spears thrown by Kotos fell from the sky, and the moment Zhuge fanned the feather fan in his hand, Zheng Qing felt a warm breath suddenly appear, falling from his door, pouring directly into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The blue air mass accumulated in the Sea of ​​Consciousness due to the leakage of the forbidden curse breath was originally stimulated by the breath of the battlefield, and it was a little irritable, but after the warm breath came, the blue air mass, like a cat whose hair has been smoothed, suddenly calmed down down.

Moreover, the pipe pierced into the green air group's "puffing air" suddenly became much thicker under the influence of that breath. Zheng Qing could clearly feel that the rune bullets in the magazine of the rune gun in his hand were being invaded by the breath of the forbidden spell. Dyed, quickly metamorphosed.

This gave him a strong urge to shoot the monsters.

"no problem!"

The wizard's confidence came from nowhere, and he patted his chest and promised, "As long as I stand here, I will never let a monster cross the city wall!"

On the wall, the black cat hunched its head and looked at the boy in surprise, its ruby ​​eyes were full of confusion, as if wondering if the boy had taken some medicine by mistake when he didn't pay attention.

Jiang Yu glanced at the boy worriedly, then lowered her head, and began to organize the talismans and Magical Items that had been stored for a long time in the back of her handbag.

"Very good!" The fortune teller patted the boy's shoulder with satisfaction: "If there is anything else you need, please put it up together, and the fortune teller will try its best to satisfy you."

Zheng Qing glanced at the large and small mimetic titans in the distance, hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: "I don't need anything... I'm just a little curious, why the second-order battle array mimes of those hunting teams are Bo Fu's Where's the titan?"

"On the one hand, the school has a good relationship with Bofu's titan family, and we can get enough Blood Essence from them."

The leader of the divination group didn't seem to think there was any problem in explaining students' doubts on the fierce battlefield, so he patiently explained:

"You know, although the hunting teams currently staying in the black prison are composed of elites, not all hunting teams composed of elite hunters can carry out second-level 'mimicry'... Those hunting teams that are almost on fire, in the The Blood Essence of the mimic creature is needed in the magic ritual of mimicry."

"This kind of hunting party is easy to spot."

"For example, the shorter titans, or the guys who are a little thinner and look like they have a layer of powder on their bodies, that's the case."

"There is another reason. Unifying the mimetic objects can reduce the workload of the divination team. In calculating the battlefield situation, they can gain a slight advantage over the opponent... and the pressure on logistics support can also be reduced."

"After all, equipping ten titans with weapons is more than ten times easier than equipping a group of grotesque creatures with weapons."

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