Hunting High School

Chapter 451 Witches Who Disobeyed Orders

"No, that's not what I meant."

Zhuge pulled the crooked scarf on his head, glanced left and right, as if he was worried that a certain finger would suddenly appear and poke him on the forehead: "I mean...the one."

Professor Yi raised his eyebrows and wisely decided to stop the topic.

"Then why did Zheng Qing jump off the city again?"

Changing the topic is also a matter of skill, so it must be calm and subtle: "...If I remember correctly, you have arranged for him to guard the city before, right?"

"If my arrangement worked, there wouldn't be so many accidents on the battlefield." The head of the divination group spread his hands with an innocent face: "As for why he jumped down, I have a little guess."

"Oh?" Professor Yi was obviously very interested.

"Do you still remember the 'variables' arranged in the Black Hell Castle when the fortune-telling group first drew up the battle plan?"

"you mean……"

"That's right, those prisoners." Zhuge put away his feather fan and said softly: "When Xiangliu and Master Shi Hui were confronting each other, the big sea monster Bingshan fought with Sun Qi from Starry Sky Academy and smashed several cells in the main castle. Thirteen prisoners escaped, and three of them are in the stage of metamorphosis, ready to advance to the rank of great demon... You still have an impression of this report from the Jailor Management Office."

Professor Yi nodded slightly.

"Of course I have the impression that besides the demon, there is also a wizard named Zhou among the escaped prisoners, who is also a teacher of the First University."

He squinted and seemed to be looking at the sand table not far away, but his sight was not focused, and he said in a soft voice: "Later, she violated the "Wizard Code" and released the prisoners who needed to be detained without permission, and was sentenced to life imprisonment by Dan Hag , locked in a black prison. The 'variable' you are referring to should be her."

"One of the variables."

Zhuge shook his head, then nodded again: "Ms. Zhou's placement in the cell in Zhengbao is indeed related to 'variables', but it has little to do with Zheng Qing—or, at this moment, Zheng Qing. Do you remember the content marked in red at the end of the report from the management office?"

Professor Yi closed his eyes, recalled for a few seconds, and then opened his eyes.

"Get Out of the Demons includes a 'Mi-Go',"

His tone was a bit dazed, and he turned his head to look outside the turret hall, his eyes seemed to be able to see through the thick walls and magic circle, the pink monsters that were raging on the battlefield in front of the inner castle wall: " You mean, the variables are related to those 'Migo Emperor Bugs'?"

The head of the fortune-telling group shook his fan, shook his head, and strolled to the sand table.

"Who knows."

He muttered, staring at the criss-crossing battle lines and fighting chess pieces on the sand table, as if he was answering Professor Yi's guess, and also seemed to be talking to himself: "One Migo is a coincidence, and the fusion of Migo and the starry sky is accidental." ...When coincidence and chance meet and hit variable at the same time, I am also very curious about what the result will be."



When fortune tellers are curious, they will line up Tarot cards, or lay out senile grass, burn tortoise shells, and rub crystal balls, trying to peek through the fog of fate to see the truth that does not belong to them.

And on the battlefield of the world of Hell, when the members of the next month's parliament feel curious, they will become absent-minded and distracted, turning a blind eye to the red-eyed people who are close at hand, passively responding to the enemy's attack, and instead focus most of their attention on Before the walls of the inner castle.

For example, the soul is silent.

As the master of Dark Blue Castle and the radical faction of the Council under the Moon, although it is gentle and magnanimous in front of its colleagues, it is easy to lose ground when it comes to matters involving forbidden spells.

Last year, he was warned and punished by Dan Hager for conducting illegal dimensional experiments in Dark Blue Castle, which is a very obvious example.

Therefore, when the senator of the ghost clan touched a ray of forbidden curse breath on the black prison battlefield, his original attitude of going all out to deal with the monster attack was immediately greatly reduced.

The chessboard suspended in mid-air was silently reduced in size, and it took a long time for the monsters who sucked into the chessboard to be processed.

Compared with it, the performance of another senator in the parliament next month is even more obvious.

After confirming that Zheng Qing was at the top of the inner castle, Su Shijun began to turn his head frequently, drawing a few black skylarks every now and then, flying into the battlefield in front of the inner castle, circling around the top of the city to observe.

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Until the boy jumped off the wall.

"Damn it!"

The witch cursed loudly—this was completely different from her usual gentle and virtuous performance, which shocked the peeping eyes all around——the foxtail pen was flying in the sky, and the black skylark hovering over the inner castle screamed, head to tail Connected to form a hovering array in mid-air.

The same magic circle appeared at the feet of the witch at the same time.

"These guys are in the hands of you two."

These were the last words the witch said to Milton Karen and Wilhelm Potter before she left.

It was difficult to determine whether the 'those guys' in her vague order referred to the demons and warriors she had drawn before, or the demons and prisoners who were rushing to the front at that time.

What can be confirmed is that it is a serious violation of military orders for a witch to leave the front line.

"Damn kid." Milton's face was a little ugly, and he cursed in a low voice to a young wizard who jumped off the city wall, it would be better to fall directly to his death.

"Damn military order." Unlike the vampire's curse, the werewolf was more worried about the witch's safety.

"She's going to be in trouble." Milton immediately came to his senses and sighed deeply.

"The Alliance will not embarrass a great wizard." Wilhelm shook his head.

"Because of the next month's parliament?" Mr. Vampire had a mocking expression on his face. He didn't think the Wizarding Union would be lenient with the Clan under the Moon.

"No," Mr. Werewolf raised his fist and slammed the black drum in front of him, urging the soldiers to fight the enemy bravely, and at the same time replied in a gentle tone: "Because she is the most beautiful woman in the wizarding world."



Also violating the order is the witch on the wall of the inner castle.

When a huge 'meteorite' fell from the sky and hit Zheng Qing's path, Jiang Yu immediately forgot all the previous instructions from Mr. Zhuge and Zheng Qing.

"I want to go down!" She looked at the black cat squatting on the wall, her face was pale, but her tone was extremely firm.

The black cat looked at the witch seriously.

"You're just a first-year wizard," it warned.

"He's in the first grade too."

"He has sir, what do you have?"

"……I have money."

The witch's answer made the black cat suffocate. After a long while, it looked enviously at the various amulets and high-level talismans that the witch took out from her handbag, and tugged at its ears.

"Money is not everything." The black cat muttered, "On the battlefield below, there are registered wizards at the lowest level. If you don't pay attention, you will be smashed to pieces..."

"So I want you to go down with me." The witch looked at it seriously.

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