Hunting High School

Chapter 469: The Late Third Party

"I see."

"With the determination to break the boat, transform the body into food, and nurture the soul to become an advanced wizard... No wonder, in this withered world, such brilliant flowers can bloom."

"The most puzzling and difficult part of the whole process is how to transform the physical body into evolutionary resources. This is not knowledge accessible to ordinary wizards. As far as I know, relevant knowledge belongs to the taboo of the alliance... ..."

"It doesn't necessarily come from a taboo... Maybe it's just Talent, or some secret technique that she figured out by herself."

"Oh, what a pity. On the outside, with this secret technique and this brand-new way of advancement, Ryoko Fukatsu is completely worthy of the title of 'Master'... at least better than the 'Great Sage' from the North District." True to its name."

"Heh, what is 'name'? The reason why great wizards are great wizards is not because they are popular, but because they have the stature and ability of great wizards."

"The problem is, she doesn't think of herself as a wizard now."

"Choosing whether to become a great wizard or a great demon is her own problem. We cannot deny a new path in front of us just because of the butt problem...even if it is just a small path that has just been opened."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop arguing about this kind of thing. Whether it is occultism, talent, or external help, as Dean Strange said, they are all just small ways after all... The only way to truly break through the shackles is to have the belief and the determination to fight against fate. All the existences who have achieved the rank of great wizard are without exception."

Above the battlefield in front of the inner castle.

Until the duel of the Black Goat is over, a fragile peace and balance remains between the Grand Wizard and the Grand Goblins. No one wants to fight while being watched by a pair of cold eyes from behind.

So the two sides are just entangled with each other and vigilant against each other.

at the same time.

The spiritual thoughts of the great wizards were intertwined with each other, discussing the special big monster below, analyzing its way of advancement, and judging whether it was possible to naturalize it.

And the sea monsters and big liches facing them are also hesitating whether to break the upside-down 'jade bowl' and release Yoshiko Fukatsu.

"In the end, she doesn't belong to any of our factions." Captain Vortex's attitude is very clear: "If she is used to contain a member of the next month's parliament, it is a very cost-effective business."

"It is said that the five members of the council under the moon will work together to display the legendary power." The Sea God, the captain of the Mirage, reminded the other big monsters: "We don't have a third legend to deal with this power .”

"Not necessarily."

The voice of the lookout Gustav Darren was as smooth as his body—just like the dean of the Jiuyou Academy opposite him, he did not put away his real body, his huge eyeballs were like an extinguished sun, and around the eyeballs The wriggling tentacles are the dead rays of the sun—he strongly recommends helping the trapped banshee below:

"...What if one of our colleagues can break through the peak and become a legend? There are many existences with this possibility, such as the multi-armed titan Kotos, the dark behemoth Leviathan, and the wheel in the sky. Sunbird Sheets...even our Captain Mist."

The huge eyeballs grunted and turned to the meditating Captain Mist, with some compliments in his tone: "Of course, in our opinion, Captain Mist is the most likely one among them."

"Oh, old man Ulrich might not be happy if you hear that." Captain Url sneered again and again: "In the end, you just want to use our power to snatch a very important experiment for the withered yellow land. body."

The captain of the Poseidon also looked worried: "If the legend is so easy to break through, the sea monster or the lich will not have only one king each."

"Howl!" Captain Bingshan growled in a low voice in agreement, stepping on the air with his huge claws, grabbing deep cracks in the air.

"Click, click."

The huge wall clock incarnated by time usurper Mark Briggett made a crisp sound, interrupting the debate of several big monsters, and cast his divine thoughts on Captain Misty: "According to the original agreement, the front of the outer fortress will be handed over to the Lich, Hand over the front of the inner castle to the Kraken, Misty, you have the final say on this matter."

The eyes of the other four big monsters all fell on Captain Misty.

It's just that Mist's mind is obviously not in the same dimension as his colleagues.

He was frowning, looking at a small piece of pink 'moss' on the edge of the battlefield, which was where the Migo emperors gathered. According to the original agreement, it is now time for the Migo Emperors to 'make greater contributions' - although the two black goat cubs on the field have added a lot of variables to the plan - but seeing that small piece of pink The colored 'moss' was getting bigger and bigger, gradually unable to hide their existence, but the promised ally never made a move, which really made him uneasy.

What made him even more disturbed was that the wizards had obviously noticed that small piece of 'pink' that was incompatible with the surrounding colors, including the boy and the black cat with the breath of the forbidden curse, and several other hunting teams were all approaching those Migo King Bug.

This is not a good sign.

Thinking of this, Captain Misty raised his head, looked over the gap in the collapsed wall of the outer fort, and looked at the almost boiling battlefield outside the city, his eyes were gloomy.

Ulrich, what the hell are you doing.



When the Migo emperor worm was nailed to the bricks of the city wall.

On the battlefield of the outer fort.

In front of the altar built by the demons.

Sir Ulrich was also frowning, raised his head, and took a deep look in the direction of the inner castle battlefield, with a bit of inquiry and confusion in his eyes.

"What the hell went wrong?"

The Grand Lich quickly figured out the plans of the monsters - but the chaotic environment of the battlefield made it difficult for him to grasp the entire battle situation as clearly as usual.

According to the original arrangement, after the coalition of demons and prisoners restrained the main force of the wizards on the battlefield of the outer castle, their allies—that is, the Dark Council—should appear behind the wizards and savagely stab the black prison castle. On the waist and eyes.

For this reason, the withered and yellow land even cooperated with the wandering wizards to use creatures from the starry sky to hybridize a batch of special emperor insects and send them into the interior of the black prison castle as supplementary combat power.

The wandering wizard swears that there are "their people" in the Black Prison Castle, who can command this special batch of Migo Emperor Worms to cause huge damage to the wizards guarding the castle.

But right now.

Through the pictures of the Migo King Worms uploaded from the inner castle battlefield, it was difficult for Sir Ulrich to understand what his allies were planning.

Could this be a new battle formation developed by the Dark Parliament?

Sir Ulrich looked at the Migo Emperor Worms who were lining up neatly and swinging their arthropods rhythmically, with a dazed expression on his face. No matter how hard he thought about it, he never thought that this scene was just a mother full of shame trying to please her daughter.

Of course, the premise is that the lich still has a brain in the traditional sense.

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