Hunting High School

Chapter 489 Zheng Qing's Choice


The lightning and thunder outside the window became more and more violent.

In the warm hut, a family of three is feeling the last warmth.

Outside the hut, the giant gray dragon tumbling among the clouds had disappeared, and the night fell, like a giant dark beast, with its mouth wide open, swallowing the hut in one gulp.

On the battlefield, next to the ruins of the collapsed cell.

Migo, who had been silent for a long time, opened the huge bat-like elytra behind him, raised his head, and the swirling tumor on his forehead changed rapidly in color, and finally calmed down, turning into a stick figure smiling face.

The little witch who was hugged on its limbs looked blankly into the distance, with a happy smile on her face.

The big mouse standing not far from the two of them took a deep breath, and while the mouse tail was swimming, it pulled the silent skeleton that had been following it side by side closer to itself.

"A stunning masterpiece."

The Rat Immortal raised his arm, slid his fingertips over the jade-like bone inch by inch, and sighed deeply: "It's really... such a pity."

The skeleton lowered its head obediently, letting the Rat Fairy's thin claws rest on its shoulders, move up its spine a little bit, and finally land on the red gemstone on the forehead at the end of the skull.

There was an uneasy glint in the hollow eye sockets of the skeleton, which was a risk reminder from the fire instinct of the soul.

"I will make it up to you."

The Rat Immortal looked at those empty eye sockets seriously, and gave his own promise. It's just that Ju Lingsan is not a creature with complete intelligence, it is just a puppet created by a wizard with powerful combat power, so it cannot respond to the promise of the Rat Fairy.

boom! !

In the distance, there were violent explosions when the spells collided, one after another.

The family of three on the edge of the ruins of the collapsed cell may have the last tender moments; the young wizards in the shallow pit may still have the mind to argue about their own fate.

But on the battlefield, those great wizards who were deeply involved did not have that leisure.

Especially when they witnessed the death of the druid High Priest Sebek—the demise of life of the same quality shocked the wizards far more than the tens of thousands of lives that died on the battlefield before— This makes them more vigilant and careful, and at the same time, they are more eager for the Realm that surpasses the great wizard.

And right now, on this battlefield, there is help that can help them touch the legendary Realm as soon as possible.

That is Xuan Huang Guo.

Therefore, after a brief silence, a fiercer and more brutal battle broke out in the entire black prison battlefield than before.

From the two suns in the sky, to the gap between the sea monsters in front of the inner castle and the principal of the school; The great wizards in front of the demon—centered on the Hell Castle, violent fluctuations of magic power one after another, powerful spells rained down, shouting and screaming became the only language, and Death was no longer silent and became noisy.

The wandering wizard also lost his initial indifference.

The loss of a dark councilor has already exceeded the initial expectations of the council. He must do something to recover the loss of the council and save his position in the council.

Then, like the archdruid, the wandering wizard's eyes fell on the shallow pit that was close at hand, and on the young student of Jiuyou Academy - holding a black and yellow fruit in his hand.

The wandering wizard clearly remembers every investment he owns.

This young wizard named Zheng Qing is one of his most successful investments in the past year.

When he was listed as a gold card customer of the Wandering Bar, although he guessed that this young man had a high Talent, which might bring him many surprises, he did not expect that this young wizard would be able to participate in the school hunting party. He was able to win the championship in the freshman competition, and was able to get the title of the "World" of the Major Arcana within less than a year of entering the school, and he did not expect that this young man would cause the death of a great wizard.

This is no longer a surprise, it is completely frightening.

Now, it's time to recoup the investment—the wandering wizard wondered if this young man would scare him to death if he continued to wait.

He spread out his palms and aimed at the young wizard.

Eyes are important, this is the most profound sentence Zheng Qing felt on the battlefield of Hei Prison today. In particular, the gazes of the great wizards, as if they were real, fell on their bodies, almost suffocating.

Therefore, when the wandering wizard set his eyes on him the first time, the boy knew the danger.

The Xuanhuang fruit in his hand is extremely hot, like a big bomb, it doesn't matter if you throw it away, or stuff it into a gray cloth bag. When the other hunters were arguing about whether to stay or leave, Zheng Qing was still hesitating whether to throw the fruit out and throw it to Lao Yao.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

The distance between the three-headed and eight-armed giant ape is only a few hundred meters away from the shallow pit. Zheng Qing's only worry is that the fruit is too small, not even as big as the giant ape's pores. The head demon took advantage of it. In particular, Professor Yao was still being besieged by three other dark councilors, and the probability of the fruit falling into his hands was far less than those besiegers.

This hesitation disappeared when the wandering wizard looked over.

Zheng Qing knew that he had no chance to do something under the nose of a great wizard.

So, without further ado, he raised his hand and was about to stuff the fruit into his mouth. He didn't eat it at first. On the one hand, he knew that the fruit was very precious, and felt that eating it was a waste; The target of public criticism, especially in the battlefield of the black prison, it cannot be ruled out that some frenzied black wizards will catch him to refine medicine.

At the same time, the wandering wizard's flat palm pointed at Zheng Qing, and whispered:

"Faith is closer to righteousness, and words can be repeated."

Zheng Qing opened his mouth and bit the fruit in his hand hard.


The feeling of the teeth colliding with a hard object made the boy who was almost in pain shed tears. The first thought that came to his mind was that the Xuanhuang fruit is so hard! How nice those great wizard teeth would be!

Immediately, he felt something strange in his hand.

Lowering his head, what he was holding in his hand was no longer the fruit, but a golden card about an inch in size. On the card, the words Wandering Bar are particularly dazzling, and even more striking is the row of clear teeth marks on the edge of the card.

Under Zheng Qing's shocked eyes, the words "Wandering" on the card slowly disappeared, and the gold color on the card quickly dimmed, leaving only the teeth marks to tell the boy that what he just saw was not an illusion.

Looking up, the wandering wizard was holding up the fruit in his hand, and nodded slightly to the boy, as if thanking him for the deal.

It's safe and sound.

This was the only thought the wandering wizard had after recovering the investment, but before he could fully appreciate the fullness of the harvest, he was completely dismissed by another voice.

"Give me the fruit."

The mouse fairy's cold voice sounded behind the wandering wizard: "Then I will give it to you."

The wandering wizard turned his head and saw the mouse fairy's paw on the red gemstone in front of Ju Lingsan's forehead, so he couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

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