Hunting High School

Chapter 497: Giant Zero Three Under The Moon

When the air of black and yellow descended from the sky, the sky was filled with stars shining, and the sound of Huang Zhong and Da Lu resounded all around the battlefield.

In front of the inner castle.

Next to the crumbling cell.

Just a moment ago, Ju Lingsan released his real body.

It was a titan skeleton that was more majestic than the real bodies of all the great wizards present, and larger than the multi-armed titan Kotos. Just standing there, it was like a steep mountain, giving people a feeling that the ancient black prison The feeling of bursting.

His smooth skull is like a huge playground, covered with silver-white moonlight; there is a curved, sharp horn on each of the left and right shoulders, complete and ferocious, exuding a deep color throughout.

His empty chest is full of branches, the spine is like a small pine, the thick ribs spread out to the sides, like two neat rows of spruce, and the ribs are engraved with fine gold and silver runes, like a row of vines. A row of ants crawled back and forth along the long and narrow bone lines, evoking heavy halos, filling the empty skeleton of the titan's skeleton like flesh and blood.

His hands hang down to his knees, his right hand is slightly curled up, holding a carving knife not much bigger than a finger; his left hand is holding a roll of bamboo slips, each bamboo slip is thicker than the biggest moso bamboo Zheng Qing has ever seen, the bamboo slips The gaps are connected with thick leather cords, because the short book is not opened, and the text inside cannot be seen, but through the gaps between the leather straps, you can clearly see strands of golden light shooting out from the gaps, like sharp sticks. The arrow is like the edge of the carving knife, sharp and sharp.

The white bone relic transformed from the bones of the Rat Immortal was inconspicuous, like a gray-white stone embedded in the forehead of the titan skeleton. But Ju Lingsan driven by it is like a round of scorching sun, brilliant and dazzling. His powerful breath rises into the night, tearing the veil shrouded by the moonlight on the battlefield. It is not weaker than the legend .

Even if that bright moon isn't really a legend.

"Are you ready?"

Ju Lingsan overlooked the entire battlefield, his eyes passed over the low city walls and broken towers; he passed over the members of the Dark Council, the deans of the First University, the sea monster and the grand lich; The goat and the multi-armed titan Kotos who didn't know which head and which mouth he stuffed the yellow fruit into, finally stopped on the light gray enchantment beside the shallow pit under his feet.

Stay for a moment.

Then the titan withdrew its gaze, took a deep breath, and the hurricane-like wind blew past the 'spruce', 'long pine' and branches in its chest, echoing a rumbling sound like thunder:

"You guys, are you ready to listen to the voice from the cracks in the world?"

In the entire battlefield, all the wizards and demons were silent under the cover of that huge figure, and even the battle between them subconsciously slowed down.

The answer to Ju Lingsan was the second incantation from the bright moon in midair:


"The sun cuts the moon and cuts the moon, so as to perish!"

The silvery white moonlight sprinkled from the sky again, but compared to the hazy and gentle moonlight before, the moonlight this time was like pieces of invisible sharp knives.

These blades are not really slashing at the body of the titan skeleton.

Instead, it is cutting off those intangible concepts in Ju Lingsan - such as luck, such as Fulu, such as lifespan, and even gaze, thoughts, sense of existence, and so on.

The mouse fairy who controlled Ju Lingsan could clearly feel that the magic power belonging to the titan bones was melting in the moonlight every second; The shell; even its own thoughts are dying out one by one under the moonlight.

Is this the power of legendary magic?

The bone relic in front of Ju Lingsan's forehead glowed slightly, resisting the cutting of the moonlight. The mouse fairy silently realized that not only was his thoughts not confused because of the collapse of thoughts, on the contrary, as those thoughts continued to disappear, he On the contrary, there is a feeling of relaxation and relief, like birds soaring into the sky after the rain, and the melodious chirping in the fresh air.

Originally, he was still trying to resist the invasion of Yue Yue, but as the scream of freedom in his heart became louder and louder, he felt as if a balloon in his chest was constantly inflating, getting bigger and bigger, until he was almost out of breath in the end, and desperately needed a balloon. The mouth vented that air.

With this urgent thought, Ju Lingsan shook his hands, unfolded the roll of bamboo slips in his left hand, pulled out one of them, and threw it in the air.

The carving knife held in the other hand immediately landed on the bamboo slip, dancing like flying dragons and phoenixes, and engraved two incantations that have been circling in my mind for a long time:

"Same life as heaven and earth, same light as sun and moon!"

"Abandon filth without growing strong, why not change this!"

As soon as the spell came out, the luck, magic power, and even lifespan that had been dwindling under the moonlight stopped immediately.

The bamboo slips volleyed in the air, exuding a sense of nameless clarity, spreading in all directions, covering Ju Lingsan's whole body in an instant, and then spreading to the entire battlefield of the inner fort.

Under that clear light, the sense of cutting from the moonlight disappeared, and the lightness and softness regained, as if a new rule replaced the old one.

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The sound of the incantation curled up, and the lingering sound continued.

Ordinary wizards and monsters on the battlefield were caught in the battle between the two 'legends', and had already 'stopped fighting'; while the higher rank wizards and monsters were silently appreciating the legendary atmosphere crisscrossing the battlefield, Everyone has their own understanding.

"There's something about the spell that's truly legendary."

Tilda Strange, the acting dean of the Alpha Academy, looked at the Titan under the moon, especially the bone relic in front of the Titan's forehead, with an extremely serious expression.

There may be one more legendary existence in the Dark Council, which is not good news for the Black Prison battlefield at this moment.

In contrast, Captain Mist's expression was more complicated: "It's closer to that Realm than others...even if it didn't eat that fruit."

The mouse fairy who didn't eat the Xuanhuang fruit was on the verge of breaking through the shackles of the legend, but the four sea monsters who fought to death for the Xuanhuang fruit didn't even get a single fruit, let alone become a legend.

Is there anything funnier than this?

At the same time, the members of the Dark Parliament were also surprised by Ju Lingsan's actions.

"He used some fragments of the forbidden spell?"

As a member of the ghost tribe, Anglafair was full of breath under the moonlight, and her inspiration was more acute than other councilors. She noticed some concepts rippling in the air and felt a little unbelievable: "Can the forbidden spell still be used like this?"

The forbidden spell that the Dark Council tried to show to wizards and demons in the black prison this time was the result of the joint efforts of all council members. Anlaphale always thought that using that spell required sacrificing a powerful wizard. I will witness the scale and half of it at this moment.

On the contrary, the wandering wizard looked at Ju Lingsan with a little more emotion.

"Is it because I found the juice and untied the knot in my heart?"

Compared with others, the wandering wizard obviously understood the state of his old friend better at the moment. He looked up at Ju Lingsan towering into the sky, and for a moment couldn't remember why he was wandering in the first place.

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