Hunting High School

Five Hundred And Second Chapter Legends (Three)


A huge, burning peach blossom bloomed in the dim starlight, replacing the broken figure of the witch.

Immediately, the petals fell one by one with a bang, and there were First Stage heavy crystal clear ripples around the petals, which were the ripples after the power of time and space was broken.

The starlight projected in the small universe is bright.

The fourteen stars are uncertain in light and dark, flashing unpredictable colors.

"You really are not easy to kill."

A hoarse, ugly, but somewhat crazy and oily voice echoed behind the fourteen Stars: "I lost two heads, only to exchange for a flower... and a book? It's not worth it. gone."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

While speaking, a dark and slender shadow rolled up and down, and the Dharma book that Shi Hui left in place was rolled into the depths of the sky full of stars. It was a snake tail with distinct scales and an unknown length.

"...Without the book, how much magic can you use!"

Almost at the same time, another slender snake tail jumped out from the depths of the starlight, trying to pull towards the depths of the universe. Wherever it passes, the void shakes, causing colorless ripples to ripple in circles.

Beyond the stars.

The darkest place in the small universe.

A little bit of cold light suddenly appeared, and suddenly lit up with boundless brilliance.

The brilliance outlines the slim figure of a witch. From childhood to adulthood, one moment she was a little girl with blond hair, and the next second she became a mature woman with various charms. After several times, the brilliance solidified. The figure of the vice president of the university appeared in the sight of the Siren King again.

It's just that compared to the first time she broke through the maze Realm, this time, the wide cloak behind her was damaged a lot, and the book she held in her arms was not brought out. In the curse of head sacrifice.

The moment the light and shadow quickly fixed and the witch reappeared, a slender snake tail fell from the sky and hit the witch's head heavily, intending to smash her into a pulp.

The witch frowned slightly, and tilted her head, and the slender snake tail landed on her shoulder, knocking her body down and tilting a lot.

But that's all.

The five-colored light bloomed under the snake's tail, like a five-colored rope, firmly bound the snake's tail to the shoulders, even if the tip of the tail twisted wildly, and the scales opened to reveal the edge like a sharp knife, they couldn't break free.

"You seem to have made a mistake."

The ice-cold voice of the vice-principal of the First University resounded in the five-color light. She stood in the void, her body still shaking a little, her lowered head slowly raised, and countless symbols, runes, and spells slipped through her pupils like a waterfall. Mode.

Her tone was extremely light, as if she didn't care about the stolen dharma book and the snake tail on her shoulder, but anyone who heard her voice felt as if she was thrown naked in the ice and snow, and a shudder came from the bottom of her heart. Trembling:

"...I use the spell book only because I am a teacher at First University, to set an example for those children. As for how much magic I can use..."

The witch raised her eyelids and looked at the fourteen distant and dazzling 'Stars'. The corners of her mouth slightly twitched: "Don't you know if you feel it yourself?"

She stretched out her clean hand and grabbed the slender snake tail on her shoulder. The scales that exploded on the snake's body fell down docilely between the white and tender fingers. , and it shattered into pieces with a clicking sound.

As the aura around her continued to rise, the five-color light that enveloped the witch suddenly rose, turning into five brilliance, red, green, yellow, white, and black, like a streak of color, and along the tail of the snake she was holding, it suddenly spread into the sky full of stars. .

Under the five-color brilliance, the huge real body of the Sea Demon King is reflected layer by layer.

Nine heads and eight tails, neither a dragon nor a snake, but with a snake body and dragon claws, occupying the void, like a huge pagoda. The countless scales on the snake's body were opened, revealing eyeballs of different sizes underneath. Each eyeball received a starlight from the real world. The starlight reflected in this small universe at this moment is the Sea Demon King. The rays of light emanating from countless eyeballs.

The most eye-catching and dazzling ones are naturally the eighteen huge eyeballs on its nine heads-of course, because of the sacrifice of two heads, only seven heads and fourteen eyes are exposed at this moment. One eyeball, and two other heads curled into the entrenched body, unable to see clearly.

Sensing the five-color brilliance spreading along the snake's tail, the Sea Demon King raised his seven heads suddenly, opened his mouth wide, and uttered the truth. Each head read a word:

"Candle! Dragon! Title! Yao! Nine! Heavy! Door!"

The seven words seem to form a mantra, but because the seven heads uttered it at the same time, they mixed with each other and formed another sound, vaguely similar to 'Zhen'.

The tremors are dragons, horses, and elephants, which come from thunder at the top, neither loss nor collapse; The tremolo exit turns into a Ninth Stage city gate, with the snake body as the road, the city gate as the gate, and the dragon shape, horse face, and elephant demon as generals, firmly blocking the five-color brilliance in front of you.

The witch sneered a few times, raised her arm holding the snake's tail upwards, as if holding a spear, and chanted:

"The five colors are blinding."

"Pentatones are deafening."

"The five flavors are refreshing."

"Riding the field to hunt is maddening! Hard-to-find items are depressing!"

The spell was cast out, and the remaining fourteen eyeballs of the Sea Demon King were suddenly covered with a layer of pale gray, and a madness spread, interfering with its will and shaking the foundation of the Ninth Stage gate.

When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, the city gate is loosened, and the five-color brilliance that comes from knocking on the gate is like a flood breaking a dike. Flesh and blood are stripped away, leaving only dry bones and scales,

The Sea Demon King raised his head and roared, seven heads raised high, and eight or nine dragon claws protruded from his belly, Shrouding the Heavens to block out the sun, and grabbed the witch who was at the end of the five-color brilliance.

The witch's beautiful eyes were full of splendor, and she opened her mouth slightly:

"There is Ruomu in the east of the sky, and there is a candle dragon underneath."

"I will cut off the dragon's feet and chew the dragon's meat so that it will never return to the court and never lie down at night!"

The five-color brilliance merges and turns into colorless, vast soup, separates seven or eight twigs, brushes upwards, rolls them up, and retracts them once. Hearing the sea demon king's painful roar from the void, the dragon claws that had just protruded from his belly were broken one after another, the sky was filled with green blood, and the magic power was surging. Escaped.

Successively gaining the upper hand in the competition did not make the vice president of First University feel relieved.

Her brows furrowed even tighter.

Since entering this small universe, Xiang Liu's every move seems reasonable, but it is different from what she expected. For example, just a few rounds ago, the big snake obviously had a more secure way to deal with it, but it was very firm in choosing to confront the enemy head-on, meeting the own spell with its physical body.

Just like in a duel field, one side abandons swords, guns, swords and halberds, but uses the head, neck and teeth to test whether the opponent's blade is sharp or not.

Although the demon is mad, it is not delirium.

After entering Legendary, Shi Hui had never seen such a stupid style of play.

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