Hunting High School

Chapter 506 Taiyi

Silver Snake World.

In the long river.

small boat.

Before the chessboard.

The two old men played against each other.

Black and white have almost occupied the criss-cross nodes, and white has a great advantage. Black has made dangerous moves several times, trying to turn the game around, but in the end it is powerless in front of the steady and steady white.

"Why did you choose Hell?"

Seeing that the opponent has nowhere to go, the old man Ruoyu finally asked the confusion he had at the beginning: ""

"What is a black prison?"

The chairman of the Dark Council lowered his eyelids, thinking about where the next chess piece would fall, and seemed not to intend to throw the piece to admit defeat. After asking a question, he said without waiting for the other party's answer:

"A vast, ancient prison that is not like a prison, which has been built with great effort, has ushered in a group of wizards who have worked hard to play evil wizards but are not evil wizards."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"You ask why we chose the black prison? Why are we here... perhaps only God knows."

He tilted his head, as if he was thinking about how to take the last few steps, and he seemed to be listening to the sound of "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang" echoing on the battlefield of Hei Prison outside the world of Silver Snake.

"Let's invest," Ruoyu looked at the hesitant expression of the old wizard opposite, and persuaded: "This is not your fault... I will find a way to mediate between the school and the alliance."

The speaker of the Dark Parliament gathered himself together, looked at the vice-principal of the First University, and sneered.

"What's the use of throwing money?" He had a weird expression, he seemed to be laughing, and he seemed to be angry: "I'm staying with you in this bloody river, what's the use of throwing money?"

During the conversation.

Outside the silver snake world.

In the battlefield of Hell, the situation has changed again.

Under the pressure of Xuan Huang Luo Luo and Huang Zhong Da Lu Zhi Yin, the members of the Dark Council finally gave up their last delusions and decided to release their forbidden spells in advance to break the wizards' heaven and earth formation.

Thousands of rays of light burst out from the bone relic in front of Ju Lingsan's forehead.

It raised its hand, supported Own's skull, straightened its spirit, and then stepped forward, taking seven steps in a regular manner.

In the first step, a long sword appeared at its waist. The hilt was inlaid with jade, and the light was the tassel of silk; in the second step, a semicircular jade pendant was hung on its belt. In the third step, patches of fragrant cattail grass appeared under its feet; in the fourth step, beautiful red jade-like flowers floated in the void around it; The bells and drums are beating, and immediately the pipes and reeds are playing, and the zithers are singing. It seems that countless holy spirits surround it and sing praises; in the sixth step, it puts on the costumes woven by Qingyun and Baihong, and puts on the star as the door, the mountain and the river. The crown of the crown; the seventh step, it has come between heaven and earth.

Every step it took, flesh and blood spread and revived on its jade-like bones; every step it took, its size grew at an incredible speed.

By the time the seven steps were completed, Ju Lingsan had recovered his flesh and blood. Although his face was still blurred under the crown, the innate majesty and nobility far surpassed that of the bright moon before, making everyone on the battlefield tremble. Can't look directly.

With the sky covered in black and yellow, he seems to be standing in the center of the world.

Surrounding him, countless holy spirits sang hymns, colliding with the sound of Huang Zhong and Da Lu in the Xuanhuang formation, and both of them were annihilated, and the sound of the great sound was very quiet.

There is also a majestic aura rushing upwards, resisting the sky full of black and yellow.

The black and yellow air rolled endlessly on the crown and could not fall.

There was a moment of silence between heaven and earth, and soon, a question came from the sky, rumbling like thunder, and nine different voices mixed into a reprimand:

"Who is Xuanxia!"

Mysterious ones are red, black, and blurry, and they regard the remoteness of the heaven and the earth, and the profundity of the heaven and the earth, as the sky.

Mysterious people, hang on, their lives are hanging by a thread, the danger is unspeakable.

Standing in the world, the danger is unspeakable.

The huge figure was holding the sword in one hand and the belt as wide as a Galaxy Cluster in the other. He raised his head to the sky, and his voice was calm and distant:

"My name is Taiichi."

Nine voices asked again: "What is 'Tai'?"

Said: "Since the body is dead, the gods have spirits, and the souls of the sons are ghosts and heroes, which are called 'Tai'."

"What is 'one'?"

Said: "There is no sorrow when life is parted, and there is no joy when the heart is one (1)."

After a pause, there was a moment of silence between the heaven and the earth, and the turbulence of the mysterious yellow energy became more and more intense. Many wizards seemed to hear the moan of the world being overwhelmed.

Nine voices came back: "Tai Yi, do you know the sky?"

Answer: "I am heaven."

At this point, the negotiation broke down, and there was no more sound between the heaven and the earth, only the tumbling black and yellow air, combing the entire black prison world from beginning to end along the Karma and time dimension, eliminating all traces of intruders.

The small piece of the world that Leviathan tore off broke through its belly and returned to the black prison, like a puzzle that was missing and supplemented, and it fits perfectly.

The formations drawn by magma on the Underworld equation were filled one by one, the earth was closing, and the magma was receding. The Eyes of Sauron standing on the equation wailed and turned into wisps of black smoke, dissipating between heaven and earth .

The blood-colored sun, incarnated by Xiz, sets and can never rise again. There can only be one sun and one moon in the sky and the earth. The sun rises and the moon sets.

Weak prisoners find that their figures are fading under the golden sunlight, and they seem to be turning into phantoms; powerful demons also find that every breath becomes more difficult, the magic power in their bodies is constantly dissipating, and their souls and spirits are tending to the sky. in chaos.

Even the sea monsters and grand liches found that own's real body has been shaken in this world, and it seems that the next moment will collapse due to the change of rules.

In the entire battlefield, or in other words, the entire black prison world, perhaps only the location of 'Taiyi' and the area covered by his figure have not been reshaped by the heaven and earth black and yellow formation.

Taiyi fencing the sword and sings Qingqing, echoing the singing of the holy spirit in the sky, preventing Xuanhuang from reshaping the world:

"Auspicious day, Chen Liang!"

"Mu Jiang is delighted to be the emperor!"

"Raise the long sword, Yu'er!"



"Ling Yan Jian Jian Xi Jiao Fu!"

"The house is full of fragrance and beauty!"

"Five tones come together!"

"You are happy and healthy!"

It also interprets the ultimate principles of heaven and earth, and also conforms to the great way of heaven and earth. The Xuanhuang Formation of Heaven and Earth born out of the forbidden curse "Dragon Han Jie" and the forbidden curse "Tai Yi" developed by the Dark Council are like needlepoints and wheat awns, confronting this blocked secret An impenetrable black prison world. As if the upper and lower millstones of a millstone were creaking and grinding the whole world.

Theoretically, the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Formation as a 'Quasi-Forbidden Curse' cannot resist Taiyi as a 'Forbidden Curse'. But maybe the forbidden spell of the Dark Council has shortcomings in the underlying rules, maybe the forbidden spell has not been fully recited, maybe the Rat Immortal doesn't want to completely sacrifice the Ju Lingsan it lives in.

In short, the two powerful spells did not appear to be an overwhelming victory for one side.

Instead, in different dimensions and different spaces, they began to compete for the right to define each rule, to compete for the ownership of each dimensional line, to compete for each strand of air, each drop of magma, and each grain of sand.

Just at this time.

An eyeball rushed into the millstone.

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