Hunting High School

Episode 7 Contained Timeline 1 (Rat Immortal)

Grand Wizard Clark once said a very famous sentence:

"...if an old wizard says something is possible, he may be right; but if he says something is impossible, he may be very wrong."

"...the only way to discover the boundary of whether something is possible is to cross that boundary, to run from the impossible to the possible."

The Rat Immortal respected these words very much.

Because more than one "venerable" old wizard told him that something was impossible——

Your wife who has degenerated into Migo is hopeless. The best ending is old age and death in Hell. It is impossible for you to research new and more sophisticated magic rituals to change her depravity.

Your daughter who was lost in the mirror world is dead, after so long, you should let it go; even if you shuttle through the mirror hundreds of times a day, you can't find a soul destined to disappear.

And the Rat Race you created by yourself, it’s not hundreds of years ago now, creatures that are suitable for good fortune Transcendent—such as foxes, bats, wolves, etc.—have long since been carve up, and rats are just ordinary creatures, It is impossible for you to forge your 'ancestor' through the good fortune Transcendent race like the ancestor of the blood race, and then breakthrough to become a legend.

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Since so many "venerable" old wizards say it's impossible, it proves that the own choice is very likely to succeed. Thinking of this, the Rat Immortal became more determined, and even abandoned his previous real name, and only met people in the name of 'Rat Immortal'.

that's it.

He hid in the underground of the First University, and while working hard to cultivate the Own Rat Race, he shuttled through every mirror in the school in his spare time, looking for the whereabouts of Juice.

Until one day, a wandering wizard came to him and told him that there was an old tree blooming in the black prison. The fruit of that tree can help the top wizard to break through the shackles and become a legend.

If it's just that, it's not worth the risk for the Rat Immortal. It can continue its own plan to breed rats. But the wandering wizard told him that the main force attacking the black prison this time was the coalition forces of sea monsters and liches. Holding a Migo, on the battlefield, spells have no eyes, anything can happen.

The Rat Immortal would not allow that to happen.

Therefore, he chose to join the Dark Council.



some weekend.

In the private room on the second floor of the Wandering Bar.

Through the narrow window of the private room, the wandering wizard looked at the customers and clerks in the opposite d&k—the fox accountant named Hank was quickly dialing the abacus, and the jingle ear wearing a blue vest was dragging a bee Its body is longer than a feather duster, trying to clean the dust in the corners of the shop.

The fine dust shone in colorful colors in the sun, and Ding Dang's ears waved the duster to chase after him, inexplicably giving people a sense of comfort and leisure.

"That little mouse of yours is working really hard in the shop opposite." The wandering wizard turned his back to the guests in the private room, carefully looked at d&k's business, and praised: "...that little fox in the Qingqiu mansion is also good." Well done... maybe I should hire a fox accountant as well." 1

Then there was a small fork in the timeline here.

The gurgle of drinking stopped.

The Rat Immortal curled up on the sofa, holding the wine bottle, staring at the slowly overflowing bubbles in the bottle with red eyes, murmured, and whispered one after another:

"...Is it wrong for a father to work hard and want to provide a better life for his children? I stay in the lab... we two stay in the lab, not for ourselves..."

The wandering wizard raised the wine glass in his hand.

He felt the need to help the ally adjust his mentality.

"The line between good and bad is very delicate." Wandering wizards are very good at persuading others, especially when the other party is still a big drunk mouse: " want to provide more to your children, you can only give them less With the addition of time... this boundary will become blurred and disturbing."

"Good ends up being bad."

"Then this boundary becomes a noose, strung around your neck and tightened little by little until you finally die. You want to struggle, but you can't bear the consequences of breaking the boundary."

"Is this father wrong? Yes."

"What's wrong is everything behind it...the school, the laboratory, and the rules made by the legends and even the ancients...Why does father have to stay in the laboratory in order to provide a better life? Why is the world in the mirror not completely consistent with reality? split?"


"If I were a legend..."

The Rat Immortal held the wine bottle, gulped down the cloudy liquid inside, and muttered:

"I won't, I won't..."

"Remorse is a kind of poison, a poison full of magic, it will make the wizard kill himself slowly." The wandering wizard raised a wine bottle and slowly poured the orange liquid into the cup: "Better than smoking, Suicides such as drinking, indulging in sex, etc. are more subtle and less likely to be noticed. And this thing..."

He pushed the full wine glass in front of the mouse fairy.

"This thing is much simpler." The wandering wizard held up the cup in his hand and touched the cup in front of the Mouse Fairy. Hearing the sound of ding ding, he smiled: "It won't lie to you... it will only make you closer to reality."

The Mouse Immortal didn't hesitate, raised his cup and drank it in one gulp.

The wandering wizard smiled with satisfaction.

"What are you thinking right now?"

He poured another glass of wine for the Mouse Immortal, then put down the bottle, leaned on the bar with both hands, stared at the big mouse on the sofa with his dark eyes, like an old cat ready to hunt:

"You're still thinking about what you would have done if you went back in time, right? You're still thinking about what you would have done, right? Are you still looking at the past?"

The rat fairy's trembling fingertips touched the glass.

But immediately, as if he had touched a red-hot iron, he suddenly retracted his fingertips, and a painful sob came out of his throat. Under his body, the thick tail shook violently with this whimper, and the tail surged like a wave, rushing out of the small private room. Immediately, the whole bar trembled like a cardboard box stuffed into a wild cat.

The waiter at the vagabond bar hurried to the door, trying to warn the guests in the private room.

But the owner of the bar waved his hand and signaled them to leave quietly.

"No, I don't want to stay in the past."

The big mouse's eyes were filled with tears, and his voice was hoarse and low: "...I want to treat her better in the future, in places where she has never been."

The wandering wizard stood up straight again, tugged the brim of the pointed wizard hat, and raised the wine glass in his hand to the mouse fairy: "Then, I wish you good luck, my friend."

"There is no better opportunity than this time."

"Come with us, rush into the black prison. Grab a few fruits, and then declare to the world that own exists... Helping us is helping yourself."

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