Hunting High School

Episode 9 Rat Man

"Auspicious day, Chen Liang!"

"Mu Jiang is delighted to be the emperor!"

"Raise the long sword, Yu'er!"



The huge skeletal titan is dressed in a fancy dress, with a long sword on its waist, and holds its head up, looking straight at the sky full of black and yellow falling from the sky. The whole world is divided into two distinct upper and lower layers, like two huge stone mills, rumbling, grinding everything in the world.

Beta town.

Pedestrian street, inside Sanyou Bookstore.

The yellow raccoon is lying on the edge of the tea bowl, staring at the two colors reflected in the water across the calm water, listening to the melodious mantra chanted by the skeleton titan, feeling the tension between the heaven and earth black and yellow array and 'Tai Yi' like a needlepoint to a wheat awn After a long time of confrontation, he shook his tail, the beard at the corner of his mouth trembled, and his tone was somewhat disdainful:

"What... With this level, how dare you say that you have mastered the forbidden spell?"

"Scare me!"

"The Dark Council is indeed a group of guys who have never seen anything in the world... If you all count as a forbidden curse, then the black cat in the relevant department is also a forbidden curse!"

"In a sense, that cat does belong to a forbidden curse."

On the reclining chair not far away, Mr. Wu's voice came from under the pages of the book covering his face, and it seemed a little muffled: "At the beginning it was able to leave the two-dimensional world by virtue of the forbidden spell...Of course, its forbidden spell belongs to A forbidden spell in the two-dimensional world."

"This kind of thing is completely incomparable!"

The yellow raccoon retorted loudly: "How can a paper cat compare with a real cat? Its essence is a shadow, and it eventually turned back into a shadow!"

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It refers to the fact that on the black prison battlefield, after the black cat and the druid high priest of the dark parliament died together, the black cat turned into a shadow and returned to Zheng Qing's feet.

The gentleman raised his head, touched the book covering his face, and seemed to want to pick it up.

But after rubbing his fingertips on the spine of the book for a while, he finally gave up on this plan, and said in a meaningful voice: "When you have seen the high scenery, it is difficult for you to return to that low and narrow world... It has surpassed the constraints of dimensions, and it will not stop at the feet of others forever."

"That's a lot of nonsense."

The yellow raccoon hooked the tip of its tail impatiently, its eyes fell on the calm water in the tea bowl again, and the beard at the corner of its mouth trembled: "To be honest, when those little guys from the Dark Council said that they mastered the forbidden spell, they scared me. A jump... It turned out to be a stink bomb... Hey, the divination group organized by the school didn't count this matter, it was a mess, you didn't see Zhuge's shocked little eyes! I always thought he was paralyzed before .”

"In fact, their spells are very good, and they have already touched the true vein of the forbidden spell." The bookstore owner replied slowly: "Although in terms of power, it is much weaker than the real forbidden spell, but it is stronger than that black cat." Many, it can already pose a threat to legendary wizards... If some improvements are made to its spells, a new forbidden spell will be born in the world."

"What do you think is the restraint principle of their spell?" The yellow raccoon suddenly became interested.

This time, the sir was silent for a little longer.

half an hour.

Only then did the owner of Sanyou Bookstore answer softly: "Maybe it's 'God's understanding'."

That's a little hard to understand, especially for a cat.

The yellow raccoon flattened his ears and asked patiently, "How do you say it?"

"Changing and cutting, it exists in change; push and practice, it exists in communication; God makes it clear, it exists in people." Mr. Wu explained unhurriedly: "The way of heaven is metaphysical; human desires Those who come together are physical; the gathering of karma is for gods, and the heaven and the earth can be judged at the top, and all living beings can be saved at the bottom... It is said that "the gods are clear."

The flower cat reacted for a while.

"You mean to say that those guys from the Dark Council restrained a forbidden curse with such an inexplicable concept of 'God is omniscient and omnipotent'?"

It opened its eyes wide, and its slender pupils were full of disbelief: "Are you sure this is not the forbidden spell of Atlas Academy? Or, you are not sure, but you are fooling me!"

"I really don't know."

The owner of Sanyou Bookstore admitted very happily: "I just feel the breath of 'God' in that spell. After all, that spell already has many characteristics of forbidden spells, which cannot be seen or spoken... As far as the spell is concerned, ordinary observation methods are completely ineffective, and ordinary rules cannot restrain it... This is why the school divination team did not calculate this variable in the original plan."

"Haven't you already surpassed the ancient wizards? Don't you have any 'uncommon' observation methods?" The yellow raccoon screamed.

What answered it was the snoring sound from under the book again.

This gave Huamao the urge to pick up anything and throw it at random.

At this moment, its Spiritual Sense suddenly sensed something, and it couldn't help but tilt its head to look out the window—behind it, the snoring on the recliner also suddenly stopped.

The bookstore suddenly became much quieter.

Tilting his head for a few seconds, the yellow beaver made a slight effort on his hind legs, jumped to the window, pressed his face against the glass window, squinted, and looked at d&k, the small shop next to Zheng Qing.

At the door of the store, two mice in blue vests were rolling on the ground with their heads in their hands and screaming.

Accompanied by the chirping sound, the two mice, which were originally only the size of a fist, continued to grow in size, ten centimeters, twenty centimeters, fifty centimeters, one meter, one meter five, and it took only a short time for the two mice to He has the height of a low wizard.

At the same time, the fur on their bodies quickly retracted into the pores, revealing the light gray skin; the skulls shrank from narrow and long, and began to become round; the two round ears on the top of the head slipped silently to the sides of the skulls, and the auricles elongated— — In short, these two little guys are gradually losing their mouse-like appearance and becoming more human-like.

To use the more traditional words of the wizarding world, they are 'transforming'.

The yellow raccoon's ears moved, and he looked past the two mice that were 'transforming' into the distance. At the end of the pedestrian street, a group of two-headed ogre was waving huge wooden sticks, driving away a group of monsters, roaring and laughing, smashing the shops on both sides, and setting fires wantonly.

From time to time, those ogres would drag out a few burnt black corpses from the fire, not afraid of burning their mouths, they would tear up a few pieces on the spot, share and eat them.

The yellow fox noticed that the eyes of several ogres had already noticed the two short figures curled up in front of the d&k shop, twitching their noses vigorously.

It hesitated for a few seconds, and the tail behind it snaked towards the door like a long snake.

"Think clearly."

Seeing that Tail was about to go out, on the reclining chair not far away, the owner of Sanyou Bookstore had no choice but to remind: "If you act now, you will save more than just two mice."

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