Hunting High School

Chapter 22 The Second School Year Started Early

Poseidon was finally captured by Su Ya and brought back to the Qingqiu mansion.

The little fox didn't have the courage to cut class and wanted to use Zheng Qing as a shield; but it didn't know that the young public finance student also didn't have the courage to interfere with Su Shijun's education.

After all, he is not a great wizard.

So after walking out of the boulevard, at the next fork in the road, Zheng Qing held Poseidon in his arms, solemnly handed it into Su Ya's arms, and warned, "How can you not finish your homework? Be good, since you started studying, You have to study hard and make progress every day, you know?"

The little fox was stunned for a second, then suddenly realized that he had been abandoned, chirping and struggling, trying to escape from Black Heart's clutches. But Su Ya quickly grabbed the nape of its neck and stopped it from trying to escape.

"You know the seriousness." The little fox girl gave the wizard a sideways look, then hugged Poseidon tightly, shook her ears, and left with a grand air, dragging her big fluffy tail.

Zheng Qing watched her petite figure disappear behind the bushes, sighed deeply, turned around, and walked dejectedly towards the dormitory mountain.

He decided not to approach the Qingqiu mansion for a while, because he had reason to believe that after today, there would be no one or foxes to welcome him there.

The melancholy of young people comes and goes quickly.

When Zheng Qing stood in front of the iron gate at the foot of the mountain in the dormitory, and saw Wuye Ni who was squatting in the small hole in the middle of the gate, puffing, the little fox's whining complaints were forgotten by him.

"Fifth Master, long time no see!" The wizard greeted with a smile, took out a few smoke pills from his pocket, and stuffed them into the mouth of the little bronze beast.

Although calculated according to the standard time, it has been less than a month since Zheng Qing left the dormitory last time, but during this period, he first went deep into the dreamland to explore, and then entered the black prison world to participate in a terrifying battle, so once again watching Seeing Mr. Ni, who was puffing smoke comfortably, always made him feel as if he had passed away.

The small bronze beast in the doorway chewed the cigarette pills, raised its eyelids, glanced at the smiling boy, and raised its chin impatiently. Zheng Qing was stunned for a few seconds before he could react, quickly took out his own student card, and approached Fifth Master.

A red light flashed in the eyes of the little bronze beast, it yawned, and patted the ball under its paw.


There was a crisp sound from the iron door behind it, and then it opened slowly with a creak.

Behind the door is the familiar silver corridor.

Zheng Qing took a breath, walked quickly into the long corridor, and pushed open the door of the dormitory at the end of the corridor—the indigo carpet, the four-corner six-poster bed, the ochre-yellow desk in the center of the dormitory, and four black armchairs around the table, Familiar colors, familiar tastes, and familiar pictures, although Zheng Qing felt that there were still some shortcomings, but this did not affect his satisfaction.

"Meow meow!"

A dusty figure jumped out from under the desk like a cloud of wind, and rushed into the arms of the wizard, almost knocking him to the ground.

Zheng Qing came back to her senses, only to realize that it was a dog that rushed into her arms.


The young wizard exclaimed in surprise, "Why are you here!"

"Because your smell is the strongest in this place, so it just stays here." A familiar voice came from the balcony, startling Zheng Qing: " went to dap;k for a while before For a while, Hu Wu was almost sold as a wild dog."

While talking, a burly figure squeezed into the dormitory from the balcony.

It's Sim Fatty.

Zheng Qing calculated the time subconsciously. Today, August 23rd, the fourth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, is a Sunday. There is still one week before the school starts on September 1st. Why did Fatty arrive so early?

Immediately, he remembered that in the last school year the school moved the freshman trial task to before the start of the sophomore year.

I see.

No wonder the school hospital was so talkative and let him be discharged easily.

"Hey, brother scumbag, long time no see!" Fatty greeted the boy with a smile, and the fat cat was lying on top of his head. Hearing this, he also flicked his tail at Zheng Qing, greeting him perfunctorily.

Before the surprise on Zheng Qing's face unfolded, he was abruptly shattered by Fatty's address.

His expression was so distorted that Fatty couldn't help but look at him a few more times: "Your it a facial spasm? Is it the aftereffect of the magic backlash?"

Zheng Qing grabbed the edamame's top flower skin and subconsciously twisted it around. The dog who suffered the unreasonable disaster whined aggrievedly, and didn't even wag its tail.

"Call that name again, be careful I'll beat you to the ground!" Gong Feisheng blushed and warned through gritted teeth.

Fatty immediately raised his hands, laughing loudly: "Don't blame me...I'm not the first to call out this nickname. I think Squad Leader Jiang is very aggressive. You also beat her up?"

Hearing this, Zheng Qing immediately became sluggish like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Fatty also quit as soon as he saw it, and didn't continue to stimulate him, turned around and squeezed back to the balcony again, continuing to rattle and clang, not knowing what he was tossing about.

"What are you doing?" Zheng Qing pulled open his own curtain, patted the dust, and asked in a low voice, holding his nose. Maodou obediently got under his bed.

"Organize the books and magic materials used last semester." Fatty replied: "The place is too small and there are too many things. There must be room for newcomers."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"'Sell as much as you can, and you will always find a suitable market'," Fatty yelled and replied, "This is what Shakespeare said, and it can't be wrong."

"Did Shakespeare say such a thing?" Zheng Qing expressed doubts while lighting a few cleaning charms to disperse the dust, mildew and filth in the tent.

"It's close." Fatty laughed, but didn't give a precise statement.

Zheng Qing couldn't help smiling. If Xiao Xiao was questioned like this, he would definitely report the source of that sentence, and even the exact page number and line number of the relevant version, and he would never be so ambiguous.

After the curtains were cleaned up and the beds were neatly remade, Zheng Qing lay on the soft bed with his head up. Looking at the fine warp and weft on the top of the curtains, he finally realized what was missing that he had been feeling all along.

"Where's my elf?" He jumped out of bed and yelled at Fatty.

"It's in the store." Fatty's voice came from the balcony: "The doctor has gone to pick them the way, check the accounts. Did you not go to the store all summer vacation? Hu Wu complained that the paper crane took the drawers of the few of us It's all full!"

Zheng Qing felt a little blushed for no reason.

But he also has good reasons.

"I have been hospitalized, and in order to prevent emotional fluctuations, the therapist forbids me to have too much contact with the outside world." He explained: "You should know about this situation..."

"Of course I know, otherwise you thought you would live so comfortably this summer vacation?" Fatty sneered, poking his head into the room from the balcony: "Speaking of which, your body is OK now, can you use magic normally?"

Tuantuan lying on his head felt a little unsteady, immediately raised his paw, and patted Fatty's head. Fatty raised his head obediently, making the fat cat more comfortable.

"It should be no problem." Zheng Qing thought of the scalper who was bundled into a ball by himself, and confidently patted the Dharma book beside him.

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