Hunting High School

Chapter 26 Disagreement And Compromise

Policies involving ancient wizards are beyond the reach of an ordinary great wizard.

As a great wizard, Professor Montelia knew that the life and death between wizards and monsters was limited to low-level wizards and monsters. Monsters first appeared as opponents, more like high rank beings tailor-made for low-level wizards whetstone.

Wizards hunt demons, winning is gratifying, but losing does not necessarily mean that there is no future-as long as they have enough strength to go far enough on the road of magic, then they will eventually see similar scenery as their former companions who parted ways.

Of course, this point of view can only be felt, not expressed in words.

Just like the McKinsey witch hunt in the 1950s, the rednecks in the south of the United States wanted to kill every Russian. The atmosphere of confrontation from top to bottom not only consolidated the internal unity of the two Great Emperor countries, but also stimulated the great technological development of the two Great Emperor countries. . And all this does not affect the heads of the two empires sitting at the round table, drinking coffee, smoking cigars, playing poker, gnawing corn, and dividing up resources in every corner of the world.

But no matter how you fight, the conflict between the two sides must be controlled within a certain range—especially when the originally weak party suddenly gains some kind of advantage, the other party needs to make some compromises to bring the confrontation between the two sides back to balance ——To use more technical terms, this belongs to 'management and control of differences'.

For example murlocs.

If one day a legend is suddenly born in the murloc tribe of Linzhong Lake, the school will certainly not be stingy to give more benefits to the murlocs, such as allowing young murlocs to study in the First University, and the school working committee recruiting more murloc workers , or the school will give more resources to the tribe in the lake to ensure the happiness and comfort of the murlocs' lives.

Go back to Siren King to promote the ancient.

When the new star representing Xiang Liu rose in the night sky, wizards had to make new adjustments in their attitude towards demons. Hunting can continue, Death can still be tolerated, but worse things must stop.

In the westward movement in the late nineteenth century and earlier, whites could scalp Indians to receive rewards, or put them on tour in cages; if the Indians had a strong army at that time, the whites would be more Willing to follow the "Geneva Convention" and treat prisoners of war with more dignity.

Realizing this, Professor Monteria's face suddenly turned pale. For wizards, his laboratory is reasonable, compliant, clean, and rigorous, but for demons, his laboratory is even more terrifying than a black prison. The monsters fell into the black prison and could barely survive, but when they entered his laboratory, they were in a dilemma of life and death.

A newly promoted ancient man must be more cautious before he knows his specific attitude, even if he is as powerful as the first university. Closing labs like Monteria is part of these 'cautions'.

The atmosphere in the office was silent for a long time.

The blue and white flames of the Gubre Immortal Fire swayed silently between the walls, the curtains were slightly closed, and the sunlight outside the window sparsely fell into the office, casting patches of mottled light and shadow on the dark red carpet.

After a long period of silence, Old Ruoyu shook his arm propped on the desk, put the pipe in his hand on the table, and asked in a low voice, "So, when will the laboratory..."

Professor Monteria was awakened by the sound, raised his head, and glanced at Old Man Ruoyu.

"It will... as soon as possible." He murmured, with a painful expression and some struggles.

This attitude obviously relieved the owner of the office. He picked up the pipe again, took a puff, and exhaled a bunch of round smoke rings:

"If possible, the school needs to confirm the time."

"One most two weeks." The professor replied in a low voice: "We need to sort out the relevant data, which will take some time. Magic research is not like the hands of a clock. It cannot be as precise as gears meshing."

"But magic is also the most precise."

Old Ruoyu knocked the ashes in the smoke pot, his eyes fell on another report on the table, and he smiled: "Speaking of which, do you know the Rat Immortal who used to live underground? His real name is Zhu, and he used to be A researcher at the First University, but later the experiment revealed

Chazi, had to hide in the shadows wearing a mouse skin. "

Professor Monteria took a breath and calmed down again.

Now that you have made up your mind, you can't look forward and backward. However, Mr. Ruoyu suddenly mentioned the Rat Immortal, which made him a little confused. He didn't know whether he was using the experience of the Rat Immortal to warn himself, or whether he had some other purpose.

He thought quickly, and cautiously said: "I've heard about Zhu senior. I heard that this time he found an opportunity to enter the legend in the black prison. It's really gratifying."

The owner of the office raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"No, no, I don't mean anything else, just relax."

He waved for a large armchair, put it behind the professor, and gestured: "Please sit down... I just hope that the atmosphere of our conversation will be a little more free, there is no other meaning."

Professor Monteria sat down suspiciously.

This time, Old Man Ruoyu found something wrong—his desk was too high, and when he looked at Professor Montelia sitting under the steps, it was easy to give people the feeling of interrogating criminals—so he He decisively brought another chair and placed it beside the professor, then he walked down from behind the desk with a wolf's head crutch and sat beside the professor.

He stroked the silver-white wolf's head on the crutch, and said softly, "I'm already very old. If nothing else happens, I probably won't have the chance to become an ancient wizard in this life... The future belongs to you young people after all."

"I mention Rat Immortal, just want to tell you, don't be too depressed because of temporary setbacks. Just like that big mouse, which has been hiding underground for decades, still has a chance to see the sun."

Professor Montelia was keenly aware of the unfinished meaning in the old man's words.

"What do you mean, the Rat Immortal can return to school?" He looked a little surprised: "I heard that he joined an organization called the Dark Council and caused a lot of trouble for the school in the black prison."

Old Ruoyu looked at the gray-haired professor in front of him, with a satisfied smile on his face: "This is also a compromise. In the black prison, I reached an agreement with the Six Fingers of the Dark Council, and he lost, so the Rat Immortal and the Dark Council That forbidden curse needs to become a part of the First University again and join the relevant departments... and the school will support the Dark Parliament, gain greater independence from the alliance, and may even tacitly allow the Dark Council to have the right to open up new worlds."

"Even his daughter has the chance to get a position at First University."

"In this world, disagreement is a normal state, and compromise is an art. The First University needs more wizards who understand art, not wizards who are content with the normal."

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